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  1. #1
    I got ants in my butt, and I needs to strut.
    Premium Seller
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    Lineage II Dyes!

    +4 dex -4 str
    +1 dex -1 str
    +4 Wit -4 Men (dont ask why if you know how to play you will see why)

    +4 dex -4 con
    +1 dex -4 con
    +4 str -4 con

    +4 dex -4 con
    +4 str -1 con
    +1 str -1 con

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -1 men
    +4 int -4 men

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -1 men
    +4 int -4 men

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -1 men
    +4 int -4 men

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -4 men
    (no 3rd dye)

    +4 dex -4 con
    +1 dex -1 con
    +4 str -4 con

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -1 men
    +4 con -4 str

    +4 wit -4 men
    +1 wit -1 men
    +4 con -4 str

    +4 str -4 con
    +1 str -1 con
    +4 dex -4 con

    sword singer
    +4 dex -4 con
    +1 dex -1 con
    +4 str -4 con

    Blade dancer
    +4 dex -4 con
    +4 str -4 con
    +1 str -1 con

    +4 dex -4 con
    +4 str -4 con
    +1 str -1 con

    +4 dex -4 con
    +4 str -4 con
    +1 str -1 con

    +4 dex -4 con
    +4 str -4 con
    +1 str -1 con

    Trickster - DEX+/CON-,STR+/CON-
    Doombringer - STR+/CON-,CON+/DEX-
    Soul Hound -DEX+/CON-,STR+/CON-

    STR (strength): physical attack, resistance to skills like curse: weakness
    DEX (dexterity): accuracy, critical rate, attack speed, movement speed, evasion, speed and recharge of physical skills, resistance to skills like dryad root
    CON (constitution): maximum HP, carrying capacity, HP regeneration rate, skills like poison
    INT (intelligence): magical attack
    WIT (wit): casting speed, magical critical rate, speed and recharge of magical skills, % xp restored with resurrection
    MEN (mentality): maximum MP, MP regeneration rate, magical defense, resistance to skills like sleep!

    Warlod Gladiator
    Like the warlord, you are a great PvE class, although unlike the warlord you fare a bit better in the arena. If you go +STR go all the way with +5, same with dex if you go that way. tallum heavy and kesh*kesh go great with +DEX, magestic heavy and kesh*dama goes great with +STR. most people seem to max out one and also do a bit of the other.

    · +STR : increases damage, never a bad thing.
    · +DEX : helps you catch enemies in PvP, and helps attack speed.

    PaladinAs a tank with majesty threes really not any point in trying to evade hits with a +DEX setup. you want to get your p. def and m.def as high as possible through over-enchanting gear, so that you need less heals when tanking for a party. nightmare heavy or majestic heavy should work fine.

    · +STR : increasing damage is nice for PvP and PvE.
    · +CON : tons of extra hp is nice for PvP and raids, but get a health SA as well.
    · +INT : I’m not sure if increasing INT affects the “sacrifice” skill in C5.
    Dark Avenger As a tank with majesty threes really not any point in trying to evade hits with a +DEX setup. you want to get your p. def and m.def as high as possible through over-enchanting gear, so that you need less heals when tanking for a party. most DAs wear nightmare heavy because the shield bonus stacks with the “reflect damage” skill.

    · +STR : +STR : increasing damage is great for PvP and PvE.
    · +CON : tons of extra hp is nice for PvP and raids, but get a health SA as well.
    · +INT : great for soloing, with drain life this setup lets you go forever.

    Treasure Hunter
    Dark crystal light looks like it would be a good armor set, or nightmare light if going against magic wielding mobs/players. get a dagger with focus or critical damage.

    · +STR : more damage.
    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.

    HawkeyeAs the slowest of the archer classes, +DEX really aren’t your cup of tea, but it doesn’t hurt.

    · +STR : more damage is good damage.
    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.
    · +CON : not bad for soloing, but over time may be just a waste of ss and arrows.

    Sorcerer/ess As a nuker, you want to level with +INT, you may add +WIT later for PvP. dark crystal robes for PvP, nightmare robes for PvE. get a sword of miracles in A grade with acumen, and/or a sword of valhalla in B grade with acumen. or you can max out your damage with a magic power SA.

    · +INT : more damage per spell.
    · +MEN: more mp.
    · +WIT : faster damage.

    Get a sword of miracles in A grade with acumen, and/or a sword of valhalla in B grade with acumen. or you can max out your damage with a magic power SA.

    · +CON : with the “body to mind” skill, more HP = more MP.
    · +INT : helps in landing debuffs and by increasing damage from the “death spike” skill.
    · +WIT : faster damage.

    WarlockBy increasing your attack speed, you increase your cubic fire rate. using a dagger helps to do this. you may want to get a set of blue wolf light or doom light or robes to +6.

    · +DEX : increased fire rate for cubics.
    · +WIT : faster heals.
    · +MEN : more MP.

