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  1. #1
    .::SCHiM::.'s Avatar
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    [Release] Polymorphic engine + micro assembler

    Here's a little assembler and a polymorphic engine I made a while ago. You can use this to generate dynamic decryptors for your hacks, so cheat engines can't detect your hacks via signature scanning.


    A polymorphic engine (sometimes called mutation engine or mutating engine) is a computer program that can be used to transform another program into a version that consists of different code with the same functionality. A typical polymorphic engine works by encrypting the target program in various ways and providing a decryption module that can vary widely
    This engine:

    This engine packs two features: Regswap and permutation. The decryptor itself is very simple and uses a basic DWORD-by-DWORD xor encoding. If you use this engine you must use a layered or overlapping encryption to destroy signatures completely (generate multiple decryptors for multiple layers of encryption). Another great (and relatively simple) improvement would be a junk generator. Generating junk would, I think, triple the efficiency of the decryptor against human analysis. and if done properly it could also heighten the decryptor's resilience against emulation.

    The example program only generates a decryptor, and does not actually encrypt anything. The actual encryption is left as an exercise to the reader. The micro assembler includes more instructions then are needed for the engine, so there's room to expand on the decryptor used.

    The code is big and clumsy by design, I've done this so that you don't need to figure out complex program flow on top of learning how the engine and the assembler work.

    Strong points:

    *Proper regswap
    *Real permutation
    *Strong against signature based detection

    Weak points:

    * No junk generation
    * Weak against static analysis
    * Weak against emulation
    * Weak against human analysis


    I don't think I'm going to update this program, but you never know.


    Tested on windows xp sp2, there is a very small chance that the engine crashes due to an off-by-one bug in the IsLocationValid() function, to lazy to fix.

    The engine would be improved greatly if a (realistic) junk generator was added.

    The engine would be improved greatly if cstd's rand() was replaced by the mersene twister, or another high quality rng.


    A decryptor can be generated by calling: unsigned char* GenerateDecryptor( DWORD Key, DWORD Start, DWORD End, DWORD Return, DWORD &Size );

    Arg1 = The key to use
    Arg2 = The start location (in memory) to decrypt
    Arg3 = The location (again in memory) to stop decrypting
    Arg4 = The location the decryptor should return to when it's done encrypting
    Arg5 = Returns the size of the decryptor (it can vary between 0x128 and 0x1024 )



    #ifndef ENGINE_H
    #define ENGINE_H
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include "sinstr.h"
    #include "sasm.h"
    unsigned char* GenerateDecryptor( DWORD Key, DWORD Start, DWORD End, DWORD Return, DWORD &Size );


    #ifndef S_ASH_H
    #define S_ASM_H
    #include "sinstr.h"
    bool SASM( sInstr* instr, unsigned char* instruction );

    #ifndef SINSTR_H
    #define SINSTR_H
    #include <Windows.h>
    struct sInstr{
    	DWORD Src;
    	DWORD hWord;
    	DWORD Dest;
    	DWORD lWord;
    	DWORD Type;
    	DWORD Len;
    #define TYPEPUSHM 0x0  // not done 
    #define TYPEPUSHR 0x1  
    #define TYPEJUMP  0x2
    #define TYPECALL  0x3
    #define TYPEMOVR  0x4
    #define TYPEMOVM  0x5
    #define TYPEMMOV  0x6
    #define TYPEMOVI  0xA   // care
    #define TYPEXORR  0x7
    #define TYPEPOPM  0x8  // not done 
    #define TYPEPOPR  0x9
    #define TYPECMPR  0xB
    #define TYPEJE	  0xC
    #define TYPEADDR  0xD
    #define TYPEINCR  0xE
    #define TYPEADDI  0xF
    #define REGEAX 0x0
    #define REGECX 0x1
    #define REGEDX 0x2
    #define REGEBX 0x3
    #define REGESP 0x4
    #define REGEBP 0x5
    #define REGESI 0x6
    #define REGEDI 0x7
    extern const unsigned char PUSHRbase;// = 0x50;
    extern const unsigned char POPRbase; //= 0x58;
    extern const unsigned char JMPMbase; // = 0xE9;
    extern const unsigned char CALLMbase; // = 0xE8;
    extern const unsigned char MOVRbase; // = 0x89;
    extern const unsigned char MOVRbase2; //= 0xC0;
    extern const unsigned char MOVMbase; // = 0x8B;
    extern const unsigned char MOVMbase2; // = 0x0;
    extern const unsigned char MMOVbase; // = 0x89;
    extern const unsigned char MMOVbase2; // = 0x0
    extern const unsigned char MOVIbase; // = 0xB8;
    extern const unsigned char XORRbase; // = 0x30;
    #define XORRbase2 MOVRbase2;
    extern const unsigned char CMPRbase; // = 0x39;
    #define CMPRbase2 MOVRbase2;
    extern const unsigned char JEbase; // = 0x74;
    extern const unsigned char ADDbase; // = 0x01;
    #define ADDbase2 MOVRbase2;
    extern const unsigned char INCbase; // = 0x40;
    extern const unsigned char ADDIbase; // = 0x83;
    #define ADDIbase2 MOVRbase2;

