	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_base_of
template<class _Base, class _Der>
	struct is_base_of _IS_BASE_OF(_Base, _Der) //ERROR HERE SEE BELOW
	{	// determine whether _Base is a base of or the same as _Der

1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\type_traits(953): error C2059: Syntaxfehler: ','
1>          C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\type_traits(955): Siehe Verweis auf die Instanziierung der gerade kompilierten Klassen-template "std::tr1::is_base_of<<unnamed-symbol>,_Der>".
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\type_traits(954): error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ';' vor '{'
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\type_traits(955): error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ';' vor '}'
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\type_traits(955): fatal error C1004: Unerwartetes Dateiende gefunden.

Cant fix this shiat....

I never chnaged something in there , idk why this error comes..

the complete type_trait:
// type_traits TR1 header
#pragma once
#ifndef _TYPE_TRAITS_
#define _TYPE_TRAITS_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <limits>
#include <xtr1common>

 #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
 #pragma warning(push,3)


// VC++ V8 support
  #define _IS_BASE_OF(_Base, _Der)	\
	: _Cat_base<__is_base_of(_Base, _Der)>
  #define _IS_CONVERTIBLE(_From, _To)	\
	: _Cat_base<is_void<_From>::value && is_void<_To>::value \
		|| __is_convertible_to(_From, _To)>
  #define _IS_UNION(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_union(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_CLASS(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_class(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_ENUM(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_enum(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_POD(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<is_void<_Ty>::value \
	|| is_scalar<_Ty>::value \
	|| __has_trivial_constructor(_Ty) && __is_pod(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_EMPTY(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_empty(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_POLYMORPHIC(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_polymorphic(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_ABSTRACT(_Ty)	: _Cat_base<__is_abstract(_Ty)>
  #define _IS_STANDARD_LAYOUT(_Ty)	: is_pod<_Ty>
  #define _IS_TRIVIAL(_Ty)	: is_pod<_Ty>

	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_trivial_constructor(_Ty)>
  #define _HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY(_Ty)	\
	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_trivial_copy(_Ty)>
  #define _HAS_TRIVIAL_ASSIGN(_Ty)	\
	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_trivial_assign(_Ty)>
	: _Cat_base<!is_void<_Ty>::value \
		&& (is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_trivial_destructor(_Ty))>
	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_nothrow_constructor(_Ty)>
  #define _HAS_NOTHROW_COPY(_Ty)	\
	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_nothrow_copy(_Ty)>
  #define _HAS_NOTHROW_ASSIGN(_Ty)	\
	: _Cat_base<is_pod<_Ty>::value || __has_nothrow_assign(_Ty)>
	: _Cat_base<__has_virtual_destructor(_Ty)>

	namespace tr1 {	// TR1 additions
	// TEMPLATE CLASS _Ptr_traits
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ptr_traits
	{	// basic definition

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ptr_traits<_Ty *>
	{	// pointer properties
	static const bool _Is_const = false;
	static const bool _Is_volatile = false;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ptr_traits<const _Ty *>
	{	// pointer to const properties
	static const bool _Is_const = true;
	static const bool _Is_volatile = false;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ptr_traits<volatile _Ty *>
	{	// pointer to volatile properties
	static const bool _Is_const = false;
	static const bool _Is_volatile = true;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ptr_traits<const volatile _Ty *>
	{	// pointer to const volatile properties
	static const bool _Is_const = true;
	static const bool _Is_volatile = true;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_funptr
		: false_type
	{	// base class for function pointer predicates

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_memfunptr
		: false_type
	{	// base class for member function pointer predicates

 #define _INCL_FILE_xxtype_traits
 #include <xfwrap>

	// Type modifiers
	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_const
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_const
	{	// remove top level const qualifier
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_const<const _Ty>
	{	// remove top level const qualifier
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_const<const _Ty[]>
	{	// remove top level const qualifier
	typedef _Ty type[];

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct remove_const<const _Ty[_Nx]>
	{	// remove top level const qualifier
	typedef _Ty type[_Nx];

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_volatile
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_volatile
	{	// remove top level volatile qualifier
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_volatile<volatile _Ty>
	{	// remove top level volatile qualifier
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_volatile<volatile _Ty[]>
	{	// remove top level volatile qualifier
	typedef _Ty type[];

