According to our records your account is temporarily blocked due to a BDCreditCard Temporary Hold for the following payments.

ID: 30043-0_32 Date :7/9/2010 11:00:40 AM

Please contact BDCreditCard (local phone number and email found on their site) to find out the specific nature of the temporary hold. Once the payment is reversed back to your account, please contact us immediately with the transaction information and we will unblock your account.

If the payment can not be reversed then this issue will be considered a chargeback and a USD $10 fee would be added to each chargeback on your account plus the owed amount to be able to unblock the account. All chargebacks can only be paid by money order from your bank or western union payable to G4Box Inc. for the full amount owing (with extra fees included) in US funds.

Please also make sure your money order is international ( Payable in Canada if you don't live in Canada), write down your game id on the back of the money order with a pencil, and remember to sign your name on the money order before you mail it to us. It can then be mailed to the following address.

885 Don mills Road
Suite 202
Toronto, Canada
M3C 1V9

For more information please send us a support ticket or you can call us at 416-444-4832.

this is what i got today , does anyone have an idea WDF is this cuz i didn't buy ZP anytime this month !!!!!!