Namine (11-16-2020)
Hello, I am making my new shop here in Selling Accounts/Keys/Items forum.
I already offer new STEAM custom region accounts in my SHOP for some time.
From now I will offer new service and it is switching your already owned account to different region, that you can buy games directly from your main steam account with huge discounts!
You can check game prices on
I will need to login in to your steam account that you want me to switch to different region!
For now switch to Russian steam store is avaliable soon Argentina, Turkey and many more will be added!
This regions offer very cheap prices for any games you would want to get on steam!
PRICE: 20,00$ - Crypto
PRICE: 20,00€ - PayPal
You can pay me
- Ethereum
- Bitcoin
- Litecoin
- PayPal as friends and family
No refund. No replacement.
Add me on IM
Service giveaway LINK
Preview of region change from different region to russian steam store for service giveaway winner @Namine
Last edited by Ahlwong; 12-10-2020 at 05:38 PM.
Namine (11-16-2020)
Thread approved.Do not Reply to This Post
You can only bump(Post on your own Thread)your thread and reply to customers once every 24 hours...[Section Rules]
The only allowed contact method is our integrated IM chat.
If you or any customer requires a middleman trade safe using MPGH's selected Middle Men
Current Middlemen are:
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👉 📧 You can also reach me via Telegram: Click to add me on Telegram(@AzerilaStore) 📧 👈
👉 📧 You can also reach me via Discord: azerila 📧 👈
Welcome to join to MPGH Main server
$15 seems like a lot but GLWS![]()
Last edited by C4SPI4N; 11-17-2020 at 02:44 AM.
wsupreme (11-17-2020)
Hi there
I'm interested if you can do some sort of discount for an early vouch. PM me if interested!
daily bump
@Phosphatize added on IM. @Dually not sure, but you can add me on IM and we can figure it out.
Interested, added on IM
+rep, great seller responded quickly and answered all questions I had. Definitely recommend and very affordable!
wsupreme (11-25-2020)