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct remove_volatile<volatile _Ty[_Nx]>
	{	// remove top level volatile qualifier
	typedef _Ty type[_Nx];

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_cv
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_cv
	{	// remove top level const and volatile qualifiers
	typedef typename remove_const<typename remove_volatile<_Ty>::type>::type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_const
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_const
	{	// add top level const qualifier
	typedef const _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct add_const<_Ty&>
	{	// add top level const qualifier
	typedef _Ty& type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_volatile
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_volatile
	{	// add top level volatile qualifier
	typedef volatile _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct add_volatile<_Ty&>
	{	// add top level volatile qualifier
	typedef _Ty& type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct add_cv
	{	// add top level const and volatile qualifiers
	typedef typename add_const<typename add_volatile<_Ty>::type>::type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_reference
	: _Remove_reference<_Ty>
	{	// remove reference
	typedef typename _Remove_reference<_Ty>::_Type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_reference -- retained
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_reference
	{	// add reference
	typedef typename _Remove_reference<_Ty>::_Type& type;

	struct add_reference<void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef void type;

	struct add_reference<const void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef const void type;

	struct add_reference<volatile void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef volatile void type;

	struct add_reference<const volatile void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef const volatile void type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_lvalue_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_lvalue_reference
	{	// add lvalue reference
	typedef typename add_reference<_Ty>::type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_rvalue_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_rvalue_reference
	{	// add rvalue reference
	typedef _Ty && type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct add_rvalue_reference<_Ty&>
	{	// add rvalue reference to rvalue reference
	typedef _Ty& type;

	struct add_rvalue_reference<void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef void type;

	struct add_rvalue_reference<const void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef const void type;

	struct add_rvalue_reference<volatile void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef volatile void type;

	struct add_rvalue_reference<const volatile void>
	{	// add reference
	typedef const volatile void type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_extent
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_extent
	{	// remove array extent
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Ix>
	struct remove_extent<_Ty[_Ix]>
	{	// remove array extent
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_extent<_Ty[]>
	{	// remove array extent
	typedef _Ty type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_all_extents
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_all_extents
	{	// remove all array extents
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Ix>
	struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[_Ix]>
	{	// remove all array extents
	typedef typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_all_extents<_Ty[]>
	{	// remove all array extents
	typedef typename remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS remove_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_pointer
	{	// remove pointer
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_pointer<_Ty *>
	{	// remove pointer
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_pointer<_Ty *const>
	{	// remove pointer
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_pointer<_Ty *volatile>
	{	// remove pointer
	typedef _Ty type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct remove_pointer<_Ty *const volatile>
	{	// remove pointer
	typedef _Ty type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS add_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct add_pointer
	{	// add pointer
	typedef typename remove_reference<_Ty>::type *type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_void
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_void
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is void

	struct _Is_void<void>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is void

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_void
	: _Is_void<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is void

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_integral
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_integral
	: _Is_integral<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is integral

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_floating_point
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_floating_point
	: _Is_floating_point<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is floating point

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_array
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_array
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an array

template<class _Ty, size_t _Nx>
	struct is_array<_Ty[_Nx]>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an array

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_array<_Ty[]>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an array

 #if _HAS_CPP0X
	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_lvalue_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_lvalue_reference
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an lvalue reference

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_lvalue_reference<_Ty&>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an lvalue reference

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_rvalue_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_rvalue_reference
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an rvalue reference

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_rvalue_reference<_Ty&&>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an rvalue reference

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_reference
	: _Cat_base<is_lvalue_reference<_Ty>::value
		|| is_rvalue_reference<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a reference

 #else /* _HAS_CPP0X */
	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_reference
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_reference
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a reference

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_reference<_Ty&>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a reference
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_member_object_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_member_object_pointer
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer to member object

template<class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
	struct _Is_member_object_pointer<_Ty1 _Ty2::*>
	: _Cat_base<!_Is_memfunptr<_Ty1 _Ty2::*>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer to member object

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_member_object_pointer
	: _Is_member_object_pointer<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer to member object

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_member_function_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_member_function_pointer
	: _Cat_base<_Is_memfunptr<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer to member function

