I am wondering if there are any good ones out there compared to GTA online, I know its still early for the RDR2 game and its modding scene, Even Single Player menus are hard to find except one good decent one by jedijosh.

I'd be interested in one, rather be a do it myself, take the risk kind of guy. Not a fan of R*. But if I want a safe account, I might take a service. My interests are:

100+ Level (No reason to be higher than that since there are not gatelocks behind it.
200,000 Cash
2000 Gold
Maxed Roles ( most of them)
Unlockables (vanity at best)

Recovery menu is nice to have.

But I also look towards, Menus with Bodyguards/Ped/Animal spawner for fun. Rather do this in a private lobby if I can figure out how to activate a solo lobby.