I have this pointer on cheat engine and i want to get the value of the address on my C# code but i'm not able to get the correct value (in this case 4)

This is what i try to do but when i print the value i don't get "4":
public static int baseAddres = 0x00400000; (this is the address of "Argentum.exe"
int finalAdress = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)baseAddres + 0x002A88C8);
int LocalSlot = vam.ReadInt32((IntPtr)finalAdress + 0xC + 0xAE0 + 0x53C + 0x8E4 + 0x90 + 0x8 + 0x48);
When i print "LocalSlot" value i get this: 215711428
Any idea what i might be doing wrong?