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_pointer
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_pointer<_Ty *>
	: _Cat_base<!is_member_object_pointer<_Ty *>::value
		&& !is_member_function_pointer<_Ty *>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_pointer
	: _Is_pointer<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_union
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_union _IS_UNION(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a union

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_class
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_class _IS_CLASS(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a class

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_function
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_function
	: _Cat_base<_Is_funptr<typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type *>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a function

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_function<_Ty&>
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a function

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_arithmetic
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_arithmetic
	: _Cat_base<is_integral<_Ty>::value
		|| is_floating_point<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an arithmetic type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_fundamental
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_fundamental
	: _Cat_base<is_arithmetic<_Ty>::value
		|| is_void<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a fundamental type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_object
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_object
	: _Cat_base<!is_function<_Ty>::value
		&& !is_reference<_Ty>::value
		&& !is_void<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an object type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_convertible

template<class _From, class _To>
	struct is_convertible _IS_CONVERTIBLE(_From, _To)
	{	// determine whether _From is convertible to _To

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_enum

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_enum _IS_ENUM(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an enumerated type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_compound
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_compound
	: _Cat_base<!is_fundamental<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a compound type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_member_pointer
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_member_pointer
	: _Cat_base<is_member_object_pointer<_Ty>::value
		|| is_member_function_pointer<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a pointer to member

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_scalar
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_scalar
	: _Cat_base<is_arithmetic<_Ty>::value
		|| is_enum<_Ty>::value
		|| is_pointer<_Ty>::value
		|| is_member_pointer<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a scalar type

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_scalar<_Ty&>
	: false_type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_const
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_const
	: _Cat_base<_Ptr_traits<_Ty *>::_Is_const
		&& !is_function<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is const qualified

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct is_const<_Ty[_Nx]>
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is const qualified

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct is_const<const _Ty[_Nx]>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is const qualified

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_const<_Ty&>
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is const qualified

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_volatile
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_volatile
	: _Cat_base<_Ptr_traits<_Ty *>::_Is_volatile
		&& !is_function<_Ty>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is volatile qualified

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_volatile<_Ty&>
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty is volatile qualified

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Is_pod _IS_POD(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a POD type

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_pod
	: _Is_pod<typename _STD tr1::remove_all_extents<_Ty>::type>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a POD type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_empty
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_empty _IS_EMPTY(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an empty class

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_polymorphic
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_polymorphic _IS_POLYMORPHIC(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a polymorphic type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_abstract
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_abstract _IS_ABSTRACT(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an abstract class

 #if _HAS_CPP0X
	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_standard_layout
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_standard_layout _IS_STANDARD_LAYOUT(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is standard layout

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_trivial
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_trivial _IS_TRIVIAL(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty is trivial
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_constructor -- retained
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_constructor _HAS_TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial constructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_copy -- retained
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_copy _HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial copy constructor

 #if _HAS_CPP0X
	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_default_constructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_default_constructor _HAS_TRIVIAL_CONSTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial constructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_copy_constructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_copy_constructor _HAS_TRIVIAL_COPY(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial copy constructor
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_assign
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_assign _HAS_TRIVIAL_ASSIGN(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial assignment operator

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_trivial_destructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_trivial_destructor _HAS_TRIVIAL_DESTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a trivial destructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_nothrow_constructor -- retained
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_nothrow_constructor _HAS_NOTHROW_CONSTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a nothrow constructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_nothrow_copy -- retained
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_nothrow_copy _HAS_NOTHROW_COPY(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a nothrow copy constructor

 #if _HAS_CPP0X
	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_nothrow_default_constructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_nothrow_default_constructor _HAS_NOTHROW_CONSTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a nothrow constructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_nothrow_copy_constructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_nothrow_copy_constructor _HAS_NOTHROW_COPY(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a nothrow copy constructor
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_nothrow_assign
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_nothrow_assign _HAS_NOTHROW_ASSIGN(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a nothrow assignment operator

	// TEMPLATE CLASS has_virtual_destructor
template<class _Ty>
	struct has_virtual_destructor _HAS_VIRTUAL_DESTRUCTOR(_Ty)
	{	// determine whether _Ty has a virtaul destructor

