-- I am using master131 VB.NET Memory Module v2


hi everyone, i am making a program for GTA San Andreas and I am having some problems adding pointers (or offsets?)

This address ---> 0xB6F5F0 is the Player Pointer (CPed)

and to get the XYZ Values I have to add 0x14 to the Player Pointer

CPed +0x14 = Pointer to XYZ position structure (and rotation)
(CPed+0x14) +0x30 = [dword] XPos
(CPed+0x14) +0x34 = [dword] YPos
(CPed+0x14) +0x38 = [dword] ZPos
I have tried every possible way I know to obtain the coordinates and I am left with totally different values far from the XYZ coords

heres one of the ways i've tried it:
 Dim xCooridnateAddress As Single = ReadMemory(Of Single)(&HB6F5F0) + &H14 + &H30
Dim xCooridnateAddress As Single = ReadMemory(Of Single)(&HB6F5F0) + &H30 + &H14
Can someone please help me and lead me to the right direction ...

thank you