Still available!
Account-1: Screenshots
10 stars account.
Characters:5 (6/8,5/8, and x3: 0/8)
Vault space: 32
Pets: Rare max/max/1(Heal, MagicHeal, Electric). 2nd pet: Rare max/max/1. (u can fuse to legendary already, but need fame, upgrade pet yard) (+have 5 uncommon pets for fusing)
Gift Chests: 199
Cool loot from gift chest: 14FP items, SunnySideBow, Easter Knight Set, some whites, ut's, 16 backpacks, 6 advBelts, 16 clovers, 2 cool petSkins, much mystery pots.
Have all alien rings+loaded core, some alien whites..
Price: idk, dm me ur prices?
Account-2: Screenshots
20 stars account
6 characters
x1 Legendary pet 88/88, 88/88, 75,88
x12 uncommon pets
Heal, Magic Heal, Decoy
(have uncommon pet "Magic Heal, Heal, Electric)
10k fame
72 vault slots
272 gift chest items.
Rare whites: Oreo, Tablet.
Cool from gift chest:
IceCrown, Chibi Umi pet skin, Sunny Side Bow, Alien Ring's, Alien Core, clowers, st chests, much backpaks, much lucky-clovers, adv-belts.
Price: idk, dm me ur prices?
Still available!