Good job Dave look how much your website is worth
Last edited by renato9; 09-23-2010 at 05:28 PM.
Shut up .
Bullet Lugi (09-23-2010)
whats in the attchment .... you can't hope to get it approved without a screenshot and some sort of scan
umm lol wait for apporval -_- and its something cool i guess you'd be surprised
use [img] codes..
Previously Armalite42
yea go to or imageshack
and upppload the image here
fine people -_-
What is it anyway? Most likely the wrong section..
Previously Armalite42
wow renato was making things so complicated...just upload like they said...but I'm so curious what this is lol
upload it to tinypic then post the link with [IMG]link go's in here[IMG]
I highly doubt thats wrong, those sites are never accurate.
Lol how is this related to Combat Arms hacks anyways? -,-
previous name : simozhIf you need help - PM me