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  1. #31
    Gourav2122's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Once you try to get into metaphysics, everything falls apart.

    As ace said, since time never started, it can never end, so therefore the universe must have always existed. But then you find out that the universe is expanding, and then so the universe must of been created. If the universe was created, it must end. So, the universe must be part of something grander, perhaps a multiverse? Wait, if there is a multiverse, there must be multiple universes, each with their own laws of physics. Then there are other problems, like time, if time is progressive, than every instant must be split, creating another copy of the universe for every path that is possible but wasn't taken. Then you have time traveling forward, but also branching off. Then you have other things, like the speed of light, time slows down as you reach the speed of light, so how fast is time normally? Is it something measurable? What really happens if you go past the speed of light? Do wormholes bend into the space time continuum? Are we part of a nexus or perhaps a matrix? Is consciousness a figment of imagination? When I die will I find out that this life was just a dream, and when I go asleep again, will I start another dream?

    I think Isaac Asimov put it best. God can't be an all righteous being. Say that after death, there is heaven or hell. So, you are stuck with one or the other, living for eternity. I personally, wouldn't want to live forever... Why you ask? People get bored on Earth, imagine living for all eternity, forced to think forever, forced to use senses, forced to carry on irrationally, as a greedy child. So I would be stuck against my will, living with "God" or "Satan", FOREVER. Therefore, God can't be all righteous, forcing someone to live forever. When I am asleep, I am at my most tranquil state of mind, especially during a nap, when I wake up I feel horrible because a nap feels so much better than real life. Christians describe Heaven as a place that is the most amazing thing, and you will be forever happy. People who are forever happy (spoiled rich kids, technically) are always the worst off. So therefore I refuse to believe that God exists. I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE FOREVER. God wouldn't be all-righteous if he ends life. A vague description doesn't help the case either, what form do you live in Heaven/Hell, will you have your last interval of time form of body (Age 90?), wouldn't it get overcrowded, why aren't animals allowed to live there, and what makes animals different from humans?

    Honestly, it makes me think humans are barbaric and naieve to think that animals are different than humans, it seems so primitive, something so stupid that the difference between us and them are so great, that our intelligence is unmatched, that we are the holy rulers of the Earth, yet we bow to nature in an instant, yet never learn to respect anything.

    Then there are Dharmic religions, which state you are born again (reincarnated) till you release all possessions and greed, and live a material less life. To me, that seems less barbaric, because once you achieve inner peace, you are released from the cycle of reincarnation, and join back into the "life stream." However, it seems that we don't carry memory from our previous lives, so why do we have to start all over? Though, Hinduism/Buddhism are less strict than the Western 3, they have some faults, but I don't feel like listing them. I do give them credit for not saying God is a living being, rather God is Brahman (Omnipresent, everything in the universe is the easiest way to describe it). In my opinion, Abrahamic religions seem more like torture with their means of afterlife, and are less prepared for the future world in the manner of philosophical and scientific attacks (over descriptive?).

    Religion has it's downfall, and only those who choose to see between it are truly revolutionary. Just like Copernicus, and his crazy theory of a Heliocentric Solar System.

    On a positive note, religion is good for people with no moral, no sense of right or wrong, and people who are sick minded. If everyone could behave civilized, I wouldn't want religion in this world, but sometimes I feel it's the only thing holding people back from doing some real sick things.

    Fuck religious zealots too.

    Who knows, maybe I don't like bowing down to another being, I'd bow down to the Universe, just not some fag who calls himself/herself God, Ruler of the Universe. Democracy says we are all created equal. (This last paragraph thingy is just a joke, keep us all light hearted. )
    wow i read all that

    time? i though of time as an illusion?
    Speed of light i thought it was impossible to go faster then the speed of light?

    for reincarnation from Hinduism and Buddhism tell that reincarnation in an over and over cycle again and you get most of the reincarnated as an animal rather then human its like 800+ things before you get to go back to being human =/

    ahh i like the live forever and agreed true i am bored out of my mind most/all the time so eternal life would suck
    but after life is a pain no one has come back to tell me what its like so i can't agree its in a state that you sleep or are just brain death forever as in nothing your body rots in a coffin or burned... idealistic heaven or hell i have no idea to believe in them or not that idea forces me to do good in life not to be evil to people is holding this world together with religion is some deep stuff

  2. #32
    ace76543's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chc18 View Post
    Have any of you guys ever prayed before? The power of prayer is amazing, I have experienced it many times.

    How are all of us unique and different in our own ways?


    How was the world created? If you believe in the big bang, what fueled it?

    I don't care what you guys think, I'm so lucky to be alive, everyone is. Think about it, if your parents were to have sex one or two minutes later than they did, you would never be here, because the egg would have chosen a different sperm cell, making a different baby. With that, and the power of prayer I have experienced, and just signs from god, I totally believe in him.
    if you've read this whole thread and still believe in god, you're a complete and utter moron. that's not my opinion, that's a fact

  3. #33
    Gourav2122's Avatar
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    i loled


    true this thread is like preaching anti-godd movement all over

    see thats cruel to think god wanted just you to live there were millions of sperms and yours the one that made it to the egg so millions who could have been born didn't get to be born

  4. #34
    iverson954360's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chc18 View Post

    I don't care what you guys think, I'm so lucky to be alive, everyone is. Think about it, if your parents were to have sex one or two minutes later than they did, you would never be here, because the egg would have chosen a different sperm cell, making a different baby. With that, and the power of prayer I have experienced, and just signs from god, I totally believe in him.

    thats just the randomness of evolution, nature favors somethings some times it doesn't. People don't understand that there is proof of evolution happening around us that we can observe, saying that it can't have happened in the past and we aren't able to evolve from something privative is just stupid and ignorant. Like take for instance a virus, something us humans can observe. A virus such as HIV/Aids has the ability to evolve so it can adapt and survive in it's enviroment. When HIV/Aids encounters a antibacterial/drug filled enviroment it will EVOLVE with new types of the virus. These types go on and survive until something can kill it and the process starts over again with the next batch of viruses. It would be the same thing for us humans, trial and error in nature until something survives to continue it self.

