Ok.. as the title states.. ive gotten comfortable with how the binds work, how to use them, how to configure the .cfg and so on... but i havnt really figured out how to automate, or rather, "bot" with this... i know theres a bunch of posts up with text like the following:

a_delayed 1 a_boat_no_intro "1"
a_delayed 3 a_boat_start
a_delayed 10 changelevel 2
a_delayed 15 changelevel 2
a_delayed 20 changelevel 2
a_delayed 25 changelevel 2
a_delayed 30 changelevel 2
a_delayed 33 cc_change_figure_height 500
a_delayed 35 scaleform_fade_in 0.1
a_delayed 37 a_nuke
a_delayed 100 a_if a_var_is_quest_ranking_shown == "1" "a_boat_replay"
a_delayed 115 a_exec btt.txt

But frankly.. this means nothing to me... i can do all of this manually, but id rather not... so ive decided to start somewhere basic, where theres only one stage, and the dungeon practically starts by itself... Weeping Queen.. now... the text, like above, would be as follows... i think...

a_delayed 1 a_boat_no_intro "1"
a_delayed 3 a_boat_start
a_delayed 20 godmode
a_delayed 25 a_nuke
a_delayed 100 a_if a_var_is_quest_ranking_shown == "1" "a_boat_replay"
a_delayed 115 a_exec WQ.txt

Or something along that lines... right? though i havnt a clue what this does: "a_if a_var_is_quest_ranking_shown == "1" "a_boat_replay"

Is there anything else i need? im assuming a way to virtually click the start button, and also replay button.. but again.. i draw a blank... :c