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  1. #1
    iKiLLYouCro's Avatar
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    [Solved] aIW | DEDiCATED Server//ServerList

    hey Guys, I made a Dedi-Server on AlterIWnet..and it works great,
    but I can't find my Server on the ServerList! I realy searched it..but cant cant find it

    // --- QUERY INFORMATION --------------------------------
    set sv_hostname "^2iTz2SicK!'s Dedi-Server!!!!!!!!"
    // --- NETWORK OPTIMIZATION -----------------------------
    set sv_maxRate "150000"
    set snaps "30"
    set sv_network_fps "1000"
    set cl_maxpackets "100"
    set sv_voiceQuality "7"
    // Optional settings returned by query, server listings may use this
    sets _Admin "iLez | iTz2SicK!"
    sets _Email ""
    sets _Website " "
    sets _Location "Europe"
    // --- NON-GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION -----------------------
    set rcon_password ""		 // Password for rcon, empty = disabled
    set privateMatch_serverPassword ""		 // Game password, leave empty for a public game
    set sv_maxPing "200"		 // Maximum ping, any higher and players will get kicked
    set g_inactivity "0"		 // Time in seconds before a player gets kicked if not moving
    set g_inactivitySpectator "0"	 // Time in seconds before a spectator gets kicked
    set g_logSync "1"	 	 // 1 = always flush games_mp.log, 0 = only flush on game end
    set g_log "games_mp.log"	 // Name of the log file
    set aiw_sayName "^7iTz2SicK Server" //	 name server-side 'say' commands show up as
    // --- BASE GAME CONFIGURATION --------------------------
    set g_gametype "dm"	 // Game type
    			 // war - Team Deathmatch
    			 // dm - Free-for-all
     			 // dom - Domination
    			 // koth - Headquarters
    			 // sab - Sabotage
    			 // sd - Search and Destroy
    			 // arena - Arena
    			 // dd - Demolition
    			 // ctf - Capture the Flag
    			 // oneflag - One-Flag CTF
    			 // gtnw - Global Thermo-Nuclear War
    // Uncomment below commands for hardcore mode
    //set g_hardcore "1"
    //set ui_hud_hardcore "1"
    //set scr_hardcore "1"
    //set scr_player_maxhealth "30"
    //set scr_team_fftype "1"	 // 1 = on, 2 = reflect, 3 = shared
    //set scr_player_healthregentime "0"
    set scr_thirdperson "0"	 	 // Third-person mode
    set scr_game_hardpoints "1"	 // Killstreaks, 1 = on
    set scr_game_perks "1"	 	 // Perks, obviously
    set scr_game_allowkillcam "1"	 // 1 = allow, 0 = disallow
    set scr_diehard "0"	 // Die-hard mode
    // Player slots setup
    set scr_privateclients "1" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots
    set scr_privatepassword "mx2"
    // --- GAMETYPE CONFIGURATION ---------------------------
    // - Team Deathmatch
    set scr_war_scorelimit "10000"
    set scr_war_timelimit "15"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_war_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_war_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_war_numlives "0"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_war_promode "0"	 	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_war_roundlimit "1"	 // Maximum amount of rounds
    set scr_war_winlimit "1"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    // - Free-for-all
    set scr_dm_scorelimit "10000"
    set scr_dm_timelimit "15"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_dm_numlives "0"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_dm_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    // - Domination
    set scr_dom_scorelimit "200"
    set scr_dom_timelimit "15"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_dom_numlives "0"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_dom_promode "0"	 	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_dom_roundlimit "1"	 // Maximum amount of rounds
    set scr_dom_winlimit "1"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    // - Search and Destroy
    set scr_sd_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_sd_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_sd_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_sd_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_sd_winlimit "6"  	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_sd_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    set scr_sd_bombtimer "45"
    set scr_sd_defusetime "5"
    set scr_sd_multibomb "0"	 // Allow multiple people to 'have the bomb'?
    set scr_sd_planttime "5"
    // - Demolition
    set scr_dd_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_dd_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_dd_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_dd_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_dd_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_dd_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_dd_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_dd_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_dd_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    set scr_dd_bombtimer "45"
    set scr_dd_defusetime "5"
    set scr_dd_multibomb "0"	 // Allow multiple people to 'have the bomb'?
    set scr_dd_planttime "5"
    // - Sabotage
    set scr_sab_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_sab_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_sab_hotpotato "0"	 // Hot potato mode
    set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_sab_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_sab_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_sab_roundlimit "1"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_sab_winlimit "1"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_sab_roundswitch "1"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    set scr_sab_bombtimer "45"
    set scr_sab_defusetime "5"
    set scr_sab_multibomb "0"	 // Allow multiple people to 'have the bomb'?
    set scr_sab_planttime "5"
    // Headquarters
    set scr_koth_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_koth_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_koth_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_koth_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_koth_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_koth_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_koth_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    // Global Thermo-Nuclear War
    set scr_gtnw_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_gtnw_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_gtnw_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_gtnw_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_gtnw_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_gtnw_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_gtnw_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_gtnw_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_gtnw_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    // One Flag CTF
    set scr_oneflag_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_oneflag_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_oneflag_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_oneflag_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_oneflag_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_oneflag_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_oneflag_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_oneflag_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_oneflag_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    // Capture The Flag
    set scr_ctf_halftime "1"	 // Intermission
    set scr_ctf_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_ctf_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "-1"	 // -1 is no respawn delay, 0 is automatic, > 0 is X seconds
    set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "0"	 // Wave spawning, might be more 'tactical'
    set scr_ctf_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_ctf_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_ctf_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_ctf_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_ctf_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    // Arena
    set scr_arena_scorelimit "1"
    set scr_arena_timelimit "2.5"	 // Timelimit, in minutes
    set scr_arena_numlives "1"	 // Number of lives
    set scr_arena_promode "0"	 // Adds a "pro" sound to the game announcement
    set scr_arena_roundlimit "0"	 // Maximum amount of rounds, 0 is 'until someone wins'
    set scr_arena_winlimit "6"	 // Amount of wins needed to win a round-based game
    set scr_arena_roundswitch "4"	 // After X rounds, switch sides?
    // --- AUTOMATED ROTATION -------------------------------
    set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_afghan gametype tdm map mp_boneyard gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype sab map mp_checkpoint gametype sab map mp_derail gametype sab map mp_estate gametype sd map mp_favela gametype sd map mp_invasion gametype sd map mp_nightshift gametype sd map mp_quarry gametype sd map mp_rundown gametype sd map mp_subbase gametype sd map mp_terminal gametype sd map mp_underpass gametype sd map mp_afghan"