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_signed
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Has_signed_vals
	: _Cat_base<(typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type)(-1)
		< (typename remove_cv<_Ty>::type)(0)>
	{	// integral type can represent negative values

template<class _Ty>
	struct is_signed
	: _Cat_base<is_floating_point<_Ty>::value || is_integral<_Ty>::value
		&& _Has_signed_vals<
			typename _If<is_integral<_Ty>::value, _Ty, int>::_Type>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is a signed type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_unsigned
template<class _Ty>
	struct is_unsigned
	: _Cat_base<is_integral<_Ty>::value
		&& !_Has_signed_vals<
			typename _If<is_integral<_Ty>::value, _Ty, int>::_Type>::value>
	{	// determine whether _Ty is an unsigned type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS make_signed
template<class _Ty>
	struct make_signed
	{	// signed partner to _Ty
	static const size_t _Bytes = sizeof (_Ty);

	typedef typename _If<is_signed<_Ty>::value, _Ty,
		typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (char), signed char,
			typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (short), short,
				typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (int), int,
					typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (long), long,
							::_Type>::_Type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS make_unsigned
template<class _Ty>
	struct make_unsigned
	{	// unsigned partner to _Ty
	static const size_t _Bytes = sizeof (_Ty);

	typedef typename _If<is_unsigned<_Ty>::value, _Ty,
		typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (char), unsigned char,
			typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (short), unsigned short,
				typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (int), unsigned int,
					typename _If<_Bytes <= sizeof (long), unsigned long,
							::_Type>::_Type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS alignment_of
template<class _Ty>
	struct _Get_align
	{	// struct used to determine alignemt of _Ty
	_Ty _Elt0;
	char _Elt1;
	_Ty _Elt2;

#define _ALIGN_OF(ty) (sizeof(_Get_align<ty>) - 2 * sizeof(ty))

template<class _Ty>
	struct alignment_of
	: integral_constant<size_t, _ALIGN_OF(_Ty)>
	{	// determine alignment of _Ty

template<class _Ty>
	struct alignment_of<_Ty&>
	: integral_constant<size_t, _ALIGN_OF(_Ty *)>
	{	// assume references are aligned like pointers

	// TEMPLATE CLASS aligned_storage
#define _FITS(ty) _Align == _ALIGN_OF(ty)
#define _NEXT_ALIGN(ty) \
	typedef typename _Aligned<_Len, _Align, ty, _FITS(ty)>::_Type _Type

template<class _Ty, size_t _Len> union _Align_type
	{	// union with size _Len bytes and alignment of _Ty
	_Ty _Val;
	char _Pad[_Len];

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align, class _Ty, bool _Ok>
	struct _Aligned;

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align, class _Ty>
	struct _Aligned<_Len, _Align, _Ty, true>
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty
	typedef _Align_type<_Ty, _Len> _Type;

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align>
	struct _Aligned<_Len, _Align, long, false>
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty
	typedef _Align_type<double, _Len> _Type;

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align>
	struct _Aligned<_Len, _Align, int, false>
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align>
	struct _Aligned<_Len, _Align, short, false>
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align>
	struct _Aligned<_Len, _Align, char, false>
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty

template<size_t _Len, size_t _Align>
	struct aligned_storage
	{	// define type with size _Len and alignment _Ty
	typedef typename _Aligned<_Len, _Align, char, _FITS(char)>::_Type type;

#undef _FITS
#undef _NEXT_ALIGN
#undef _ALIGN_OF

template<class _Ty>
	struct rank
	: integral_constant<size_t, 0>
	{	// determine number of dimensions of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Ix>
	struct rank<_Ty[_Ix]>
	: integral_constant<size_t, rank<_Ty>::value + 1>
	{	// determine number of dimensions of array _Ty

template<class _Ty>
	struct rank<_Ty[]>
	: integral_constant<size_t, rank<_Ty>::value + 1>
	{	// determine number of dimensions of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct _Extent
	: integral_constant<size_t, 0>
	{	// determine extent of dimension _Nx of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Ix>
	struct _Extent<_Ty[_Ix], 0>
	: integral_constant<size_t, _Ix>
	{	// determine extent of dimension _Nx of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx, unsigned int _Ix>
	struct _Extent<_Ty[_Ix], _Nx>
	: _Extent<_Ty, _Nx - 1>
	{	// determine extent of dimension _Nx of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx>
	struct _Extent<_Ty[], _Nx>
	: _Extent<_Ty, _Nx - 1>
	{	// determine extent of dimension _Nx of array _Ty

template<class _Ty, unsigned int _Nx = 0>
	struct extent
	: _Extent<_Ty, _Nx>
	{	// determine extent of dimension _Nx of array _Ty