    Note that you cannot change your INT stat. you may want to try to get an avadon robe set to +6. any weapon with acumen will do.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.
    · +NON : increased survivability in PvE.
    · +MEN : before you get the “balance life” skill this is essential as you will run out of mp otherwise.
    · +WIT : this is also essential, to increase % restored with “resurrection” and fast heals.

    ProphetNote that you cannot change your INT stat. you may want to try to get an avadon robe set to +6, or blue wolf heavy set to +6. any weapon with acumen will do.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.
    · +CON : increased survivability in PvE, especially if you wear heavy armor.
    · +WIT : faster buffs. you still cannot buff a party faster than a warcryer.

    If you go +STR goes all the way with +5, same with dex if you go that way. tallum heavy and kesh*kesh go great with +DEX, magestic heavy and kesh*dama goes great with +STR.

    · +STR : increases damage, never a bad thing.
    · +DEX : helps you catch enemies in PvP, and helps attack speed.
    · +CON : higher survivability, but will not make you a solid tank in PvE.

    By increasing your attack speed, you increase your cubic fire rate. tallum heavy and a tallum blade with the haste SA is one way to do this. though a dark crystal shield will look better, a nightmare shield will work better.

    · +DEX : increased fire rate for cubics.
    · +INT : increased life from drains and increased land rate of lightning strike.

    AbyssWalkerYou are the strongest dagger, with a good crit rate. dark crystal light looks like it would be a good armor set, or nightmare light if going against magic wielding mobs/players. get a dagger with focus or critical damage.

    · +STR : more damage.
    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.

    Tallum light for soloing, dark crystal light for everything else.

    · +STR : more damage is good damage.
    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.

    SpellHowlerAs a nuker, you want to level with +INT, you may add +WIT later for PvP. dark crystal robes for PvP, nightmare robes for PvE. get a sword of miracles in A grade with acumen, and/or a sword of Valhalla in B grade with acumen. or you can max out your damage with a magic power SA.

    · +CON : with the “body to mind” skill, more HP = more MP.
    · +INT : more damage per spell.
    · +MEN: more mp.
    · +WIT : faster damage.

    PhantomSummonerBy increasing your attack speed, you increase your cubic fire rate. using a dagger helps to do this. you may want to get a set of blue wolf light or doom light or robes to +6.

    · +DEX : increased fire rate for cubics.

    · +WIT : faster heals.

    · +MEN : more MP.

    Note that you cannot change your INT stat. you may want to try to get an avadon robe set to +6. any weapon with acumen will do.

    · +CON : increased survivability in PvE.
    · +MEN : this is essential as you will run out of mp otherwise.
    · +WIT : this is also essential, to increase % restored with “resurrection” and fast heals.

    If you go +DEX goes all the way with +5, same with STR if you go that way. you have a wide variety of weapons to choose from, because unlike the blade dancer you can sing with any weapon.
    Every SwS should have a bow, but there are two basic melee setups, sword and shield or a two-handed sword. tallum heavy and a dark legions edge with critical damage SA or blue wolf and Damascus with focus or crit damage SA (go with crit damage if you frequently run around with full buffs) with a shield, or greatsword with focus or critical damage SA and majestic or heavy.

    Nightmare light with a dragonslayer with critical drain might work well for a solo setup.

    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.
    · +STR : increases damage, never a bad thing.
    · +CON : higher survivability, but will not make you a solid tank in PvE.

    TempleKnightBy increasing your attack speed, you increase your cubic fire rate. tallum heavy and a tallum blade with the haste SA is one way to do this. though a dark crystal shield will look better, a nightmare shield will work better.

    · +DEX : allows you to run off the raid boss when things go bad, get trains for AOE, and increased fire rate for cubics.

    You are the fastest dagger, with the highest crit rate. dark crystal light looks like it would be a good armor set, or nightmare light if going against magic wielding mobs/players. you may want to try to get a doom light set to +6. get a dagger with focus or critical damage.

    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.
    · +STR : more damage.

    You are the fastest archer, with the highest crit rate. +STR really isn’t your cup of tea, but it doesn’t hurt. you may want to try to get a doom light set to +6.

    · +DEX : increase in crit rate for more damage.
    · +STR : more damage is good damage.

    SpellSignerAs a nuker, you want to level with +INT, you may add +WIT later for PvP. dark crystal robes for PvP, nightmare robes for PvE. get a sword of miracles in A grade with acumen, and/or a sword of Valhalla in B grade with acumen.

    · +WIT : faster damage and more magic crits.
    · +INT : more damage per spell.
    · +MEN: more mp.

    ElementalSummonerBy increasing your attack speed, you increase your cubic fire rate. Using a dagger helps to do this. you may want to get a set of blue wolf light or doom light or robes to +6.

    · +DEX : increased fire rate for cubics.
    · +WIT : faster heals.
    · +MEN : more MP.

