Thread: Autobot

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  1. #1
    xRebirth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    open multiclient.

    log in and pick your character.

    Wait for everything to load.

    Open release_16d 1839 folder and open notepad.exe

    Next Press crlt + numpad 3

    there would be a list of skills.

    Downloads :


    ================================================== =====

    If you have any Error post them here. Best with a SS


    GameName= "Knight OnLine Client"
    HackName= "Untitled – Notepad"


    This option is used to tell the bot which window to hook to, if you are using multi-client add the client window name in the quotation marks. The default setting for GameName is set to "Knight OnLine Client". But, that may vary if you are using a multiclient.


    This option defines the window title of the hack itself. As GMs can scan your running processes we shall use a camouflage name just in case. Also it would be good if you would rename the .exe name to notepad.exe too or something else.


    Key00 = 0×60
    Key01 = 0×61
    Key02 = 0×62
    Key03 = 0×63
    Key04 = 0×64
    Key05 = 0×65
    Key06 = 0×66
    Key07 = 0×67
    Key08 = 0×68
    Key09 = 0×69
    Key10 = 0×11
    Key12 = 0×6B
    Key13 = 0×6A
    These are the hotkeys of the hack. You may have noticed by now that 0×60 or others are not actually keys on your keyboard, these are virtual key codes. You can find a list of virtual key codes at List of Virtual Key Codes

    Configurable hotkeys

    Default (Combination) - Description.
    - CTRL + NUM0 (key10 + key00) - Toggle elite wallhack.
    - CTRL + NUM1 (key10 + key01) - Toggle moviemode.
    - CTRL + NUM2 (key10 + key02) - Toggle Nation. Maybe you find use for it.
    - CTRL + NUM3 (key10 + key03) - Print skilltree skills.
    - CTRL + NUM4 (key10 + key04) - Print your character's and your party members' IDs.
    - CTRL + NUM5 (key10 + key05) - Print target info
    - CTRL + NUM6 (key10 + key06) - Print your inventory info. Good for finding out Item IDs.
    - CTRL + NUM7 (key10 + key07) - Toggles the stack'ability of the item in the last slot of your inventory. Make multiple stacks of something.
    - CTRL + NUM8 (key10 + key08) - Follow target.
    - CTRL + NUM9 (key10 + key09) - Reskill.
    - CTRL + NUM+ (key10 + key12) - Reload Settings file.
    - NUM* (key13) - Toggle Bot

    Unconfigurable hotkeys

    - SHIFT + ESC - Appropriate hack close.
    - CONTEXT - Open main settings.
    - INSERT - Print quick target info party chat.


    Sit= 0
    Continue= 1
    WallHack= 1
    ThreatLevel= 80
    PartyLimit = 1
    DurabilityPct= 3
    StackLimit= 199
    ExcludedSlots= 7
    SkillCorrection= 0

    Sit (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    Use this option if you would like your character to sit down when you're not casting a skill. Good feature for buffers/healers that will help you save mana and save pots in the long run.

    Continue (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    This function asks you whether you would like to continue botting after respawning from death or being rezzed.

    WallHack (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    This feature allows you to run through objects while botting. It is old-school wallhack.

    ThreatLevel (value range from 1 to 255)

    Targeting system of attack bot excludes monsters with level equal to or above ThreatLevel value.
    Also see IsThreat escape event.

    PartyLimit (value range from 1 to 8)

    See NoParty escape event. If this is set to 0, then escape event is never performed.

    DurabilityPct (value range from 1 to 100)

    See IfRepair escape event. If this is set to 0, then escape event is never performed.

    StackLimit (value range from 1 to 9999)

    When this limit is reached by an item stack, then this item is no more picked up by YOU. Though other party members can still pick it up for you. This feature was added as a response to KOL stack looting check, which caused your game to be closed if stack size reached 200 or above. This feature is also useful for weight managing.
    Also see IfStacked escape event. If StackLimit is set to 0, then escape event is never performed.

    ExcludedSlots (value range from 0 to 28)

    See IfStacked escape event. If this is set to 28, then escape event is never performed.

