Hi, I'm an adult with responsibilities, and thus can no longer spend time playing RotMG.
I would like to see a return on my time and financial investments.
It would also be nice for someone with more time to enjoy my beloved account I've build up over so many years.
Of course, full email access, gold receipts, and security question answers will be provided upon purchase.
Account rundown:
Purple name
Orange star
Account from 2014
35 character slots
608 vault slots
Maxed potion rack
Many sts, uts, and limiteds
All except for 5 O3 blueprints, and many others
5 8/8s, other random characters
Pets ready to fuse to divine
Many skins
120 backpacks
Add me on IM to discuss pricing and whatnot
(Proof images:)
MPGH name: https://prnt.sc/iwwDN6etImkC
Vault, pets, characters, forge: https://prnt.sc/D4d25DmHYGzx
Domain: https://prnt.sc/Ij6fTqmEYHmP