To philosophers or highly cultured people in the forum this dilemma isn't probably anything new to you. So just skip the part were I state the problem itself, and attempt to answer it.

For others who are strangers to this, read ahead.

Euthyphyro Dilemma (thought by Socrates, written by Plato):

Is the pious (good) loved by the gods because it is good, or is the pious good because it is loved by the gods?

Translation to modern Christianity standards:
Does God command what's morally good because it is morally good, or is it morally good because God commands it?

Now, this may not look as a dilemma for now, but let's try to unveil its secret.

Option 1: God commands what's morally good because it is morally good
Given the fact that God commands what is right because it is right, this would made moral standards independent of God's will. Hence, there would be something over which God's not sovereign. Another problem that arises with this option is that if God would have to follow this moral code, he couldn't be omnipotent, could he? Finally, God being purely good according to the Bible, he would have to do what's right. Hence, he wouldn't have free will.

Option 2: Things are morally good because God commands them
If there's no universal moral code, and God's decisions make up ethics, his decision could be completely arbitrary (i. e. out of whim, caprice, etc.) Now, if God Himself would create moral standards, how could He be wise and rational? Furthermore, if God would decide what is good, what about His goodness? How could He be good, if he decides what's good or not?

Feel free to answer.