    SkillCorrection (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    When enabled this function tries to correct your configured skill IDs if respective skills are not found in your skilltree.


    IsMaster= 00111101
    IsThreat= 00100000
    IsEnemy= 00100000
    IsDead= 00100000
    NoWeapons= 01000010
    NoHealth= 00100001
    NoMana= 00000000
    NoPriest= 00000000
    NoParty= 00000000
    IfStacked= 00000000
    IfStuffed= 00000000
    IfRepair= 00100001
    NoItem= 00000000
    Escape events are certain defined events by the bot. If event is set and takes place, then the bot will take certain set of actions. The escape events are only performed when botting is activated.
    The values consist of 8 bits, each bit sets its own action. The value of bit can only be either 0 or 1, in which 0 means disabled and 1 means enabled.


    Escape Skill - Repair Route - Play Sound - Close Bot - Disconnect Game - Quit Party - Run Back To Spot - Go Town

    Action descriptions

    Escape Skill - Priests and mages have teleportation skills, this bit sets whether this skill should be used.
    Repair Route - This bit sets whether Repair Route should be activated.
    Play Sound - This would play 'alarm.wav' sound file in KOAB folder.
    Close Bot - Closes the bot.
    Disconnect Game - Disconnects you from the game. As a sidenote, whenever bot detects that you are disconnected then it also closes the game. No need to waste the memory.
    Quit Party - Quits your character from the party.
    Run Back To Spot - Runs back to the spot where you activated botting.
    Go Town - Places your character into town, same as /town command in the game. So you should keep HP above half.
    The order in which bot processes the actions is:
    Go Town -> Escape Skill -> Quit Party -> Disconnect Game -> Close Bot -> Repair Route -> Run Back -> Play Sound

    Event descriptions


    This defines actions for event, when Game Master character or blacklisted name is detected. It's best if you set this to close bot, town, and disconnect. So, there is no chance of you getting banned.


    This defines actions for event, when a monster with level equal to or above ThreatLevel value gets closer to you than 15 distance units. The event is not performed, when you are in transformation or the monster is Snowman, Scarecrow or Christmas Tree. If you are rogue and this event is set to 00000000, then if you have Hide skill available, it is used instead.


    If you should ever be botting in Server1 on your national map or in some certain warzone, and when opposite nation player is detected in your area, then this is the event for dealing this situation.


    This defines actions for event, when your character dies while botting. In this case 'Go Town' means accepting the EXP loss and respawning in your resurrection spot.


    When you should ever use expirable weapons and you lose your weapons and become unarmed, then this is the event for dealing this situation.


    This defines actions for event, when you are running out of HP potions.


    This defines actions for event, when you are running out of MP potions.


    This defines actions for event, when bot discovers you have no priest in your party.


    This defines actions for event, when party member count gets lower than PartyLimit value.


    This defines actions for event, when bot finds an item stack in inventory with size equal to or above StackLimit value. But the slots as value of ExcludedSlots from the beginning of inventory are excluded from the check.


    This defines actions for event, when there are no empty slots in your inventory.


    When current durability of any equiped gear item gets lower than DurabilityPct percentage value of this item's maximum durability, then this is the event for dealing this situation.


    If you use some skills which casting require some items, then when you run out of those items, then this is the event for dealing this situation. Good for now, when archery skills are moved server-side.


    InstantCast= 1
    CastWhileRun = 1
    ShiftSkill= 0
    ShiftAttack= 600

    InstantCast (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    Choose whether you want to cause skill effect before the skill animation or after it. If you would like to look more "legit", you should disable this. But if you have trouble with kill-stealers, then you might try to enable this.

    CastWhileRun (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    If you wish to cast while you run, leave this option at 1. This is the best way to bot. But, if you want to look more "legit", put it to 0. But, when you start running, you will not attack.

