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  1. #1
    IfOnlyYouKnew's Avatar
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    Post Cetera r.10.3 LT

    Hello the last release of Cetera is the same SWF wise as this one. The change here is the LT Linker Test.

    This version utilizes the AxShockwave. Typically, this requires you to register a Flash.ocx. This is done for you and unregistered upon closing. This does not require the OCX to be in a specific spot nor does it move any files to make it work.
    (Grimoire/Daily flash users, be warned this unregisters upon closing mean no flash is registered with your system upon closing)

    Requires: .NET 4.8, Windows OS.

    This is a test, requires administrator privileges to register so not optimal. Should just start up and work.

    No Flash install required by you.

    Please let me know how it goes.
    1 False Flag from MaxSecure.

    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by IfOnlyYouKnew; 06-22-2024 at 11:39 PM.
    Contributor: March 14'th, Minionforce: March 15'th, Minion Plus: May 30'th, Former Staff: September 9'th, 2023

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  2. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to IfOnlyYouKnew For This Useful Post:

    AngryMike (07-28-2024),AnyaTheCosplayer (06-29-2024),erawawr (06-23-2024),gevox28350 (08-06-2024),Huh101 (3 Weeks Ago),MomotoroGames (08-05-2024),nekolover01 (08-06-2024),Pierrot No VII (07-15-2024),powercoolkid123 (07-16-2024),saifa420 (06-26-2024),SherriaBlendy (1 Week Ago),sugmeet (07-16-2024),Ttch (07-15-2024)

  3. #2
    IfOnlyYouKnew's Avatar
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    Needs work doesn't unregister the OCX properly.
    Contributor: March 14'th, Minionforce: March 15'th, Minion Plus: May 30'th, Former Staff: September 9'th, 2023

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  4. #3
    IfOnlyYouKnew's Avatar
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    I have decided I am going to work on a running release of Cetera and begin updates on it. This was a test, not the new program I am talking about releasing.

    Coming Soon - Non-Projector Cetera R10.6. Visual Studio .NET 4.8
    Last edited by IfOnlyYouKnew; 07-05-2024 at 04:50 PM.
    Contributor: March 14'th, Minionforce: March 15'th, Minion Plus: May 30'th, Former Staff: September 9'th, 2023

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    Want to make my life better? <3 BTC: 3JoQRjwK28DVGTzL4mYkpjHRBeoFwNFVe7

  5. #4
    IfOnlyYouKnew's Avatar
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    Cetera R11.1 Now has its own EXE and more official setup. When ran as admin it can Sys-Wide Patch Flash (Without the need for a UI) and run!
    Upon close (for now) a cmd window will appear and delete it after giving you 4 seconds to close it. (If you close it, you do not need to run as admin every time and the app will work).
    New Libraries: ReStack & IOYK-OCX-LINKER coded by me.

    First Scan: 2 False Flags

    Cetera R11 Program Icon:

    Icon Credits: Poonce, 133Spider, IfOnlyYouKnew

    Release Date: TBD (Still in the works)
    Contributor: March 14'th, Minionforce: March 15'th, Minion Plus: May 30'th, Former Staff: September 9'th, 2023

    Coding Hobbyist | - Current Activity | BattleOn | RotMG |

    Want to make my life better? <3 BTC: 3JoQRjwK28DVGTzL4mYkpjHRBeoFwNFVe7

  6. #5
    IfOnlyYouKnew's Avatar
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    Updated: Now has a 32-bit and 64-bit variant. Both can auto patch flash and utilize it from the local folder, for now I had to Create a small patch for the Time-bomb for the 64-bit, I did it similar to an old Grimoire patch I made, but much less likely to mess up your date as it has yet to f**k up mine . I did code it myself and did not utilize any extra Packages/etc. I'm not always a fan of using additional Packages unless they are needed or well trusted and used by millions.
    Cetera 32-bit & 64-bit can run alongside each other at the same time.

    The application utilizes my basis ReStack Library allowing me to add "Rafts" which result in many possibilities in the way I can set it up to run, I incorporated this since I needed to flash patch and wanted my applications to process in a more Dynamic and Unique way.

    IOYK_OCX-LINKER Library has been modified to incorporate AxShockwaveFlashObjects and should now be capable of allowing Proper Calls as usual vs my workaround via reflection.
    I figured it couldn't hurt much since either way flash is needed.
    Commented out my deletion script code and activation, I will add an option in the application to do so via a button for both variants.

    133Spider AQLite titlescreen takeover has been added but a custom version of course for cetera showing Spider's long known Cetera avatar now standing alongside the "Good" Artix team, having switched sides . Both loadscreen and login BG are Infinity styled to make you feel more up to date.

    If the Artix team reads these, please note that Generic2.swf is of course nostalgic but could very happily become Generic3.swf and have the new infinity screen bitmap traced into it VerySmooth,LotsOfCurves,Maximum(45 1) I think. It would improve how players felt about things even though it's something simple, IDK could just be me. - Thanks

    I will likely be REMOVING the packet spammer or limiting its speeds heavily (I may not) [I always attempt to avoid problems with Artix beyond me learning and enjoying hobby coding, sorry]
    When you read on their website, I believe beyond that feature, there is no reason for it to majorly bother them hence no major ban sweeps (Yes even with a set UserAgent they can tell you are not on Edge/Chrome/Electron/Etc...). (Other than the cheating, third party, ban offense, etc..) so note that.
    (There are always ways around it, sad coding truth)
    As always if they reach out to me here on MPGH asking me to stop :'( and help code fixes I will, to avoid any trouble and help any caused.

    I will be doing my best to update and Change UI and address Logic problems/bugs.

    (I'm sure spider has a fun time in the office considering he is responsible for Cetera, Revenant, unintentionally and unhappily helping Grimoire along (Long story)) & AQLite which is a proud one, but still had to be built on similar principles at the time so it shows many flaws & exploits in concept)
    Last edited by IfOnlyYouKnew; 07-17-2024 at 02:20 PM.
    Contributor: March 14'th, Minionforce: March 15'th, Minion Plus: May 30'th, Former Staff: September 9'th, 2023

    Coding Hobbyist | - Current Activity | BattleOn | RotMG |

    Want to make my life better? <3 BTC: 3JoQRjwK28DVGTzL4mYkpjHRBeoFwNFVe7

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