    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #include "sasm.h"
    #include "sinstr.h"
    struct DecryptorPlans{
    	DWORD KeyRegister;
    	DWORD CountRegister;
    	DWORD SizeRegiser;
    	DWORD GetsRegister;
    	DWORD PutsRegister;
    #define REGNOCANDIDATE -1
    bool SetRegisters( DecryptorPlans *dp ){
    	srand( time( NULL ) );
    		dp->KeyRegister = FreeRegisterCandidates[ rand() % sizeof( FreeRegisterCandidates ) ];
    	} while( dp->KeyRegister == REGNOCANDIDATE );
    		FreeRegisterCandidates[ dp->KeyRegister ] = REGNOCANDIDATE;
    		cout << "Key register selected" << endl; 
    		dp->CountRegister = FreeRegisterCandidates[ rand() % sizeof( FreeRegisterCandidates ) ];
    	} while ( dp->CountRegister == REGNOCANDIDATE );
    		FreeRegisterCandidates[ dp->CountRegister ] = REGNOCANDIDATE;
    		cout << "Count register selected" << endl; 
    		dp->SizeRegiser = FreeRegisterCandidates[ rand() % sizeof( FreeRegisterCandidates ) ];
    	} while ( dp->SizeRegiser == REGNOCANDIDATE );
    		FreeRegisterCandidates[ dp->SizeRegiser ] = REGNOCANDIDATE;
    		cout << "Size register selected" << endl; 
    		dp->GetsRegister = FreeRegisterCandidates[ rand() % sizeof( FreeRegisterCandidates ) ];
    	} while ( dp->GetsRegister == REGNOCANDIDATE );
    		FreeRegisterCandidates[ dp->GetsRegister ] = REGNOCANDIDATE;
    		cout << "Gets register selected" << endl; 
    		dp->PutsRegister = FreeRegisterCandidates[ rand() % sizeof( FreeRegisterCandidates ) ];
    	} while ( dp->PutsRegister == REGNOCANDIDATE );
    		FreeRegisterCandidates[ dp->GetsRegister ] = REGNOCANDIDATE;
    		cout << "Puts register selected" << endl; 
    return true;
    DWORD GetRandomLocation( DWORD min, DWORD max ){
    	return ( min + ( rand() % max ) );
    bool IsValidLocation( unsigned char* Location ){
    	unsigned char* p = Location - 0x6;
    		if( *p )
    			return false;
    	} while ( ++p < Location + 0x6 );
    return true;
    DWORD GetNextInstruction( unsigned char* Buffer, DWORD Size ){
    DWORD result = 0;
    		result = GetRandomLocation( (DWORD)Buffer, Size-0x6 );
    	} while( !IsValidLocation( (unsigned char*)result ) );
    return result;
    bool PerformJump( unsigned char* Buffer,  DWORD To, DWORD From ){
    sInstr SCHiMInstr = { NULL };
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = To;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = From;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEJUMP;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) From ) )
    		return false;
    return true;
    unsigned char* GenerateDecryptor( DWORD Key, DWORD Start, DWORD End, DWORD Return, DWORD &Size ){
    	unsigned char* Buffer = NULL;
    	DecryptorPlans dpl = { NULL };
    	sInstr SCHiMInstr = { NULL };
    	DWORD CurrentInstructionLocation = NULL;
    	DWORD NextInstructionLocation = NULL;
    	DWORD LoopLocation = NULL, OutLocation = NULL, CNTLocation = NULL;
    	srand( time( NULL ) );
    	Size = GetRandomLocation( 0x128, 0x1024 );
    	if( !( Buffer = new (std::nothrow) unsigned char[ Size ] ) )
    		return NULL;
    	memset( Buffer, 0, Size );
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = (DWORD)Buffer;
    		NextInstructionLocation = GetRandomLocation( (DWORD)Buffer, Size - 0x6 );
    	} while ( NextInstructionLocation < CurrentInstructionLocation + 5 );
    	SetRegisters( &dpl );
    	cout << "To: " << std::hex << NextInstructionLocation << " From:  " << std::hex << CurrentInstructionLocation << endl;
    	 Starup fase 
    	   initialises critical registers
    	   basic decryptor blueprint
    		//instruction 0x01: Jump into the decryptor stub
    	cout << "instruction 0x01: Jump into the decryptor stub" << endl;
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size ); 
    	cout << "instructuion 0x02: mov KeyRegister, Key" << endl;
    			//instructuion 0x02: mov KeyRegister, Key
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.KeyRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = Key;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMOVI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x03: Jump to gets register initialisation" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x03: Jump to gets register initialisation
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size ); 
    	cout << "instruction 0x04: Initialise gets register" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x04: Initialise gets register
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.GetsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = Start;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMOVI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x05: Jump to count register initialisation" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x05: Jump to count register initialisation
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x06: Initialize count register" << endl;
    		//Instruction 0x06: Initialize count register