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_same
template<class _Ty1, class _Ty2>
	struct is_same
	: false_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty1 and _Ty2 are the same type

template<class _Ty1>
	struct is_same<_Ty1, _Ty1>
	: true_type
	{	// determine whether _Ty1 and _Ty2 are the same type

	// TEMPLATE CLASS is_base_of
template<class _Base, class _Der>
	struct is_base_of _IS_BASE_OF(_Base, _Der)
	{	// determine whether _Base is a base of or the same as _Der

// #if _HAS_CPP0X	handy for non CPP0X too
template<class _Ty>
	struct decay
	{	// determines decayed version of _Ty
	typedef typename remove_reference<_Ty>::type _Ty1;

	typedef typename _If<is_array<_Ty1>::value,
		typename remove_extent<_Ty1>::type *,
		typename _If<is_function<_Ty1>::value,
			typename add_pointer<_Ty1>::type,
			typename remove_cv<_Ty1>::type>::_Type>::_Type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS enable_if
template<bool _Test,
	class _Type = void>
	struct enable_if
	{	// type is undefined for assumed !_Test

template<class _Type>
	struct enable_if<true, _Type>
	{	// type is _Type for _Test
	typedef _Type type;

	// TEMPLATE CLASS conditional
template<bool _Test,
	class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct conditional
	{	// type is _Ty2 for assumed !_Test
	typedef _Ty2 type;

template<class _Ty1,
	class _Ty2>
	struct conditional<true, _Ty1, _Ty2>
	{	// type is _Ty1 for _Test
	typedef _Ty1 type;
// #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */
	}	// namespace tr1

using tr1::add_const;
using tr1::add_cv;
using tr1::add_pointer;
using tr1::add_lvalue_reference;
using tr1::add_reference;	// retained
using tr1::add_rvalue_reference;
using tr1::add_volatile;
using tr1::aligned_storage;
using tr1::alignment_of;
using tr1::conditional;
using tr1::decay;
using tr1::enable_if;
using tr1::extent;
using tr1::false_type;
using tr1::has_nothrow_assign;
using tr1::has_nothrow_constructor;	// retained
using tr1::has_nothrow_copy;	// retained
using tr1::has_nothrow_copy_constructor;
using tr1::has_nothrow_default_constructor;
using tr1::has_trivial_assign;
using tr1::has_trivial_constructor;	// retained
using tr1::has_trivial_copy;	// retained
using tr1::has_trivial_copy_constructor;
using tr1::has_trivial_default_constructor;
using tr1::has_trivial_destructor;
using tr1::has_virtual_destructor;
using tr1::integral_constant;
using tr1::is_abstract;
using tr1::is_arithmetic;
using tr1::is_array;
using tr1::is_base_of;
using tr1::is_class;
using tr1::is_compound;
using tr1::is_const;
using tr1::is_convertible;
using tr1::is_empty;
using tr1::is_enum;
using tr1::is_floating_point;
using tr1::is_function;
using tr1::is_fundamental;
using tr1::is_integral;
using tr1::is_lvalue_reference;
using tr1::is_member_function_pointer;
using tr1::is_member_object_pointer;
using tr1::is_member_pointer;
using tr1::is_object;
using tr1::is_pod;
using tr1::is_pointer;
using tr1::is_polymorphic;
using tr1::is_reference;
using tr1::is_rvalue_reference;
using tr1::is_same;
using tr1::is_scalar;
using tr1::is_signed;
using tr1::is_standard_layout;
using tr1::is_trivial;
using tr1::is_union;
using tr1::is_unsigned;
using tr1::is_void;
using tr1::is_volatile;
using tr1::make_signed;
using tr1::make_unsigned;
using tr1::rank;
using tr1::remove_all_extents;
using tr1::remove_const;
using tr1::remove_cv;
using tr1::remove_extent;
using tr1::remove_pointer;
using tr1::remove_reference;
using tr1::_Remove_rvalue_reference;
using tr1::remove_volatile;
using tr1::true_type;
 #endif /* _HAS_TR1_IMPORTS */