    Note that you cannot change your INT stat. you may want to try to get an avadon robe set to +6. any weapon with acumen will do.

    · +CON : increased survivability in PvE.
    · +MEN : this is essential as you will run out of mp otherwise.
    · +WIT : this is also essential, to increase % restored with “resurrection” and fast heals.

    The destroyer is a master of weapons, if you don’t have 3+ “situational” weapons in your warehouse or on your person, you simply aren’t playing the class to its fullest. majestic heavy is good with +STR, doom heavy +6 works well with +CON. blue wolf heavy +6 would help you to catch up with slower targets in PvP.

    Because you have no ranged attacks, its good to carry a bow, and though I don’t know of any destroyers that do AOE parties (and I’ve asked most of the high levels on my server), people that have never played the class say they are awesome at it, in which case you may also want a polearm.

    You should have a blunt for stunning, any blunt will do. an over-enchanted greatsword with the focus SA works better for PvE but a dragonslayer with the critical bleed SA works better in PvP.

    · +STR : more damage.
    · +CON : more HP for PvP, but get a health SA as well.
    · +DEX : helps you catch enemies in PvP.

    Tallum heavy and blood tornados with focus worked very well in C3. I have seen a lot more tyrants recently in light armors instead of heavy, especially nightmare light with dragon grinders, most likely with the health SA. it also doesn’t hurt to have another set of fist weapons for PvP with some sort of risk SA on them, for when your hp drops below 30%.

    · +STR : more damage.
    · +DEX : faster attack speed.
    · +CON : more HP for PvP, but get a health SA as well.

    WarcryerThis is one of the two most versatile classes for adding tattoos, you really cant go wrong no matter what you do.

    Majestic robes work great with +INT and a magic power SA, or with +WIT and an acumen SA. you can wear heavy armors (doom is common) to solo, but robes or light armors are best for parties. you should carry a blunt for stuns, any blunt will do. if you go with acumen carry a shield in case of arrows, if you go with magic power use the highest m. att weapon you can get.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.
    · +CON : higher survivability.
    · +INT : more damage per drain.
    · +WIT : faster damage and faster buffs.
    · +MEN : extremely high m def and extremely fast regen rate.

    OverlordThis is one of the two most versatile classes for adding tattoos, you really cant go wrong no matter what you do.

    Majestic robes work great with +INT and a magic power SA, or with +WIT and an acumen SA. you can wear heavy armors (doom is common) to solo, but robes or light armors are best for parties. you should carry a blunt for stuns, any blunt will do. if you go with acumen carry a shield in case of arrows, if you go with magic power use the highest m. att weapon you can get.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.

    · +CON : higher survivability and good for sieges, but get a health SA as well.
    · +INT : more damage per drain.
    · +WIT : faster damage and faster buffs.
    · +MEN : extremely high m def and extremely fast regen rate.

    Warsmith2handed blunts are your friend, as is majestic heavy and blue wolf heavy. carry a bow.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.
    · +CON : higher survivability and good for sieges, but get a health SA as well.
    · +DEX : helps you catch enemies in PvP.

    2handed blunts are your friend, as is majestic heavy and blue wolf heavy. carry a bow.

    · +STR : good for solo or additional damage in PvE.
    · +CON : higher survivability.
    · +DEX : helps you catch enemies in PvP.


    Credtis too DownUnder
    Last edited by Wyo; 01-17-2012 at 08:07 AM.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Wyo For This Useful Post:

    Hexney14 (07-06-2013),ntontos (01-17-2012),Physcadelic (01-17-2012)

  3. #2
    ntontos's Avatar
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    WIT: faster casting(making faster heals for healers and faster attacks for the other mages!!)
    Also, u forgot to add sph spoler !!

    PS. u need to improve ur english
    PSS. u play good L2 RPG servers
    -Respect List-

    -CheatCreatorzz : For his whole support he gave me...and his awesome friendship!!



  4. #3
    I got ants in my butt, and I needs to strut.
    Premium Seller
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    I am searching for high EXp servers, but I can find only Br's servers with high EXP =/

  5. #4
    Physcadelic's Avatar
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    Damn, that's some good information you got there.


    R.I.P a great GM

    Quote Originally Posted by Assalamu alaikum View Post
    what? maybe stop talk with riddles and with words i am not even know.

  6. #5
    CiborN's Avatar
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    Usefull thread, I agree with big part of the setup

  7. #6
    heliosvr6's Avatar
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    Noob dyes, noob players...

  8. #7
    SkyrenOfficial's Avatar
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    Human: +1dex +4dex +4con -9str
    Dark Elf: +4wit -4men/int +4dex +4con -8str
    Elf: Human/Dark Elf

  9. #8
    assothinks's Avatar
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    Heh that's pretty old thread but still valiable it also depends how do You play your char..
    If you going for lot of M atack or lot of m def etc..

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