I'm making a hack, and so far I've got UDM and 6 hacks, so far undetected, thanks to jetamay . I've got enough room for SJ, and was wondering what addresses I use for it. I'm pretty sure they use the same address (I could be wrong, which is why I'm asking). Heres what I have for code.

Super Jump:
Dim SJ As Long
Dim SJ1 As Long
Dim SJ2 As Single
Call ReadALong("Warrock", &H***, SJ)
SJ1 = SJ + &H***
Text1.Text = SJ2
Call WriteALong("Warrock", SJ1, Text1.Text (Or value))
No Fall Damage
Dim NFD As Long
Dim NFD1 As Long
Call ReadALong("Warrock", &H***, NFD)
NFD1 = NFD1 + &H***
Call WriteALong("Warrock", NFD1, Value)
The *** are the addresses. Now I know where the offset code is for NFD, but not SJ, nor do I know what the address is for SJ. I don't know the address for NFD, either. If anyone would be willing to help me on which addresses to use from this list, or the latest addresses from anywhere else.

Thanks for helping me if you do, and I hope I provided enough info so you know what to help me with.