    God would be a ****** if he actually created EACH type of the virus that you guys claim to be the way of life, why would it do such a horrible thing such as affecting someone's life in that way. You cant say that god is angry with them or they are bad people because, MILLIONS of people have it on Earth, they can't be all bad people right? Same with all the other epidemics of the world, like back in the day the Black Plague killed 1/3 of all Europeans, and they were all god fearing people, they all went to church, they all prayed to their gods, infact it was required to believe in Christianity during the Inquisition, you were severely punished or even killed if you didn't. How come all those people had to die?

    And another thing

    During the Crusades, both Christians and Muslims believe in the same god right? How is it that god let one side lose and the other win when they both claimed they were fighting in the name of god? I wouldn't want a god that would choose sides against you even though you put your life at risk protecting a religion that worships him/her. Kinda like lets say in some weird situation, you and your brother were battling to death in the name of your father right. You both have different reasons why you're fighting in the name of your father, but you father decides to support your brother instead of you? why the fuck would you want to fight for someone that doesn't even like/favor you?

    God never made sense to me, I've had a lot of my family die young, I prayed to god for their wellbeing but they still died. Ever since that day my believe has been slipping to a point where i don't believe or care to believe in a god. He/she has never done anything for me, if i die and i find myself to be proved wrong i still wouldn't suck up to the ******.
    Last edited by iverson954360; 11-18-2007 at 01:08 AM.
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  5. #35
    supsupsup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arunforce View Post
    Once you try to get into metaphysics, everything falls apart.

    As ace said, since time never started, it can never end, so therefore the universe must have always existed. But then you find out that the universe is expanding, and then so the universe must of been created. If the universe was created, it must end. So, the universe must be part of something grander, perhaps a multiverse? Wait, if there is a multiverse, there must be multiple universes, each with their own laws of physics. Then there are other problems, like time, if time is progressive, than every instant must be split, creating another copy of the universe for every path that is possible but wasn't taken. Then you have time traveling forward, but also branching off. Then you have other things, like the speed of light, time slows down as you reach the speed of light, so how fast is time normally? Is it something measurable? What really happens if you go past the speed of light? Do wormholes bend into the space time continuum? Are we part of a nexus or perhaps a matrix? Is conciousness a figment of imagination? When I die will I find out that this life was just a dream, and when I go asleep again, will I start another dream?

    I think Isaac Asimov put it best. God can't be an all righteous being. Say that after death, there is heaven or hell. So, you are stuck with one or the other, living for eternity. I personally, wouldn't want to live forever... Why you ask? People get bored on Earth, imagine living for all eternity, forced to think forever, forced to use senses, forced to carry on irrationally, as a greedy child. So I would be stuck against my will, living with "God" or "Satan", FOREVER. Therefore, God can't be all righteous, forcing someone to live forever. When I am asleep, I am at my most tranquil state of mind, especially during a nap, when I wake up I feel horrible because a nap feels so much better than real life. Christians describe Heaven as a place that is the most amazing thing, and you will be forever happy. People who are forever happy (spoiled rich kids, technically) are always the worst off. So therefore I refuse to believe that God exists. I DO NOT WANT TO LIVE FOREVER. God wouldn't be all-righteous if he ends life. A vague description doesn't help the case either, what form do you live in Heaven/Hell, will you have your last interval of time form of body (Age 90?), wouldn't it get overcrowded, why aren't animals allowed to live there, and what makes animals different from humans?

    Honestly, it makes me think humans are barbaric and naieve to think that animals are different than humans, it seems so primitive, something so stupid that the difference between us and them are so great, that our intelligence is unmatched, that we are the holy rulers of the Earth, yet we bow to nature in an instant, yet never learn to respect anything.

    Then there are Dharmic religions, which state you are born again (reincarnated) till you release all possessions and greed, and live a material less life. To me, that seems less barbaric, because once you achieve inner peace, you are released from the cycle of reincarnation, and join back into the "life stream." However, it seems that we don't carry memory from our previous lives, so why do we have to start all over? Though, Hinduism/Buddhism are less strict than the Western 3, they have some faults, but I don't feel like listing them. I do give them credit for not saying God is a living being, rather God is Brahman (Omnipresent, everything in the universe is the easiest way to describe it). In my opinion, Abrahamic religions seem more like torture with their means of afterlife, and are less prepared for the future world in the manner of philosophical and scientific attacks (over descriptive?).

    Religion has it's downfall, and only those who choose to see between it are truly revolutionary. Just like Copernicus, and his crazy theory of a Heliocentric Solar System.

    On a positive note, religion is good for people with no moral, no sense of right or wrong, and people who are sick minded. If everyone could behave civilized, I wouldn't want religion in this world, but sometimes I feel it's the only thing holding people back from doing some real sick things.

    Fuck religious zealots too.

    Who knows, maybe I don't like bowing down to another being, I'd bow down to the Universe, just not some fag who calls himself/herself God, Ruler of the Universe. Democracy says we are all created equal. (This last paragraph thingy is just a joke, keep us all light hearted. )
    your statements are correct
    i am Christian and in the Bible it says that when we go to heaven we will forget our memories on earth and be free of sin
    i do believe that
    Jesus was a real person even historians believe that
    but you have to think for yourself on this one
    what was there before time and space?
    there was only GOD then he created everything
    why is it so hard to believe in a being that is omnipotent?
    ( i know this is a bad example but bare with me its 1 am and im tired) what is to say that the logic of 1+1=2 ? what is it that makes that certain?
    or what is it to say that the ground is down and the sky is up
    all of these questions is like asking if there is a God
    and the answer is yes there is
    i do believe when my grandpa died and all my family was gathered around him holding him and he said let go i want to go
    and as he held up his arms with his last strength
    I do believe that there is a God not only in that incident but with how my life turned out
    i dont want it to seem like im telling my life story but my life was saved my God
    when i was born there was something wrong with my heart
    i had a surgery and there is a scar there to this day
    it goes that 3/4 of my body and the doctors say it is a miracle
    i believe that God really did save me
    also for the fact that i am living and so are you
    God is not a wishing well, just because your prayer isnt anwsered doesnt mean its not heard
    he is there and he does have a destiny for all people
    i admit im not the best christian but i try to be
    so bring on your flames im ready to back not my religon but the way my life is lead and followed by

