i just wanted to tell,
that ~Claw~, ZeaS & Me and some others.
Are a team (maby liqmysaq wants to join)
Called Game Crackers,
And soon we will release a public trainer.
so I hope many will use it ,and if it stays undetected , we can make more!
Thank you for your attention,
good to hear that.it will be good for some people that cant find UCE or something similar.
Awesome news. i well use it for sure.
good work guys. i am hoping too.
don't advertise other sites on here apez. only reaosn i didn't ban you for a month is because you're just trying to help.
apezwijn (01-13-2008)
thats great news!!! but 1 question... what you mean wiuth not advertise??? >_>
for nobody or for somebody? xD (and if it is somebody am I also somebody? and not nobody?:P)
whatever he advertised obviously got deleted by the mods. i dont think he will advertise it again just to tell u what it was lol.
But it is still comming out? can't wait to see your results
lol yeh im just waiting for claw
I saw Liqmysaq play today
Niglet wouldn't tell me his username on MPGH so I had to search for him