DareoTheOreo (07-20-2011)
Bring it back
DareoTheOreo (07-20-2011)
whats an hud? i saw the vid but like is it like the old one was clear andn the new one is redish blury?
= yes
= no
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suck a cck - (YOUR REACTION )
they need to... and they lied aboutt he nx guns... they said they are all the same and arnt anymroe powerful... and that it matters on your skill... fail...
I've made way to many mistakes... >.<
If you wish to come in contact with me, please @ mention me, or vm/pm me, or you can email dareon454@yahoo.com
Dareo's Inject (made by me and Shunnai) : Dareo's Inject
Dareo's Inject CA Version V1.0 (made by me and Shunnai) : Dareo's Inject CA Version V1.0