  6. #36
    AN1MAL's Avatar
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    fuk hardcore, fukk hardcore lovers. hardcore is nothing.......u feel nothing when u hear it

  7. #37
    EndRiT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supsupsup View Post
    your statements are correct
    i am Christian and in the Bible it says that when we go to heaven we will forget our memories on earth and be free of sin
    i do believe that
    Jesus was a real person even historians believe that
    but you have to think for yourself on this one
    what was there before time and space?
    there was only GOD then he created everything
    why is it so hard to believe in a being that is omnipotent?
    ( i know this is a bad example but bare with me its 1 am and im tired) what is to say that the logic of 1+1=2 ? what is it that makes that certain?
    or what is it to say that the ground is down and the sky is up
    all of these questions is like asking if there is a God
    and the answer is yes there is
    i do believe when my grandpa died and all my family was gathered around him holding him and he said let go i want to go
    and as he held up his arms with his last strength
    I do believe that there is a God not only in that incident but with how my life turned out
    i dont want it to seem like im telling my life story but my life was saved my God
    when i was born there was something wrong with my heart
    i had a surgery and there is a scar there to this day
    it goes that 3/4 of my body and the doctors say it is a miracle
    i believe that God really did save me
    also for the fact that i am living and so are you
    God is not a wishing well, just because your prayer isnt anwsered doesnt mean its not heard
    he is there and he does have a destiny for all people
    i admit im not the best christian but i try to be
    so bring on your flames im ready to back not my religon but the way my life is lead and followed by

    Dude, you are so delusional, it hurts us as a species.

    Ok, think bout this,

    Do you believe the Muslim Story of "God" No?
    Of corse you don't because its oviously a fairytale

    Do you belive the Jewish Story? No?
    For the same reasons

    Now all you have to do is see that YOUR religion is EXACTLY the same
    Its bogus to think otherwise.

