If the Artix team reads these, please note that Generic2.swf is of course nostalgic but could very happily become Generic3.swf and have the new infinity screen bitmap traced into it VerySmooth,LotsOfCurves,Maximum(45 1) I think. It would improve how players felt about things even though it's something simple, IDK could just be me. - Thanks
I will likely be REMOVING the packet spammer or limiting its speeds heavily (I may not) [I always attempt to avoid problems with Artix beyond me learning and enjoying hobby coding, sorry]
When you read on their website, I believe beyond that feature, there is no reason for it to majorly bother them hence no major ban sweeps (Yes even with a set UserAgent they can tell you are not on Edge/Chrome/Electron/Etc...). (Other than the cheating, third party, ban offense, etc..) so note that.
(There are always ways around it, sad coding truth)
As always if they reach out to me here on MPGH asking me to stop :'( and help code fixes I will, to avoid any trouble and help any caused.
I will be doing my best to update and Change UI and address Logic problems/bugs.
(I'm sure spider has a fun time in the office considering he is responsible for Cetera, Revenant, unintentionally and unhappily helping Grimoire along (Long story)) & AQLite which is a proud one, but still had to be built on similar principles at the time so it shows many flaws & exploits in concept)