    ShiftSkill (value range from -1000 to 1000)

    This value shifts the intervals of the skills you use, the units are in milliseconds. 0 would mean no shifting. For example if you set this to -100, then the interval of each skill is decreased by 0.1 seconds. Actually there's not much to decrease, because the bot already uses the minimal interval. But if you encounter a problem, when bot casts more than actual damage is caused (you'll notice excessive MP usage), then with this option you can increase those intervals. This is usually some connection problem, lag or something. Anyway you should change this value by minimal amounts, as 50~100 units, and then testing every time you change it. The value range is actually greater, however there is no need to use greater values. Using too big negative value might cause negative intervals and thus unknown results, you probably would get disconnected.

    ShiftAttack (value range from -1000 to 1000)

    This option has same functionality as above one, but this here is meant for normal attack (aka R-attack) interval. This option would indeed require you to enable NormalAttack. Different weapons have different attack speed. The bot automatically uses 600ms interval, which is good for if you're using daggers. So you could set this value here to 0. But if you'd like to use spear, swords or staff, you should at least set this value to 400 or even more, so the total interval would be at least 1 second. You should test it by yourself to get the best attack results - monitor the times bot casts the attack and the times target takes the damage. Moradon Scarecrows are good targets on what to test this feature. Just set all attack skills to 0, so these won't mix up your results.


    BotType = 0
    TargetingMethod= 5
    TargetLevelMin= 1
    TargetLevelMax= 255
    TargetHPMin= 1000
    TargetHPMax= 2000
    TargetID= 1001, 1002, 1003
    TargetNameID= 950, 1671, 1180
    TargetLookID= 100
    Skill0ID= 0
    Skill1ID= 0
    Skill2ID= 0
    Skill3ID= 0
    Skill4ID= 0
    Skill5ID= 0
    Skill6ID= 0
    Skill7ID= 0
    Skill8ID= 0
    Skill9ID= 0
    NormalAttack= 1
    AvoidKillSteal= 0
    RunToRange= 0
    AttackRangeMin= 50
    AttackRangeMax= 50
    MinorHeal= 1
    MinorPct= 60

    BotType (value range from 0 to 3)

    Best to leave it at 1. But...
    0 - Manual targeting - "You select target, I'll use skill.". Good if you want to attack very strong monsters and manually run away from them. Also good if you want to setup your own targeting by using so called "MSN / Task Manager bug", though there's no reason to do that.
    1 - Nearby monster targeting. This is practically same as if you were pressing Z, however this is actually NOT what the bot does. I mean it does not send the Z key. Therefore it skips dying monsters sooner than the real Z method.
    2 - Random targeting. Randomly selects targets from your area. Also skips dying monsters as previous method. However the counter-attack functions does not work good for this method. This might be the fastest targeting, but it's NOT WISE to use it in a party when farming Golems.
    3 - Party assisting. Only attacks monsters that are attacked by your party members. However there's a bug that it keeps attacking previously attacked monsters.

    Targeting Method (value range from 1 to 5)

    This determines the factor to be used by the Attacker bot to select targets.
    1 - Target by HP. Uses TargetHPMin and TargetHPMax to setup targeting. This IS the slowest method. All other methods are equally faster than this.
    2 - Target by TargetID. Uses TargetID array elements to setup targeting.
    3 - Target by NameID. Uses TargetNameID array elements to setup targeting.
    4 - Target by LookID. Uses TargetLookID array elements to setup targeting.
    5 - Target by Level. Uses TargetLevelMin and TargetLevelMax to setup targeting. This IS the most simple method.

    TargetLevelMin (value range from 1 to 255)

    The minimum level of a target you would want the bot to attack. Must be equal to or less than TargetLevelMax. This option requires TargetingMethod 5.

    TargetLevelMax (value range from 1 to 255)

    The maximum level of a target you would want the bot to attack. Must be equal to or above than TargetLevelMin. This option requires TargetingMethod 5.

    TargetHPMin (value range from 1 to 2147483647)

    The minimum HP of a target you would want the bot to attack. Must be equal to or less than TargetHPMax. This option requires TargetingMethod 1.

    TargetHPMax (value range from 1 to 2147483647)

    The maximum HP of a target you would want the bot to attack. Must be equal to or above than TargetHPMin. This option requires TargetingMethod 1.


