I'm a washed up GM player who has some free time now due to the carona. If you have had throwers, leavers, griefers in your games and have lost SR because of it, then I will fight for you to get it back free of charge. I'll try to boost as fast as possible hopefully finishing within a week if feasible. I've played on IRL friends accounts before and boosted them to diamond but this was before role q when finding games were fast. https://imgur.com/498Anod

Here is a shot of when I made GM for the first time in the old dive meta days.
Here is when I was on the top 500 leaderboard when combined role queue first came out.

Here is what I can do on your account. You will have some insane stats and games.

I will probably only need to tweak some mouse sens and control keybinds for a few heroes so take a screenshot so you can remember your original values.
So if you are ready to turn your match history from losses to all wins then contact me today.
Be sure to secure your account and add an authenticator before getting any boosting as well! Let me know if you have any questions and look forward to climbing your account soon!