 #if _HAS_CPP0X

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Arithmetic_traits;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<bool>
	{	// specialization for bool
	static const int _Rank = 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<char>
	{	// specialization for char
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<bool>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<signed char>
	{	// specialization for signed char
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<char>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<unsigned char>
	{	// specialization for unsigned char
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<char>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<short>
	{	// specialization for short
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<char>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<unsigned short>
	{	// specialization for unsigned short
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<short>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<int>
	{	// specialization for int
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<short>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<unsigned int>
	{	// specialization for unsigned int
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<int>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<long>
	{	// specialization for long
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<int>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<unsigned long>
	{	// specialization for unsigned long
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<long>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<long long>
	{	// specialization for long long
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<long>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<unsigned long long>
	{	// specialization for unsigned long long
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<long long>::_Rank;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<float>
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<long long>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<double>
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<float>::_Rank + 1;

	struct _Arithmetic_traits<long double>
	static const int _Rank = _Arithmetic_traits<double>::_Rank + 1;

template<bool _Unsigned> struct _Pickinteger
	{	// type is signed
	typedef int _Type;

	struct _Pickinteger<true>
	{	// type is unsigned
	typedef unsigned int _Type;

template<class _Ty,
	bool _Small>
	struct _Promote_to_int;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Promote_to_int<_Ty, true>
	{	// _Ty is smaller than an int
	typedef int _Type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Promote_to_int<_Ty, false>
	{	// _Ty is the same size as an int
	typedef typename _Pickinteger<tr1::is_unsigned<_Ty>::value>::_Type _Type;

template<class _Ty,
	bool _Small>
	struct _Maybepromote;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Maybepromote<_Ty, false>
	{	// _Ty ranks at least as high as int
	typedef _Ty _Type;

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Maybepromote<_Ty, true>
	{	// _Ty is no larger than an int
	typedef typename _Promote_to_int<_Ty, sizeof(_Ty) < sizeof(int)>::_Type

template<class _Ty>
	struct _Ipromo
	{	// arithmetic promotions
	static const bool _Lessthan =
		_Arithmetic_traits<_Ty>::_Rank < _Arithmetic_traits<int>::_Rank;
	typedef typename _Maybepromote<_Ty, _Lessthan>::_Type _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1,
	bool _Second>
	struct _Common_typeX
	{	// _Second is true; pick second type
	typedef _Ty1 _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1>
	struct _Common_typeX<_Ty0, _Ty1, false>
	{	// _Second is false; pick first type
	typedef _Ty0 _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1,
	bool _Uns0,
	bool _Uns1>
	struct _Common_typeY
	{	// second type not unsigned, pick first if unsigned or both signed
	typedef _Ty0 _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1>
	struct _Common_typeY<_Ty0, _Ty1, false, true>
	{	// first type is signed, second type is unsigned; pick second type
	typedef _Ty1 _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1,
	int _Rank0,
	int _Rank1>
	struct _Common_type
	{	// different ranks; pick higher ranking type
	typedef typename _Common_typeX<_Ty0, _Ty1, _Rank0 < _Rank1>::_Type _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1,
	int _Rank>
	struct _Common_type<_Ty0, _Ty1, _Rank, _Rank>
	{	// same rank; if one is unsigned, pick it
	typedef typename _Common_typeY<_Ty0, _Ty1,
		tr1::is_unsigned<_Ty1>::value>::_Type _Type;

template<class _Ty0,
	class _Ty1>
	struct common_type
	{	// determine common type of arithmetic types _Ty0 and _Ty1
	typedef typename _Ipromo<_Ty0>::_Type _PromoTy0;
	typedef typename _Ipromo<_Ty1>::_Type _PromoTy1;
	typedef typename _Common_type<_PromoTy0, _PromoTy1,
		_Arithmetic_traits<_PromoTy1>::_Rank>::_Type type;

 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */
 #pragma warning(pop)
 #pragma pack(pop)

#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* _TYPE_TRAITS_ */

 * Copyright (c) 1992-2009 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
 * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V5.20:0009 */