    Set which targets you would like to attack based upon their ID. You can find their ID by selecting the target and pressing CTRL + NUM5, e.g you'll see TargetID(12001).
    An example how to set up an array of targets, TargetID = 12001, 12002, 13015, 13014, 11758


    A list of Name IDs separated by comas and ended by coma. The bot will only attack mobs with the Name IDs found in this list. Name ID is a number that represents target's name. For example, 555 represents "Dire Wolf". This option is only used when TargetingMethod equals to 3.
    You can get name IDs by 3 methods:
    • Print a selected target info in your console. There you can see the NameID() written on the first line. The ID is between the parentheses.
    • Go to King of Knight - Welcome Zones section and select your monster name in the list and click View Stats. For example, get stats of Tyon. When the new page is loaded, check the address bar kingofknigh*****m/mob.php?id=4351&kind=1 . The 4351 part is the Name ID.
    • Open up mob_us.tbl in your /KnightOnline/Data folder. In column 0 are Name IDs.


    A list of Look IDs separated by comas and ended by coma. The bot will only attack mobs with the Look IDs found in this list. Look ID is a number that represents target's appearance. For example, 500 represents the whole wolf class, they are same color, have same skin, but the size is different. Lupus does not belong into 500, because it has different color. Also if 2 different mobs look same but hold different weapons, then their look IDs are different too. This option is only used when TargetingMethod equals to 4.
    You can get look IDs by 2 methods:
    • Print a selected target info in your console. There you can see the LookID() written on the first line. The ID is between the parentheses.
    • Open up mob_us.tbl in your /KnightOnline/Data folder. In column 2 are Look IDs.

    Skill0ID - Skill9ID

    These are skill IDs that you set which the bot will use to attack your target with. You can find skill IDs by using a skill ID program that can easily find it for you or you can create them manually. The way to find skill IDs manually is very simple and you can find out how in the FAQ.
    Ex: 107552 = Karus Unmastered Rogue CounterStrike

    Normal Attack (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    This is the use of the R-attack while you are attacking. This feature does not work for archers, causes disconnection, since when you press R with an archer, then you'll actually using Archery skill, not normal attack. It worked for them in past, but now it's fixed server-side. Anyway normal attack is inflicted at 15 distance units or closer.

    AvoidKillSteal (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    Keeps your character from Kill-Stealing. If enabled the bot will skip the monster that is being attacked by another player that is not in your party.

    RunToRange (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    Enabling this will make your character to run closer to targets. If you use skills with good attack range, then there is no need to enable this, unless you want to run closer to monster drop location and attack while running. AttackRangeMax is the distance for furthest target to run to, whereas AttackRangeMin determines the distance at what you should stop running. For melee characters AttackRangeMin= 10 and AttackRangeMax= 40 would make a good setup.

    AttackRangeMin (value range from 1 to 50)

    This is the maximum range you want your skills to be used at. If you use archery skills, then this value should be 40 or 50. The value range is greater, but the one I gave is rather reasonable.

    AttackRangeMax (value range from 1 to 100)

    This is the maximum range for target selecting. If target distance is above this value, then the target is skipped. If you have RunToRange set to 0, then this value should be same as AttackRangeMin. The value range is greater, but the one I gave is rather reasonable.

    MinorHeal (1 - enabled, 0 - disabled)

    This option is rogue class only. It determines whether you should use your Minor Heal skill, when your current HP goes below MinorPct percentage value of your total HP. Good for attacking high-level monsters, just setup your mana potion use. Once the MinorPct limit is reached the bot will use the skill until your HP is filled or you run out of mana.

    MinorPct (value range from 1 to 100)

    See MinorHeal option. The value of 101 would cause permanent spam.


    Enabled = 0
    SmartPriest = 0
    Sit= 0
    HealSkillID= 112536
    RezzSkillID= 112754
    CureCurseID= 112525
    CureDiseaseID= 112535
    HPSmartPct= 100
    HPLimitPct= 90


    You can set whether you would like healer mode to be enabled or not. Be sure to keep this at 0 if you are any other class besides priest because it may cause problems.