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.CountRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = 0;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMOVI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x07: Jump to size register initialization" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x07: Jump to size register initialization
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x08: Initialize size register" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x08: Initialize size register
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.SizeRegiser;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = ( End - Start );
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMOVI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x09: Jump to cmp instruction" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x09: Jump to cmp instruction
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	LoopLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation;
    	cout << "instruction 0x0a: Cmp count, size register" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0a: cmp count, size register
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.CountRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = dpl.SizeRegiser;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPECMPR;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	cout << "instruction 0x0b: Je out" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0b: je out
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; 
    	NextInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + 5 + 2;
    	CNTLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + 2;
    	OutLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = 0x5;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEJE;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	cout << "instruction 0x0C: Jump outside the decryptor stub" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0C: Jump outside the decryptor stub
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, Return, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CNTLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x0D: Jump to mov puts, [gets]" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0D: Jump to mov puts, [gets]
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x0E: Mov puts, [gets]" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0E: Mov puts, [gets]
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.PutsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = dpl.GetsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMOVM;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x0F: Jump to xor puts, key" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x0F: Jump to xor puts, key
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x10: Xor puts, key" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x10: Xor puts, key
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.PutsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = dpl.KeyRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEXORR;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x11: Jump to mov [gets], puts" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x11: Jump to mov [gets], puts
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x12: Mov [gets], puts" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x12: mov [gets], puts
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.GetsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = dpl.PutsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEMMOV;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x13: Jump to add gets, 4" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x13: Jump to add gets, 4
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x14: Add gets, 4" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x14: Add gets, 4
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.GetsRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = 0x4;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEADDI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len; // NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x15: Jump to add count, 4" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x15: Jump to add count, 4t
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, NextInstructionLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;
    	CurrentInstructionLocation = NextInstructionLocation;
    	NextInstructionLocation = GetNextInstruction( Buffer, Size );
    	cout << "instruction 0x16: Add count, 4" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x16: Add count,4
    	SCHiMInstr.Dest = dpl.CountRegister;
    	SCHiMInstr.Src = 0x4;
    	SCHiMInstr.Type = TYPEADDI;
    	if( !SASM( &SCHiMInstr, (unsigned char*) CurrentInstructionLocation ) )
    		return NULL;	
    	cout << "instruction 0x17: Jump to loop" << endl;
    		//instruction 0x17: Jump to loop
    	if( !PerformJump( Buffer, LoopLocation, CurrentInstructionLocation + SCHiMInstr.Len ) )
    		return NULL;
    	cout << "Done" << endl;
    	 Main generation fase 
    	   Generates junk  to-do
    	   Generates semi-realistic junk ( to-do )
    return Buffer;

