What You Need To Know Before Purchasing GOOGLE DRIVE:
✔ Team Drives come with
unlimited storage space, one time payment, no monthly or annual fee with
1 month warranty.
✔ Team Drives won't merge with your existing Google Drive 15GB free storage. It's a
complete separate storage which linked to your Gmail address.
✔ Team Drives won't integrate with Google Photos. However, you still can upload your photos manually into team drive from desktop web or Google Drive app.
✔ Team Drives don't work with Google Backup & Sync. All uploads to be done
manually through web browser or Google Drive mobile app.
✔Folders in Team Drives cannot be shared as link (This is All Team Drive restriction).
✔Files still can be shared as link as usual.
✔Max File Size of
5TB per File !
Daily Maximum Upload Data is 750GB. It resets every 24 hours...
✔Please allow up to 0-48 hours delivery of team drive.
✔Refund or return will not be entertained after Team Drive has been assigned or you do not agree to any of the above.
Please do not purchase if you do not agree with this.
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1 Month Warranty: 2.5$
3 Month Warranty: 7$
6 Month Warranty: 12$
1 Year Warranty: 20$