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  9. #38
    iverson954360's Avatar
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    [01:29] Iverson954360: or what is it to say that the ground is down and the sky is up
    [01:29] Iverson954360: gravity
    [01:29] Iverson954360: i know this is a bad example but bare with me its 1 am and im tired) what is to say that the logic of 1+1=2 ? what is it that makes that certain?
    [01:30] lilbearsAdouche: how do you know gravity exists?
    [01:30] Iverson954360: mathmetitions
    [01:30] Iverson954360: because shit falls
    [01:30] Iverson954360: and its a proven fact
    [01:30] Iverson954360: without gravity
    [01:30] lilbearsAdouche: yeah because miracles happen
    [01:30] Iverson954360: stuff
    [01:30] Iverson954360: doesnt fall
    [01:30] Iverson954360: gravity
    [01:30] Iverson954360: its the fabric of space
    [01:30] Iverson954360: bending
    [01:30] Iverson954360: kind of like a cloth
    [01:30] lilbearsAdouche: but what gives it that logic
    [01:30] Iverson954360: put something heavy in the middle
    [01:31] Iverson954360: it makes it sag
    [01:31] lilbearsAdouche: how do we know for certain that that is what were seeing?
    [01:31] Iverson954360: now put other smaller objects
    [01:31] Iverson954360: on that cloth
    [01:31] Iverson954360: what happens?
    [01:31] Iverson954360: they go toward the slope the big object creates
    [01:31] lilbearsAdouche: what gives it that logic?
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: what is to say that we were here one second ago>?
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: how was the universe created?
    [01:32] Iverson954360: how was god created
    [01:32] Iverson954360: you cant answer that
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: God was there in the begining of time
    [01:32] Iverson954360: cant be so
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: God is GOd
    [01:32] Iverson954360: he has to have been created
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: whty cant it be?
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: no
    [01:32] Iverson954360: why cant the universe be there
    [01:32] lilbearsAdouche: in the beginning there was God
    [01:33] Iverson954360: what makes it the begingin
    [01:33] Iverson954360: begining?
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: because there had it expands
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: and it had to start from something
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: which ties into God
    [01:33] Iverson954360: it cant begin there
    [01:33] Iverson954360: when time itself
    [01:33] Iverson954360: wasnt made yet
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: yes so there was nothing
    [01:33] Iverson954360: yea
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: but what is to say time ever started?
    [01:33] Iverson954360: same with the unverse
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: or ended?
    [01:33] Iverson954360: you know
    [01:33] lilbearsAdouche: God started and God will end it
    [01:33] Iverson954360: for there to be a god
    [01:34] Iverson954360: he would have to be part of something bigger
    [01:34] Iverson954360: you cant say
    [01:34] Iverson954360: there is a god
    [01:34] Iverson954360: and nothing bigger than that
    [01:34] lilbearsAdouche: God is God
    [01:34] Iverson954360: god cant exist out of no where
    [01:34] Iverson954360: why is god given human characteristics
    [01:34] lilbearsAdouche: so what is bigger then God?
    [01:34] lilbearsAdouche: so your saying is
    [01:34] Iverson954360: and intelegence?
    [01:34] lilbearsAdouche: there will always be something bigger then something?
    [01:35] lilbearsAdouche: God isnt given human characterisics
    [01:35] lilbearsAdouche: humans are givin God's chracateristics
    [01:35] Iverson954360: exactly
    [01:35] lilbearsAdouche: we are made in the image of God
    [01:35] Iverson954360: christains
    [01:35] Iverson954360: christians
    [01:35] lilbearsAdouche: the IMAGE of God
    [01:35] Iverson954360: say
    [01:35] Iverson954360: god does this and that
    [01:35] Iverson954360: thats they way humans do things
    [01:35] Iverson954360: like god knows
    [01:35] Iverson954360: right and wrong
    [01:36] Iverson954360: that means god has morals
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: no
    [01:36] Iverson954360: yea
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: God is righteous
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: he has no sins
    [01:36] Iverson954360: god cant give people morals
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: he is pure
    [01:36] Iverson954360: if he doesnt have some himself
    [01:36] Iverson954360: he his pure huh
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: he is somewhat moral
    [01:36] Iverson954360: how does he let
    [01:36] Iverson954360: satan
    [01:36] Iverson954360: exist
    [01:36] Iverson954360: ?
    [01:36] Iverson954360: elaborate please
    [01:36] lilbearsAdouche: it is for people to decide on wheter or not to accept God or not
    [01:36] Iverson954360: thats your answer
    [01:36] Iverson954360: thats not a good answer
    [01:37] Iverson954360: i said
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: naw im jst tired
    [01:37] Iverson954360: why does he let
    [01:37] Iverson954360: evil exist
    [01:37] Iverson954360: ie
    [01:37] Iverson954360: satan
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: because humans chose to let the evil exist
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: let me finish hold on
    [01:37] Iverson954360: no
    [01:37] Iverson954360: because god lets
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: LET ME FINSIH
    [01:37] Iverson954360: it exist
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: no do you know the story of how satan came to be right>
    [01:37] lilbearsAdouche: ??
    [01:37] Iverson954360: if god is the creator of all things
    [01:37] Iverson954360: then he has to create evil
    [01:37] Iverson954360: we cannot create
    [01:37] Iverson954360: such a grand and epic thing
    [01:37] Iverson954360: on our own
    [01:38] Iverson954360: thats how you christians say god works
    [01:38] Iverson954360: he does all the grand things in the world as we know it
    [01:38] Iverson954360: in turn
    [01:38] Iverson954360: he creates evil
    [01:38] Iverson954360: if god its all mighty
    [01:38] lilbearsAdouche: he does not create evil
    [01:38] Iverson954360: satan
    [01:38] Iverson954360: cannot
    [01:38] Iverson954360: be immune
    [01:38] Iverson954360: to his power
    [01:38] lilbearsAdouche: yes
    [01:38] lilbearsAdouche: go on
    [01:38] Iverson954360: meaning
    [01:39] Iverson954360: god would have to have created something
    [01:39] Iverson954360: like so
    [01:39] Iverson954360: if he's pure
    [01:39] Iverson954360: he could take it away
    [01:39] Iverson954360: it wouldnt let evil exist
    [01:39] lilbearsAdouche: do you know the story of adam and eve?
    [01:39] Iverson954360: humans cannot create something that is just as powerful as god
    [01:39] Iverson954360: ea eve was a bitch
    [01:40] Iverson954360: that came from a rib
    [01:40] Iverson954360: of adam
    [01:40] Iverson954360: anymore to it
    [01:40] Iverson954360: no
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: well
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: this is how it goes
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: they were the two humans
