Welcome to my EA game shop. I am selling Battlefield Bad Company 2 keys for only $5 I will also be selling anything from Battlefield Bad Company 2, to Medal of Honor 2010 and Fifa 2011.

I will go first on all deals as long as you are trusted on here. If you are not, then you will have to go first.

Are these keys stolen, hacked, or carded?
Answer: No, the keys are legit and they will never be disabled.

Where's the proof that you can get any EA game and that you're legit?
Answer: Here's a screen shot of my EA account with games that I wanted:

If you don't want to wait, then you can buy a key for $5 by using my automated payment link.

Will be added later.
You will be redirected to paypal. Once you make the payment, you will automatically receive your Battlefield key instantly. That way you won't have to wait until I get online to get your key. If you do not receive the key, then just send me a PM on here, and I will manually send you the key.

If you want to buy a Medal of Honor key, just send me a PM. If I get enough requests for Medal of Honor, i'll add an automated payment for it too.