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  1. #1
    journeyman12's Avatar
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    Smoking pot. Good or bad?

    Now, I have had a lot of discussions about this topic.

    In fact the topic is mostly about THC. I think CBD is good and harmless.

    Now, 'smoking pot' has brought me some troubles when I was young. Getting lazy. Just watching movies and eating junkfood. For minors it´s bad stuff.

    I am a supporter of cannabis use for conscious people. People who really want it and use it conscious. It does open some doors for me and deeply concentrating one 1 thing is amazing, but I look like a fool for the person around me who doesn´t smoke.

    My fear is if it affacts the brain. I want to have a healthy brain as long as possible.

    That´s why I started to quit alcohol. I was not a daily drinker but once outside with friends I never stopped drinking beer and wine and stuff. At home I never drink.

    But now, not even one glass of wine and man! Do I feel good!!!

    Sorry for my English. I could use a translator to make this text better readable. Will do so the next time. It´s very early in the morning here is my excuse

    Curious if I met people here who "are like me". So, not just talking about pot.

    Drugs like cocaine, speed... for me it´s poison. The psychedelics is what interests me..

  2. #2
    abrahrmoses's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2024

    Smoking Pot. Good or Bad?

    It really depends on the context and personal needs. Some people benefit from medicinal cannabis, like for pain or anxiety, while others may experience negative effects like memory issues or lack of motivation if used excessively. For recreational use, moderation seems key to avoiding dependency. Plus, legal and health factors matter—always a good idea to check local laws and research more about the pros and cons.

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