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: yet ate the fruit of knowledge which God told them not to eat of
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: they themselves
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: in turn gave in to sin
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: satan
    [01:40] lilbearsAdouche: was created
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: because he was an archangel
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: God lets him exist
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: because it is our choice
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: whter or not to believe in God or not
    [01:41] Iverson954360: its our choice how the universe should be?
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: in the end God will destroy satan
    [01:41] Iverson954360: thats what you just told me
    [01:41] Iverson954360: its our choice
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: nope
    [01:41] lilbearsAdouche: when did i say that?
    [01:41] Iverson954360: of how
    [01:41] Iverson954360: they way things should be
    [01:41] Iverson954360: sorry nig
    [01:41] Iverson954360: didnt read the thing after
    [01:41] Iverson954360: i started typing
    [01:41] Iverson954360: when you said
    [01:42] Iverson954360: because its our choice
    [01:42] lilbearsAdouche: oo
    [01:42] lilbearsAdouche: rofl
    [01:42] lilbearsAdouche: go on
    [01:42] Iverson954360: anyways
    [01:42] lilbearsAdouche: read it and tel me wht you think
    [01:42] Iverson954360: how can anyone know heaven exsists?
    [01:42] Iverson954360: because one guy said hey
    [01:42] Iverson954360: i had a vision etc
    [01:42] Iverson954360: but the point is
    [01:42] lilbearsAdouche: who said that?
    [01:42] Iverson954360: people of other religions
    [01:43] Iverson954360: have the same shit going on
    [01:43] Iverson954360: but yet
    [01:43] Iverson954360: you call them morons
    [01:43] Iverson954360: and say they are wrong
    [01:43] lilbearsAdouche: no
    [01:43] Iverson954360: take Islam
    [01:43] Iverson954360: and Christianity
    [01:43] Iverson954360: both have the same god
    [01:43] lilbearsAdouche: Islamn has a different so called prophet
    [01:43] Iverson954360: yet they both fight
    [01:43] lilbearsAdouche: they both fight because
    [01:43] Iverson954360: SAME
    [01:43] Iverson954360: GOD
    [01:43] Iverson954360: they both say
    [01:43] Iverson954360: eachother is wrong
    [01:43] Iverson954360: how can that be
    [01:43] Iverson954360: when its the same god
    [01:43] Iverson954360: how can god
    [01:43] lilbearsAdouche: of the way they worhsip
    [01:43] Iverson954360: let other religions
    [01:43] lilbearsAdouche: they each have their own ways
    [01:44] Iverson954360: that don't have the right believes
    [01:44] Iverson954360: exist?
    [01:44] Iverson954360: shouldnt there be one believe that is right
    [01:44] Iverson954360: ?
    [01:44] Iverson954360: you say
    [01:44] Iverson954360: christianity
    [01:44] Iverson954360: is the only right answer
    [01:44] Iverson954360: how about the others
    [01:44] Iverson954360: that believe in their religion
    [01:44] Iverson954360: they would say the same about you
    [01:44] lilbearsAdouche: i never said one was right and one was wrong
    [01:45] Iverson954360: who are you to tell them that yours is the only true religion
    [01:45] lilbearsAdouche: there are many different ways in which we approach the way of God
    [01:45] Iverson954360: thats what is implied when you are christian
    [01:45] Iverson954360: you
    [01:45] lilbearsAdouche: that is the difference between the religons
    [01:45] Iverson954360: automatically
    [01:45] Iverson954360: forfit your opinions
    [01:45] lilbearsAdouche: no that is what you are impling
    [01:45] Iverson954360: when you choose a religion
    [01:45] lilbearsAdouche: about the religon
    [01:45] Iverson954360: WHEN
    [01:45] Iverson954360: YOU CHOOSE
    [01:45] Iverson954360: A REGLIGION
    [01:45] Iverson954360: RELIGION*
    [01:46] Iverson954360: YOU AUTOMATICALLY SAY
    [01:46] Iverson954360: THAT YOURS IS THE RIGHT ONE
    [01:46] Iverson954360: AND ALL OTHERS ARE NOT
    [01:46] Iverson954360: other wise
    [01:46] Iverson954360: you would chosen a different one
    [01:46] lilbearsAdouche: no it is for others to choose which way of God you would like to worship him
    [01:46] Iverson954360: and what about the cavemen etc
    [01:46] Iverson954360: they had no organized religion
    [01:46] Iverson954360: they never were punished
    [01:47] Iverson954360: christians say
    [01:47] lilbearsAdouche: all humans meet God at least once in their life time
    [01:47] Iverson954360: all non believers
    [01:47] Iverson954360: go to hell
    [01:47] Iverson954360: etc
    [01:47] lilbearsAdouche: yes
    [01:47] Iverson954360: so are you saying
    [01:47] Iverson954360: Muslims
    [01:47] lilbearsAdouche: do you know what christianity truly is?
    [01:47] Iverson954360: are going to hell
    [01:47] Iverson954360: are buddists going to hell
    [01:47] Iverson954360: are hindus going to hell?
    [01:47] lilbearsAdouche: do you know what christianity truly is?
    [01:47] Iverson954360: abunch of ******ry
    [01:48] lilbearsAdouche: no it is the belief that Jesus died for our sins
    [01:48] lilbearsAdouche: when you accept that you are saved
    [01:48] Iverson954360: how about the others that died before jesus
    [01:48] Iverson954360: what are they supposed to do about it?
    [01:48] lilbearsAdouche: they believed in God
    [01:48] Iverson954360: but
    [01:48] Iverson954360: they couldnt confess their sins
    [01:49] lilbearsAdouche: they sacrificed animals
    [01:49] Iverson954360: they couldn't have their original sin forgiven
    [01:49] lilbearsAdouche: they sacrificed animals
    [01:49] Iverson954360: i dont see christians sacrificing animals
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: why?
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: o my bad
    [01:51] Iverson954360: do you sacrifice animals?
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: wait
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: Jesus died for our sins
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: all we do
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: is confess and ask for forgiveness
    [01:51] lilbearsAdouche: its honestly that easy
    [01:52] Iverson954360: still doesnt cover
    [01:52] Iverson954360: the people that came before them
    [01:52] Iverson954360: you said
    [01:52] Iverson954360: sacrificing animals
    [01:52] Iverson954360: how does that make up for anything
    [01:52] Iverson954360: you're killing gods creations
    [01:52] lilbearsAdouche: So your saying is
    [01:52] lilbearsAdouche: because were christians
    [01:52] lilbearsAdouche: we cannot eat anything?
    [01:53] lilbearsAdouche: because its God's creation?
    [01:53] Iverson954360: no you said
    [01:53] Iverson954360: you confess your sins
    [01:53] Iverson954360: etc
    [01:53] lilbearsAdouche: yes
    [01:53] Iverson954360: but how about
    [01:53] Iverson954360: the ******s
    [01:53] Iverson954360: that game
    [01:53] Iverson954360: before jesus
    [01:53] Iverson954360: you said sacrificing animals
    [01:53] lilbearsAdouche: yes
    [01:53] Iverson954360: was their way of forgiveness
    [01:53] Iverson954360: does that make much sense
    [01:53] Iverson954360: thats a sin
    [01:53] lilbearsAdouche: how is that a sin?
    [01:54] lilbearsAdouche: God said that is the way forgiveness should be dealt
