For educational purposes only, use the referred to applications and methods at your own risk, I do not condone any malicious actions and or content theft. BAN RISK - Depends on you but users have mentioned getting banned for trying to use an outdated modded assembly.

There will be applications mentioned, there are better alternatives and more up-to-date projects of course. I am simply posting this one method using one of the many programs, you may personally use whatever application you wish if this tutorials' mentioned application is not to your liking.

You will need:

#1: AQ3D Installed.
#2: dnSpy or similar (I will be using dnSpy for example)

1. C# Knowledge/Coding Proficiency (Not too much but a decent understanding)
2. Keep your methods stored somewhere in a file for when you need to update a new .dll

How to:

1. Open your Aq3D game directory and head into the Managed folder within (EX: AdventureQuest3D\aq3d\AQ3D_Data\Managed)
[I personally change the directory to be AdventureQuest3D\aq3d-\AQ3D_Data\Managed] to prevent auto updates and when I snag a new client, I assume the old DLL is no longer safe to use] (not saying anything for sure, just how I look at it, in which case I update the new one with the stored methods)

2. Open dnSpy/Preferred Application.

3. Select the [EX: AdventureQuest3D\aq3d\AQ3D_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll] and drag it into the left panel of dnSpy.

4. You should now be able to open and edit data in the DLL, in the left panel you can use the drop-down and view classes/functions with ease and begin editing them with a right-click *edit-method I believe just going off of memory. then you can save just the function/method and head up to the top left and choose to save the new data.

Sorry ran out of time. So I hurried the explanation for now.