I havee found a way to make C++ into VB. it will still have some C++ features but it will also have more VB taste i started a few mins ago

While Topblast Wait for his little PTC DLL ... That u can make Hacks in VB and C#

i said that i will make a VB in C++. It is kinda GREAT. I already Use it in my Hack and it works

If( Ready() ) Then
Yes i kno.. it looks like VB and still look kinda like C++. But those VB guys can Work in C++ and it will be easier.

U must always REMEMBER that you ARE working in C++. So U should not have all these Problems.

U can also use Normal C++ features mixed into this VB stuff like the code about instead of using MsgBox. U could use.
if( Ready() ) {
         char wow[];
         sprintf(wow, "%i", Ready() );
         MessageBoxA(NULL, wow, "", MB_OK);
         char wow[];
         sprintf(wow, "%i", Ready() );
         MessageBoxA(NULL, wow, "", MB_OK);
I dont kno mine looks kinda easier and LOL .

What do u guys think ... Is it a GOOD idea or is it useless