    #include <iostream>
    #include <Windows.h>
    #include "sasm.h"
    #include "sinstr.h"
    #include "Engine.h"
    int main(){
    	DWORD OldProtect, Size;
                                                                              // key           start location stop location return size
    	unsigned char* Decryptor = GenerateDecryptor( 0xDEADBEEF, 0x401000, 0x401100, 0x401000, Size );
                // Decryptor now points to a function that can be a or pre-pended to a piece of encrypted code. 
    	VirtualProtect( (LPVOID)Decryptor, Size, 0x40, &OldProtect );  
    		INT 3h
    		mov eax, Decryptor
    		mov eax, eax
    	unsigned char* Buffer = new unsigned char[ 16 ];
    	memset( Buffer, 0, 16 );
    	sInstr instr = { NULL };
    	instr.Dest = 0x401010;
    	instr.Src = 0x401000;
    	instr.Type = TYPEJUMP;  // mov [eax], ecx
    	SASM( &instr, Buffer );
    	printf( "Instruction: %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n", Buffer[0], Buffer[1],  Buffer[2], Buffer[3], Buffer[4] );
    return 0;

    #include "sinstr.h"
    bool SASM( sInstr* instr, unsigned char* instruction ){
    	instr->Len = 2;
    	switch( instr->Type ){
    		case TYPEPUSHR:
    			instruction[0] = PUSHRbase;
    			instruction[0] += instr->Src;
    			instr->Len = 1;
    		case TYPEPOPR:
    			instruction[0] = POPRbase;
    			instruction[0] += instr->Dest;
    			instr->Len = 1;
    		case TYPEJUMP:
    			instruction[0] = JMPMbase;
    			*(DWORD*)(&instruction[1]) = instr->Dest - instr->Src  - 5;
    			instr->Len = 5;
    		case TYPECALL:
    			instruction[0] = CALLMbase;
    			*(DWORD*)(&instruction[1]) = instr->Dest - instr->Src  - 5;
    			instr->Len = 5;
    		case TYPEMOVR:
    			instruction[0] = MOVRbase;
    			instruction[1] = MOVRbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Src;   // 3 = ebx = 8 * 
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;		// 2 = edx 
    		case TYPEMOVM:
    				// Not that advanced...
    			if( instr->Src == REGESP || instr->Src == REGEBP )
    				return false;
    			instruction[0] = MOVMbase;
    			instruction[1] = MOVMbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Dest;
    			instruction[1] += instr->Src; 
    		case TYPEMMOV:
    				// Not that advanced...
    			if( instr->Dest == REGESP || instr->Dest == REGEBP )
    				return false;
    			instruction[0] = MMOVbase;
    			instruction[1] = MMOVbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Src;
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;
    		case TYPEMOVI:
    			instruction[0] = MOVIbase;
    			instruction[0] += instr->Dest;
    			*(DWORD*)(&instruction[1]) = instr->Src;
    			instr->Len = 5;
    		case TYPEXORR:
    			instruction[0] = XORRbase;
    			instruction[1] = XORRbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Src;   // 3 = ebx = 8 * 
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;		// 2 = edx 
    		case TYPECMPR:
    			instruction[0] = CMPRbase;
    			instruction[1] = CMPRbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Src;   // 3 = ebx = 8 * 
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;		// 2 = edx 
    		case TYPEJE:
    			instruction[0] = JEbase;
    			instruction[1] = instr->Dest;
    		case TYPEADDR:
    			instruction[0] = ADDbase;
    			instruction[1] = ADDbase2;
    			instruction[1] += 8 * instr->Src;   // 3 = ebx = 8 * 
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;		// 2 = edx 
    		case TYPEINCR:
    			instruction[0] = INCbase;
    			instruction[0] += instr->Dest;
    			instr->Len = 1;
    		case TYPEADDI:
    			instruction[0] = ADDIbase;
    			instruction[1] = ADDIbase2;
    			instruction[1] += instr->Dest;
    			instruction[2] = instr->Src;
    			instr->Len = 3;
    			return false;
    return true;

    #include "sinstr.h"
    const unsigned char PUSHRbase = 0x50;
    const unsigned char POPRbase = 0x58;
    const unsigned char JMPMbase = 0xE9;
    const unsigned char CALLMbase = 0xE8;
    const unsigned char MOVRbase = 0x89;
    const unsigned char MOVRbase2 = 0xC0;
    const unsigned char MOVMbase = 0x8B;
    const unsigned char MOVMbase2 = 0x0;
    const unsigned char MMOVbase = 0x89;
    const unsigned char MMOVbase2 = 0x0;
    const unsigned char MOVIbase = 0xB8;
    const unsigned char XORRbase = 0x31;
    const unsigned char CMPRbase = 0x39;
    const unsigned char JEbase = 0x74;
    const unsigned char ADDbase = 0x01;
    const unsigned char INCbase = 0x40;
    const unsigned char ADDIbase = 0x83;


    I'm SCHiM

    Morals derive from the instinct to survive. Moral behavior is survival behavior above the individual level.

    Polymorphic engine
    Interprocess callback class
    Infinite-precision arithmetic
    Hooking dynamic linkage
    (sloppy)Kernel mode Disassembler!!!

    Semi debugger

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to .::SCHiM::. For This Useful Post:

    albermonte (02-10-2016),giniyat101 (06-30-2012),Hassan (06-28-2012),Hell_Demon (06-21-2012),MegaProphet (06-19-2016),Saltine (06-21-2012),tester6663 (06-14-2013)

  3. #2
    sandervz's Avatar
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    May 2012
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    wow nice work man.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to sandervz For This Useful Post:

    albermonte (02-10-2016)

  5. #3
    Hell_Demon's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    I love causing havoc
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    Very nice bro O:
    Ah we-a blaze the fyah, make it bun dem!

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