want another chance Start Over
On my main account Singularity. As you guys can see I'm not active much anymore, so I'm not spamming anymore. I would ask Dave myself but I have not seen him on msn for the past week or so, he may have blocked me. I've been banned for over a month now and I would appreciate another chance. Thanks.
want another chance Start Over
dont know you so no
I vote /yea
Crossfire Minion: 28 October 2010Official Middleman: 20 September 2012Trusted Member: 15 February 2013
Official Middleman: 11 April 2013
Official Middleman: 10 January 2015---------------------------------------------------
Global Moderator: 25 December 2012
Head Administrator: 21 March 2013
unban the man everyone deserves a second chance
tapout26 (11-11-2010)
tapout26 (11-11-2010)
Tanks to everyone who supports me.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm yes
tapout26 (11-11-2010)