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  1. #1
    Matthew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Securing Rotmg Accounts

    Hello everyone, I am here today to tell you about everything you need to know when it comes to trading safely. I have seen many people asking questions regarding what they should do/receive during the trade and here are some simple tips to help. I have divided this post into three parts, trading items, trading accounts and links.

    Trading Rotmg Items

    When it comes to trading Rotmg items, there are many ways for a scam to happen. I have a few tips on how to prevent these and have a safe and smooth trade.

    1) Do some research on who you are buying/selling to. A simple search of the username or email of the user can reveal if they have been marked as a scammer or have a current scam report filed against them.
    2) Check how many vouches the user has and also look for the value of the vouches. The user with vouches of a higher value shouldn't go first. Look at it this way. I have a vouch for a trade of $1000. I have only one vouch but I am trading with a guy who has three vouches each having a value of $5 each. From my trade value, I naturally seem more trustworthy based on the trade value. This isn't always the case. You should look at how many vouches they have, the value, the date and other things that may represent them as a trusted member.
    3) Make sure to save any conversations between each other as evidence if a charge back is filed. This is easily done by using MPGH's IM.
    4) There isn't any way to safely trade items anymore since they disabled drop trading but for your account's safety always try to opt for mule delivery if possible. This is when the seller gives you the mule login and you trade the items to yourself, therefore keeping your IGN private. It is feasible to use a VPN but isn't required.
    5) Always leave vouches for each other so they can gain trust and have an easier trading experience.

    Trading Accounts

    When it comes to trading a Rotmg account, whether it be buying or selling, there are many people who will take the chance to scam you. I have a few tips on how to prevent a scam and how to secure your account after purchase, to prevent recovery from the seller.

    1) Do some research on who you are buying/selling to. A simple search of the username or email of the user can reveal if they have been marked as a scammer or have a current scam report filed against them.
    2) Check how many vouches the user has and also look for the value of the vouches. The user with vouches of a higher value shouldn't go first. Look at it this way. I have a vouch for a trade of $1000. I have only one vouch but I am trading with a guy who has three vouches each having a value of $5 each. From my trade value, I naturally seem more trustworthy based on the trade value. This isn't always the case. You should look at how many vouches they have, the value, the date and other things that may represent them as a trusted member.
    3) Make sure to save any conversations between each other as evidence if a charge back is filed. This is easily done by using MPGH's IM.
    4) When you first receive the login information to the account, take off any email recovery/security options there is and add you own. Change the email's password as well. Then login to your realm account and change that password as well. Make sure the account works properly and has everything that was advertised in the thread that you found the account being sold in.
    5) Make sure to get any recovery information for the account, this being security question answers and gold transactions.
    6) Contact Deca Support and ask to have the email changed to your personal one. You will need to provide the current email linked to the account/IGN, the security question answers, and the gold transactions.
    7) Add at least 3 transactions to the account to have something to prove your ownership. I recommend making it different amounts on different dates
    8) The way the previous account owners were able to recover the account was by identifying it by the IGN. This can be done by making use of Realmeye and other means. I recommend making your Realmeye private, changing the account's IGN, changing any dyes and leaving the current guild that the account is in. I also recommend that you clear the account's friend list as you can track the new IGN if the previous account owner has it as a friend on another account. You can also change characters/pet skins but that isn't always needed. The main goal is to completely erase the identity that the account had when you first received it.
    9) Always leave vouches for each other so they can gain trust and have an easier trading experience.

    There is no guarantee after doing all of this that the previous account owner will be able to recover the account. This is mainly just making it extremely hard for them to do so. You have been warned.


    Make sure to follow the rules put in place for the Rotmg Trading Section: Here
    Make sure to check if the user you are trading with is a scammer: Here
    If you need to report a scammer do it here following the format found here
    Make sure that the user you are buying from has proof of ownership of the account, the required proof is found here
    Request for Middleman services here
    Contact Deca Support

    Thank you for reading and hopefully you found something in this post useful. If I left anything out please let me know.

    Last edited by Matthew; 05-23-2020 at 11:57 PM.

  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Matthew For This Useful Post:

    1mystic4 (05-28-2020),[MPGH]Beex (07-23-2024),enmity4 (05-28-2020),Kate (05-29-2020),kr_nekdo (05-24-2020),Mutepitt (07-13-2020)

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