    This feature is very useful. If you would like the bot to detect what heals you have in the skilltree and use them when needed. Then, you don't need to set your healing skills, but you still need to set your cure and rezz skills.


    Use this option if you would like your character to sit down when you're not healing. Good feature that will help you save mana and save pots in the long run.


    The skill ID of the heal you would like to use. For example, 112536 means that you want to use the "960″ heal when users are below a certain % of health.


    This is the skill ID you set for when a party member dies and you will rezz him. It's good to use this if you are the priest in the party and make sure that the other players in your party have Continue = 1 so that they continue attack after they are rezzed.


    This is the SkillID used when someone has been debuffed. All the time, it's either 112525 or 212525.


    This is the SkillID used when someone in your party has been "poisoned". For example, when a harpy attacks you, you get a repeated damage. The skill IDs that are used most of the time for this are: 112535 or 212535


    HP smart limit for using healing skill, measured in percentages. Formula: Total HP – HP skill amount * SmartPct/100 = HP limit, when bot decides to use healing skill


    HP limit for using healing skill, measured in percentages. Bot will automatically use healing skill when your/ or party members HP drops below this percent.

    [Timed Skills]

    Enabled= 0
    Skill0ID= 0
    Skill1ID= 0
    Skill2ID= 0
    Skill3ID= 0
    Skill4ID= 0
    Skill5ID= 0
    Skill6ID= 0
    Skill7ID= 0
    Skill8ID= 0
    Skill9ID= 0
    Timing0= 1
    Timing1= 1
    Timing2= 1
    Timing3= 1
    Timing4= 1
    Timing5= 1
    Timing6= 1
    Timing7= 1
    Timing8= 1
    Timing9= 1

    Set whether you want to have the Timed Skills enabled or not.

    SkillID 0-9

    Set which skillID you would like to use under your timed skills. You can place things like Buffs, TS Ids, etc.

    Timing 0-9

    Set the time that each SkillID will recast. Most of the time, the timing is 121, but it varies with the skill that you are using.


    AutoHP= 0
    AutoMP= 0
    HPSmartPct= 100
    HPLimitPct= 50
    HPPotItemID= 0
    MPPotItemID= 0
    MPLimit= 100


    Set if you want AutoHP pot enabled or not.


    Set if you want AutoMP potting enabled or not.


    HP smart limit for using HP pot item, measured in percentages. Formula: Total HP – HP pot amount * HPSmartPct/100 = HP limit, when bot decides to use pot item


    HP limit for using MP pot item, measured in percentages. Bot will automatically use healing skill when your/ or party members HP drops below this percent.


    Find the ItemID of the potion you would like to use and place it here.


    Find the ItemID of the mp potion you would like to use and place it here.


    The minimum mana points limit, NOT in percentages. The bot will automatically use MP pot after MP drops below specified amount.


    Action00 = town
    Action01 = coord : 815,505
    Action02 = coord : 800,525
    Action03 = gate : 4014,2117
    Action04 = coord : 420,545
    Action05 = repair : 14739
    Action06 = coord : 380,545
    Action07 = coord : 385,580
    Action08 = coord : 400,595
    Action09 = coord : 415,650


    Set what actions your bot will take when going to go repair. Initially you should leave the first one to town. Then, set the coordinates to do steps to repair and go back to your spot.

    Here are some RouteIDs you may want to use:

    2111 Moradon->Luferson
    2112 Moradon->RonarkB
    2113 Moradon->RonarkL
    2114 Moradon->LunarV
    2115 Moradon->Delos
    2116 Moradon->Ardream
    2117 Moradon->Folk
    2118 Moradon->Tale

    2121 Moradon->ElMorad
    2122 Moradon->RonarkB
    2123 Moradon->RonarkL
    2124 Moradon->LunarV
    2125 Moradon->Delos
    2126 Moradon->Ardream
    2127 Moradon->Folk
    2128 Moradon->Tale

    111 Luferson->Bellua
    112 Luferson->KallugaV
    113 Luferson->RonarkL
    114 Luferson->Moradon
    115 Luferson->Raon
    116 Luferson->EslantG
    117 Luferson->Ardream
    118 Luferson->RonarkB

