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News Force - 08-23-2018 - 10-02-2018
Middleman - 05-09-20 - 19-12-2020
Former Staff - 19-12-2020 - 09-09-2024
Steam Minion - 09-09-2024 - On going
supercarz1991 (08-01-2024)
I like the graphic design section a lot.
That legend still checks in every now and then @supercarz1991
I Read All Of My PM's & VM'sIf you need help with anything, just let me know.
Staff Administrator Since 10.13.2019
Publicist Since 04.04.2015
Middleman Since 04.14.2014
Global Moderator Since 08.01.2013
Premium Since 05.29.2013
Minion+ Since 04.18.2013
Combat Arms Minion Since 12.26.2012
Contributor Since 11.16.2012
Member Since 05.11.2010
supercarz1991 (08-01-2024)
I'm still here, I lurk around. I even still mess with Combat Arms, more privately now than publicly ever since the whole CA-Reborn thing happened with valofe... <3
Once you join MPGH, you can't leave MPGH, no matter how hard you try.
I actually got a job in video game QA recently, remotely, for a game that comes out next year. I gotta thank the years of posting on MPGH, which pushed the incentive to learn game exploitation and bug hunting... mainly here it was CA, but elsewhere it was Racing Rivals, Nitto 1320 franchise, even console games at one point. I'm currently making a randomizer for an old mobile drag racing game on Android.
If it hadn't been for MPGH, i doubt I'd know half of what I know now.
Fun fact, I set My Mood basically the day I first joined MPGH, and never changed it.
I do plan on relaunching a LithArchive web page as well... might just do a linktree style to keep it easy
One thing I wish I could forget is how much time I spent on Skype VC's with a specific person from the CA Modding days. I don't remember his username here, I think it was HOTD, anyway... he's in prison now for some very gross things, and I hope they're constantly beating the shit out of him
Last edited by supercarz1991; 08-01-2024 at 03:43 PM.
commando: You're probably the best non-coder coder I know LOL
[MPGH]Flengo (08-01-2024),Kprizzy (3 Weeks Ago),[MPGH]meme (08-02-2024)
I miss all the combat arms modding groups that there was. .REZ was a good friend, aeronyx and a few others. Loved making mods back then.
1/08/2011: MPGHian
1/27/2024: Global Mod
6/08/2023: Moderator
1/22/2021: Minion+
9/29/2020: Minion
7/26/2020: GFX Team
8/07/2017: News Force
12/03/2012: Combat Arms Wiki Editor
10/03/2011: CA Public Hack Support Team
7/11/2011: Donator/Premium
6/25/2011 - 7/06/2013: Combat Arms Modder
I Read All Of My PM's & VM'sIf you need help with anything, just let me know.
Staff Administrator Since 10.13.2019
Publicist Since 04.04.2015
Middleman Since 04.14.2014
Global Moderator Since 08.01.2013
Premium Since 05.29.2013
Minion+ Since 04.18.2013
Combat Arms Minion Since 12.26.2012
Contributor Since 11.16.2012
Member Since 05.11.2010
Always wondered what happened to .REZ. Last I knew he was pretty sick and not doing well. I remember him once talking about the prescriptions he was on "just to keep him alive" would absolutely knock him out.
I know certain folks haven't stopped working on it. I've love to see it come back. I've thought about tempting valofe and seeing how they'd react if I put up a simple server with a public facing IP and a YouTube video. I wonder if they'd strike it down still.
I was royally warned at one point not to release some things I have gained in the last year or 2. We got a Dev Debug client for Reloaded and CA: Classic source code leaked into my hands
Also the dude in jail, the only hint I'll give is he has to register as a p3do. I hate that I know the details. I had to give a statement, I was one of the people he confessed to. When the confiscated his computers, they found the messages via d!sc0rd, then I got contacted.
Last edited by supercarz1991; 08-05-2024 at 01:16 PM.
commando: You're probably the best non-coder coder I know LOL
I'm biased but I support the attempt to challenge them, I just wanna play again But yeah probably best to not do anything with the dev clients since I think for that they seriously will come after you. Sounds pretty cool and fun to play around with though.
Damn that's fucked. I hope he spent a long time in jail for that.
I Read All Of My PM's & VM'sIf you need help with anything, just let me know.
Staff Administrator Since 10.13.2019
Publicist Since 04.04.2015
Middleman Since 04.14.2014
Global Moderator Since 08.01.2013
Premium Since 05.29.2013
Minion+ Since 04.18.2013
Combat Arms Minion Since 12.26.2012
Contributor Since 11.16.2012
Member Since 05.11.2010