    [01:54] lilbearsAdouche: So because i eat meat
    [01:54] lilbearsAdouche: i dont believe in God?
    [01:54] Iverson954360: dude
    [01:54] lilbearsAdouche: God provides us with the things we need to live
    [01:54] Iverson954360: you are thick headed
    [01:54] Iverson954360: you're saying
    [01:54] Iverson954360: god created earth
    [01:54] Iverson954360: just for us humans?
    [01:54] Iverson954360: thats wrong man
    [01:54] lilbearsAdouche: pretty much
    [01:54] Iverson954360: thats just wrong
    [01:55] Iverson954360: all the animals
    [01:55] lilbearsAdouche: how is that wrong?
    [01:55] Iverson954360: that suffered
    [01:55] Iverson954360: that lived
    [01:55] Iverson954360: before us
    [01:55] Iverson954360: that EVOLVED
    [01:55] Iverson954360: they didnt deserve the earth just as much as we do?
    [01:55] lilbearsAdouche: no they were intended for a purpose
    [01:55] lilbearsAdouche: some for sacrificing
    [01:55] lilbearsAdouche: some for eating
    [01:55] lilbearsAdouche: and honestly i do believe in evolution
    [01:56] lilbearsAdouche: just a little
    [01:56] lilbearsAdouche: not the part about us being monkeys
    [01:56] Iverson954360: it make sense
    [01:56] Iverson954360: to to biology class
    [01:56] Iverson954360: why not
    [01:56] lilbearsAdouche: but about birds and shit
    [01:56] Iverson954360: evolution favors
    [01:56] Iverson954360: changes
    [01:56] Iverson954360: in dna strands
    [01:56] Iverson954360: monkeys have just two different dna strands than we do
    [01:56] Iverson954360: for the first few months/years of their lives
    [01:57] Iverson954360: they show more development
    [01:57] Iverson954360: that a human baby does
    [01:57] Iverson954360: since their small brain allows them to develop skills fast
    [01:57] Iverson954360: but limits exactly how many they can do
    [01:57] lilbearsAdouche: so what are you trying to prove?
    [01:57] Iverson954360: that we infact
    [01:57] Iverson954360: have some sort of relation
    [01:57] Iverson954360: with a chimp
    [01:57] lilbearsAdouche: ahahahahahahahahahhha
    [01:58] Iverson954360: some where along the line
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: ahahahahahahaha
    [01:58] Iverson954360: we had
    [01:58] Iverson954360: the same
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: AHAHAHAHAHA
    [01:58] Iverson954360: ancestor
    [01:58] Iverson954360: as a chimp
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: sorry dude
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: you honestly believe
    [01:58] Iverson954360: yea
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: that we come from chimps?
    [01:58] Iverson954360: didnt you just read
    [01:58] Iverson954360: what i said
    [01:58] Iverson954360: we have the same ancestor
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: you know that because of evolution it is said that we evolved from fish
    [01:58] lilbearsAdouche: you do know that right>?
    [01:58] Iverson954360: yea
    [01:58] Iverson954360: bactria
    [01:58] Iverson954360: to sea animals
    [01:58] Iverson954360: to land animals
    [01:58] Iverson954360: mostly reptiles
    [01:59] Iverson954360: then mamals
    [01:59] lilbearsAdouche: then why are there so much different species?
    [01:59] Iverson954360: didnt you read my post
    [01:59] lilbearsAdouche: why not all of us become humans>
    [01:59] Iverson954360: nature favors
    [01:59] Iverson954360: small random changes
    [01:59] Iverson954360: that makes it easier
    [01:59] Iverson954360: for a species
    [01:59] Iverson954360: enough breeding of that change
    [01:59] lilbearsAdouche: because nature favors the dominant species right>
    [01:59] Iverson954360: makes a new species
    [01:59] Iverson954360: and thats why7
    [01:59] Iverson954360: more than
    [02:00] Iverson954360: 98 percent
    [02:00] Iverson954360: of all living things
    [02:00] Iverson954360: that have been on this earth
    [02:00] Iverson954360: no longer exist
    [02:00] Iverson954360: their species have died out
    [02:00] lilbearsAdouche: then why not all of us become humans
    [02:00] Iverson954360: because
    [02:00] lilbearsAdouche: seeing as nature favors evolution
    [02:00] Iverson954360: after we evolved
    [02:00] Iverson954360: into intelegent beings
    [02:00] Iverson954360: we no longer had to compete
    [02:01] Iverson954360: with other species
    [02:01] Iverson954360: its not like
    [02:01] lilbearsAdouche: so why isnt there fishes that are turning into mammals right now?
    [02:01] Iverson954360: we're fighting with lions
    [02:01] Iverson954360: for food
    [02:01] Iverson954360: because
    [02:01] Iverson954360: evolution
    [02:01] lilbearsAdouche: why cant the chimps evolve into humans right now?
    [02:01] Iverson954360: doesnt happen
    [02:01] Iverson954360: in one generation
    [02:01] Iverson954360: or even two
    [02:01] lilbearsAdouche: why is there different spicies?
    [02:01] Iverson954360: takes thousands of years
    [02:01] Iverson954360: i just
    [02:01] Iverson954360: explained to you
    [02:01] lilbearsAdouche: shouldnt there be just one dominant one?
    [02:01] Iverson954360: DIDNT
    [02:01] Iverson954360: I JUST
    [02:01] Iverson954360: EXPLAIN TO YOU
    [02:02] Iverson954360: once species cant be dominant
    [02:02] lilbearsAdouche: not the part where there is different ones
    [02:02] Iverson954360: over all others
    [02:02] Iverson954360: since different species
    [02:02] Iverson954360: are adapted
    [02:02] Iverson954360: to their enviroment
    [02:02] Iverson954360: its not like we can put a cheetah in siberia
    [02:02] Iverson954360: and have it compete with animals living their
    [02:02] Iverson954360: it would die
    [02:02] Iverson954360: why
    [02:03] Iverson954360: because its not adapted
    [02:03] Iverson954360: to that kind of enviroment
    [02:03] lilbearsAdouche: so arnt we dominant over other species?
    [02:03] lilbearsAdouche: why cant the cheetah evolve?
    [02:03] Iverson954360: only because of intelegence
    [02:03] lilbearsAdouche: wait scratch the last ques
    [02:03] Iverson954360: it cant
    [02:03] Iverson954360: it has to adapt
    [02:03] Iverson954360: to milder enviroments
    [02:04] Iverson954360: it takes steps in evolution
    [02:04] Iverson954360: you cant expect to put two cheetahs in siberia
    [02:04] Iverson954360: they both ahve a kid
    [02:04] Iverson954360: and have that cheetah
    [02:04] lilbearsAdouche: so your saying that we were from this certain part of the environment so we turned out to be this way and that other species had their own palce as well?
    [02:04] Iverson954360: be some super cheeta that can survive in the cold
    [02:04] Iverson954360: its known that the very first humans
    [02:04] Iverson954360: were in
    [02:04] Iverson954360: Victoria Lake
    [02:04] Iverson954360: Aftrica
    [02:05] Iverson954360: Aftrica*
    [02:05] lilbearsAdouche: so now they know the exact spot of where the first humans were from?
    [02:05] Iverson954360: oldest tested bones
    [02:05] Iverson954360: that
    [02:05] Iverson954360: date back
    [02:05] Iverson954360: to when the first forms
    [02:05] Iverson954360: of humans
    [02:05] Iverson954360: should have occured
    [02:05] lilbearsAdouche: why dont we see any monkey/humans wakling around
    [02:05] lilbearsAdouche: they have to evolutionize right?
    [02:06] Iverson954360: that didnt make sense
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: yes
    [02:06] Iverson954360: take another shot