    And here is the target from the Shortcut:
    "C:\Users\MiCHi\Desktop\Ordner\Spiele\MW˛ - Copy\iw4.exe.exe" +set party_maxplayers 18 +set net_port 28960 +exec server.cfg  +map_rotate +set set g_gametype "sab"
    ADD ME ON XFire: iKiLLYouCro


  2. #2
    aIW|Convery's Avatar
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    Do you have your server config in your main folder? (mw2>main) If not your server will be called CoD4Host so try looking for that name or try to connect with the IP from the console.

  3. #3
    iKiLLYouCro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aIW|Convery View Post
    Do you have your server config in your main folder? (mw2>main) If not your server will be called CoD4Host so try looking for that name or try to connect with the IP from the console.
    Yes, it is there, and I can change gamemods and other things with the Server.cfg but its not in the ServerList, so nobody can join my Server without my ip
    ADD ME ON XFire: iKiLLYouCro


  4. #4
    projezz's Avatar
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    I can see it! I have tried to join plenty of times. But it says only for low ping players only.
    It is true that it has zombie mode?


  5. #5
    iKiLLYouCro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by projezz View Post
    I can see it! I have tried to join plenty of times. But it says only for low ping players only.
    It is true that it has zombie mode?
    Yes, but now iSnipe
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  6. #6
    master131's Avatar
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