Sure, I love AVA and I'm not leaving....until this game is released in the US!!

Warface is an amazing F2P FPS basically Battlefield and Call of Duty mixed together! And as of now, it's in Beta and only available in Russia, China, and Korea. Here are some facts I picked up on the game in the 3 hours I've been playing it.

  • Unlike A.V.A, when you snipe, you can lead the person.
  • You can crawl on the ground
  • You can punch people like in COD
  • No scopes are easier with sniper
  • You can jump over things like in COD
  • You can slide under obstecles
  • You can change classes in game like in COD
  • Medic class allows for you to heal yourself
  • Medic class allows for you to heal your teammates
  • Medic class allows for you to resserect your dead teammates
  • Press "C" to add customizations to your weapon in game. Ex. You can add a grenade luncher to your rifle man weapon in game!
  • Rifleman has the ability to restore your ammo as well as a teammates ammo
  • The GFX in this game is 1000x Better than in AVA. Really close to that of COD
  • Engineer class can repair armor and set mines

Remember, this is only available to Russia, China, and Korea. How did I get in? I may post a tutorial about it in the tutorial section if you guys are interested