I've been busy making an overly hacked multli-hack for AssaultCube, so i thought i'd share some of the features. I think this tutorial is fairly noob-friendly.

float px[5];  // change the [5] to how many Tele slots you want !
float py[5];
float pz[5];

void telesave(int j)
	px[j] = player1->o.x;
	py[j] = player1->o.y;
	pz[j] = player1->o.z;
void teleload(int x)
	vec tele (px[x], py[x], pz[x]);
	player1->newpos = tele;

COMMAND(telesave, ARG_1INT);  // Type in console -> telesave 1 to save in slot 1
COMMAND(teleload, ARG_1INT);
Fly Hack - Funny online
void flyhack(){
player1->spectatemode = SM_FLY;}
// to turn off -->player1->spectatemode = SM_NONE;
// ----		player1->state=CS_ALIVE;
Teleport Health -> Player
void gethealth()   // Put this in drawhud for it to auto-gather health
		entity &e = ents[i];
		if (e.type==I_HEALTH)  // Change this to I_AMMO, I_HELMET, etc for armor and ammo
			e.x = player1->o.x;   
			e.y = player1->o.y;
			e.z = player1->o.z;
COMMAND(gethealth, ARG_NONE);
Set Health/Armor (Single Player only)
void sethealth(int inthealth)   // can also set frags, score, deaths, etc. 
	player1->health = inthealth;
COMMAND(sethealth, ARG_1INT); //   type sethealth 999 to sethealth to 999

void setarmor(int intarmor)
	player1->armour = intarmor;
No Recoil/Spread
Go to weapon.cpp --> void weapon::attackphysics(vec &from, vec &to)
Find this code
			#define RNDD (rnd(spread)-spread/2)*f
			vec r(RNDD, RNDD, RNDD);
			#undef RNDD

		// kickback & recoil
			owner->vel.add(vec(unitv).mul(recoil/dist).mul(owner->crouching ? 0.75 : 1.0f));
			owner->pitchvel = min(powf(shots/(float)(recoilincrease), 2.0f)+(float)(recoilbase)/10.0f, (float)(maxrecoil)/10.0f);
			owner->vel.add(vec(unitv).mul(recoil/dist).mul(owner->crouching ? 0.75 : 1.0f));
			owner->pitchvel = min(powf(shots/(float)(g.recoilincrease), 2.0f)+(float)(g.recoilbase)/10.0f, (float)(g.maxrecoil)/10.0f);
And comment out, or delete.

Tele-Nade Kill (Dont know if it works on MultiP
void telenadekill(int m)
	particle_fireball(5, players[m]->o);
	particle_trail(17, 500,player1->o, players[m]->o);    
	int damage = guns[GUN_GRENADE].damage;
	hit(damage, players[m], player1, vec(), GUN_GRENADE, true, 0);

COMMAND(telenadekill, ARG_1INT); // Type in telenadekill and then the CN number and it will teleport a nade to them.
hudonlyf("\fRTele-Nading %s", players[m]->name);

If you want to add output msgs then...

hudonlyf("\fRTele-Nading %s", players[m]->name);
The "\fR" changes the color of the text, The list of colours are on AC Website.
the "%s", are where variables are inputted S = String, F = Float, d = Number (ithink).
Then you put the variable after the comma.

If you wanted a message to say the health, name and x pos of a player it would be
hudonlyf("PlayerName: %s  PlayerHealth : %d  Player X Pos : %f", players[m]->name, players[m]->health, players[m]->o.x);

That should do for now, Hope this helps someone. I've actually got hundreds more hacks than this, but obviously i want my own hack to be unique so i'll keep the more advanced features

Type b0ta1m AC into youtube [PM me on this if you have an idea for a feature. or you want some help]