    121 Bellua->Luferson
    122 Bellua->Linart
    123 Bellua->RonarkL
    125 Bellua->Raon
    126 Bellua->RonarkB

    131 Linart->Bellua
    132 Linart->KallugaV
    133 Linart->RonarkL
    134 Linart->LunarV
    13X Linart->Raon
    13X Linart->RonarkB

    141 KallugaV->Bellua
    142 KallugaV->Linart
    143 KallugaV->RonarkL
    14X KallugaV->RonarkB

    151 EslantG->Bellua
    152 EslantG->Linart
    153 EslantG->RonarkL
    154 EslantG->Eslant
    155 EslantG->RonarkB

    162 LunarV->Linart
    16X LunarV->RonarkL
    16X LunarV->RonarkB

    171 Raon->Luferson
    17X Raon->Linart
    17X Raon->RonarkL
    17X Raon->Bellua
    17X Raon->RonarkB

    211 ElMorad->Asga
    212 ElMorad->KallugaV
    213 ElMorad->RonarkL
    214 ElMorad->Moradon
    215 ElMorad->Doda
    216 ElMorad->EslantG
    217 ElMorad->Ardream
    218 ElMorad->RonarkB

    221 Asga->ElMorad
    222 Asga->Laiba
    223 Asga->RonarkL
    225 Asga->Doda
    226 Asga->RonarkB

    231 Laiba->Asga
    232 Laiba->KallugaV
    233 Laiba->RonarkL
    234 Laiba->LunarV
    23X Laiba->Doda
    23X Laiba->RonarkB

    241 KallugaV->Asga
    242 KallugaV->Laiba
    243 KallugaV->RonarkL
    24X KallugaV->RonarkB

    251 EslantG->Asga
    252 EslantG->Laiba
    253 EslantG->RonarkL
    254 EslantG->Eslant
    255 EslantG->RonarkB

    262 LunarV->Laiba
    26X LunarV->RonarkL
    26X LunarV->RonarkB

    271 Doda->ElMorad
    27X Doda->Laiba
    27X Doda->RonarkL
    27X Doda->Asga
    27X Doda->RonarkB


    Enabled= 0
    Cmd00= ""
    Cmd01= ""
    Cmd02= ""
    Cmd03= ""
    Cmd04= ""
    Cmd05= ""
    Cmd06= ""
    Cmd07= "pas*****"
    Cmd08= "recast"

    Set whether you would like to enable the commands or not.


    Set a command that players can use to get into your party. They would type the command and then their name.
    For example: LongBanana


    Set the command you would like so that you will accept the party invite.


    Set the command that you can use to toggle the bot.


    Set the command you would like players to say that will allow you to automatically town.


    Set the command which players will say in order for their character to get a certain skill casted on them.
    For example, If you are a mage and someone says that command, you will automatically TP them to you. Or, if you are a rogue, when they say the command, you will automatically swift them.


    Set the command to follow a user


    Set the command to kick a person out of the party


    Set the command to pass the leadership of a party over to someone else.


    Set the command to recast any skill that was used in timed skills.


    Enabled= 1
    Name00 = LongBanana

    Set whether you want the AutoParty function to be enabled or not.


    Set the names you would like your bot to automatically invite when they come near you.


    Enabled= 0
    Interval= 5000
    Text00= "Blah blah blah"


    You can set it to these types:
    1 = normal chat
    2 = private chat
    5 = shout
    14 = Vendor Chat


    Set the interval you want between chats. In seconds.


    Set what text you would like the bot to output using one of the enabled functions.


    These settings are rarely used and fairly simple. You know the settings from before, this won't be hard to figure out.

    Credit: longbanana31
    Last edited by Snape; 07-24-2010 at 03:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Snape's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Upload to mpgh+ virus scan.

  3. #3
    m164life's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Chillin at Mr. bin Laden's
    Something tells me this is leeched.

  4. #4
    Tom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in my gf's pants
    My Mood
    did not upload the bot,closed.

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