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: you said it gradually takes place right>?
    [02:06] Iverson954360: [01:47] lilbearsAdouche: do you know what christianity truly is?
    [01:47] Iverson954360: abunch of ******ry
    [02:06] Iverson954360: oops
    [02:06] Iverson954360: we do see
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: so there must have been som other people who look like that
    [02:06] Iverson954360: monkeys
    [02:06] Iverson954360: and humans
    [02:06] Iverson954360: walking around
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: just evolutionizing right?
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: ok hold on
    [02:06] lilbearsAdouche: you said evoultion takes slowly right?
    [02:07] lilbearsAdouche: so shouldnt we see some half humans half monkeys walkin around
    [02:07] lilbearsAdouche: waiting to evolutionize?
    [02:07] Iverson954360: you know why we dont see half half
    [02:07] Iverson954360: its because
    [02:07] Iverson954360: we dont have sex with monkies
    [02:07] lilbearsAdouche: but you said we come from them right?
    [02:07] Iverson954360: didnt you read
    [02:07] lilbearsAdouche: so shouldnt we see them slowly lookin like us?
    [02:07] Iverson954360: what i've been saying
    [02:08] Iverson954360: THE SAME
    [02:08] Iverson954360: COMMON
    [02:08] Iverson954360: ANCESTOR
    [02:08] Iverson954360: AND NO
    [02:08] Iverson954360: NOT A FUCKING FISH
    [02:08] lilbearsAdouche: but we did come from a fish
    [02:08] lilbearsAdouche: no wait
    [02:08] lilbearsAdouche: we came from bacteria right?
    [02:08] lilbearsAdouche: no wait
    [02:08] Iverson954360: yep
    [02:08] Iverson954360: we did
    [02:08] lilbearsAdouche: we didnt come from bacteria
    [02:08] Iverson954360: come from bactria
    [02:09] lilbearsAdouche: we came from rocks
    [02:09] Iverson954360: then how the fuck
    [02:09] Iverson954360: did humans
    [02:09] Iverson954360: come to be
    [02:09] lilbearsAdouche: how about volcanoes?
    [02:09] Iverson954360: out of thin air?
    [02:09] lilbearsAdouche: because God created us
    [02:09] Iverson954360: yea
    [02:09] Iverson954360: out of thin ar
    [02:09] Iverson954360: air
    [02:09] Iverson954360: but not all the other animals
    [02:09] Iverson954360: that evolved
    [02:09] lilbearsAdouche: so our beliefs are the same but looked at differently
    [02:09] Iverson954360: k
    [02:09] Iverson954360: what about neandrithals
    [02:09] Iverson954360: what happened there
    [02:10] lilbearsAdouche: how do we know they even existed?
    [02:10] lilbearsAdouche: because of bones?
    [02:10] Iverson954360: ....
    [02:10] lilbearsAdouche: scientists cannot even prove if dinosaurs are even real
    [02:10] Iverson954360: so if i saw
    [02:10] Iverson954360: bones of a human
    [02:10] Iverson954360: i can say
    [02:10] Iverson954360: that person isnt real
    [02:10] Iverson954360: if i cut your bones
    [02:10] Iverson954360: out of your body
    [02:10] Iverson954360: i can say
    [02:10] Iverson954360: how could have you existed
    [02:10] Iverson954360: these are just bones
    [02:10] lilbearsAdouche: so your saying that dinosaurs are real?
    [02:10] lilbearsAdouche: because we can find bones of them?
    [02:11] Iverson954360: were real
    [02:11] Iverson954360: but you're saying
    [02:11] Iverson954360: that if i find bones of a human
    [02:11] Iverson954360: that person
    [02:11] Iverson954360: prove to me
    [02:11] Iverson954360: that they cant decide
    [02:11] Iverson954360: moron
    [02:11] Iverson954360: i could dig up your grandmother
    [02:11] Iverson954360: take her to a lab
    [02:11] Iverson954360: and be like
    [02:11] Iverson954360: look at these bones
    [02:11] Iverson954360: they're real right
    [02:11] Iverson954360: but
    [02:11] Iverson954360: she probably didnt exist
    [02:11] lilbearsAdouche: honestly tho dont talk shit about my grandma
    [02:12] Iverson954360: fuck your grandma she isnt real
    [02:12] Iverson954360: i found her bones
    [02:12] Iverson954360: making alot of sense now right?
    [02:12] lilbearsAdouche: dude if your gonna disrespect me
    [02:12] lilbearsAdouche: at least say it to my face
    [02:12] Iverson954360: that makes
    [02:12] Iverson954360: sense right
    [02:12] Iverson954360: RIGHT
    [02:12] lilbearsAdouche: dont talk about my faimly like that
    [02:12] Iverson954360: I FOUND
    [02:12] Iverson954360: YOUR GRANDMOTHERS BONES
    [02:12] Iverson954360: BUT
    [02:12] Iverson954360: SHE CANT BE REAL
    [02:12] Iverson954360: OR COULD HAVE BEEN REAL
    [02:12] lilbearsAdouche: no ill continue argruing when you show my family some respect
    [02:12] Iverson954360: WHY?
    [02:12] Iverson954360: BECAUSE
    [02:12] Iverson954360: THESE ARE HER BONES
    [02:12] Iverson954360: OH
    [02:12] Iverson954360: THAT MAKES SENSE
    [02:13] Iverson954360: ANY SKELETON
    [02:13] Iverson954360: THAT WE FIND
    [02:13] Iverson954360: CANT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN ALIVE
    [02:13] Iverson954360: BECAUSE WE CANT PROVE IT
    [02:13] Iverson954360: making sense to you now huh
    [02:13] Iverson954360: lets say
    [02:13] Iverson954360: in 2000 years
    [02:13] Iverson954360: humans find your bones
    [02:13] lilbearsAdouche: ok heres the thing
    [02:14] Iverson954360: how are they going to prove you existed
    [02:14] Iverson954360: you know you exist
    [02:14] lilbearsAdouche: scientists cannot even agree on whether or not
    [02:14] Iverson954360: but how can they prove that
    [02:14] lilbearsAdouche: dinosaurs existed
    [02:14] Iverson954360: so how can you say the same
    [02:14] lilbearsAdouche: so im saying
    [02:14] Iverson954360: FOR
    [02:14] Iverson954360: ANY
    [02:14] Iverson954360: THING
    [02:14] Iverson954360: ELSE
    [02:14] Iverson954360: IN THE WORLD
    [02:14] lilbearsAdouche: how can they be for sure on wheter or not the neanderthals existted?
    [02:14] Iverson954360: how can the next humans
    [02:14] Iverson954360: in 2000 years know
    [02:14] Iverson954360: we exsisted
    [02:14] lilbearsAdouche: well there is no solution to that is there?
    [02:15] Iverson954360: exactly
    [02:15] Iverson954360: so your logic is flawed
    [02:15] Iverson954360: you know you exist
    [02:15] Iverson954360: i know i exist
    [02:15] Iverson954360: the animals of back then
    [02:15] Iverson954360: knew they existed
    [02:15] Iverson954360: so by saying
    [02:15] Iverson954360: its a sack of bones
    [02:15] Iverson954360: they coudlnt have existed
    [02:15] Iverson954360: would be such a stupid thing to say
    [02:15] lilbearsAdouche: but whose to say that they did exist
    [02:15] lilbearsAdouche: they might have
    [02:15] lilbearsAdouche: or they mightnt have
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: we cant travel in time
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: and ask them
    [02:16] Iverson954360: same with the next generations of people
    [02:16] Iverson954360: they cant prove we existed
    [02:16] Iverson954360: with our bones huh?
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: yes so we cant prove if neantherthals existed
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: all you can do
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: is assume
    [02:16] lilbearsAdouche: they did
    [02:16] Iverson954360: wow dude
    [02:16] Iverson954360: you've got your live so twisted
    [02:16] Iverson954360: like i feel bad for you
    [02:16] Iverson954360: anyways
    [02:17] Iverson954360: im going to play call of duty f=4
    [02:17] Iverson954360: 4*

    man that convo drove me crazy

    anyways fuck religion it's all bullshit
    Hip Hop thread Part 1 (No Longer Updated):
    Part 2 (No Longer Updated):
    Part 3: COMING SOON

  10. #39
    EndRiT's Avatar
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    That guy is a fucking moron and a hypocrite.

    He uses hacks which can be linked to
    EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

    Technicly it is illegal to use hacks and to make pirate copies and shit and I don't KNOW ANYONE who has never stolen/copied/bought/w/e.

    Making nearly all Christians Hypocrits.

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  12. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by iverson954360 View Post
    thats just the randomness of evolution, nature favors somethings some times it doesn't. People don't understand that there is proof of evolution happening around us that we can observe, saying that it can't have happened in the past and we aren't able to evolve from something privative is just stupid and ignorant. Like take for instance a virus, something us humans can observe. A virus such as HIV/Aids has the ability to evolve so it can adapt and survive in it's enviroment. When HIV/Aids encounters a antibacterial/drug filled enviroment it will EVOLVE with new types of the virus. These types go on and survive until something can kill it and the process starts over again with the next batch of viruses. It would be the same thing for us humans, trial and error in nature until something survives to continue it self.

    God would be a ****** if he actually created EACH type of the virus that you guys claim to be the way of life, why would it do such a horrible thing such as affecting someone's life in that way. You cant say that god is angry with them or they are bad people because, MILLIONS of people have it on Earth, they can't be all bad people right? Same with all the other epidemics of the world, like back in the day the Black Plague killed 1/3 of all Europeans, and they were all god fearing people, they all went to church, they all prayed to their gods, infact it was required to believe in Christianity during the Inquisition, you were severely punished or even killed if you didn't. How come all those people had to die?

    And another thing

    During the Crusades, both Christians and Muslims believe in the same god right? How is it that god let one side lose and the other win when they both claimed they were fighting in the name of god? I wouldn't want a god that would choose sides against you even though you put your life at risk protecting a religion that worships him/her. Kinda like lets say in some weird situation, you and your brother were battling to death in the name of your father right. You both have different reasons why you're fighting in the name of your father, but you father decides to support your brother instead of you? why the fuck would you want to fight for someone that doesn't even like/favor you?

    God never made sense to me, I've had a lot of my family die young, I prayed to god for their wellbeing but they still died. Ever since that day my believe has been slipping to a point where i don't believe or care to believe in a god. He/she has never done anything for me, if i die and i find myself to be proved wrong i still wouldn't suck up to the ******.
    Perhaps there is a god, but the god(s) in the present day religions are wrong.
    And bugmenot, hacking a game is legal, as long as it is client sided.

  13. #41
    arunforce's Avatar
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    Some people like to think God is a Clockworker, he created the universe, and then left it. (Evolution took place, and everything)

    In my opinion that's fine with me, because saying God has an active roll in life is bullshit. Life should be Utopia if God is present here, and no other way.

    Suffering != All righteous being.


  14. #42
    Devin Hester's Avatar
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    This isn't about science or proven facts, it's about faith. Whatever religion you are, you believe what the story is. If your an atheist, then you don't believe in this and think its all bullshit then that's good for you and fuck off. THIS IS ALL ABOUT FAITH

  15. #43
    EndRiT's Avatar
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    What is god,

    What god COULD be is a life form (alien) that is WAAAAY more advanced than us. He created a life form on a test planet called "Earth" the lifeform (god) died of old age/ whatever and this is why we have not seen him/her/it.

    This sounds more possible that a "god" who was JUST there in the beggining.

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  17. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devin Hester View Post
    This isn't about science or proven facts, it's about faith. Whatever religion you are, you believe what the story is. If your an atheist, then you don't believe in this and think its all bullshit then that's good for you and fuck off. THIS IS ALL ABOUT FAITH

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    Jamster09 (04-07-2009)

  19. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devin Hester View Post
    This isn't about science or proven facts, it's about faith. Whatever religion you are, you believe what the story is. If your an atheist, then you don't believe in this and think its all bullshit then that's good for you and fuck off. THIS IS ALL ABOUT FAITH
    You, sir, are FUCKING retarted.


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