Account subscription expired BEFORE March 4th, 2012.

What you'll get immediately:
-One character boosted to level 80.
-FREE realm transfer to my realm (Silvermoon) and to my Faction (Alliance).
-Free upgrade to Cataclysm.
-7 free days of game time.

What I'll add to the offer myself:
-Help with any quest/dungeon. I'm a generous person, so if I'm available I can help with whatever, whenever. (Don't slave me though :P)
-I will give you 2000 gold, on top of it. I know it's not much, but hey, it can get you quite a bit of stuff if used right!
-I'm a Paladin. If you need a tank for a heroic, I'll queue up with you so you get that faster queue, and I'll go through the dungeon with you. If you want sexy DPS, I'll queue as damage with you.
-Other stuff. Just let me know what and I'll see what I can do.

I'm looking for someone who is thinking of coming back to WoW. I want that Spectral Gyphon, as I don't see many people with it, and in my opinion it looks cool. Silvermoon is a Pacific Time realm, mostly (GMT -8:00). There are late-night raiding guilds out there, but not a lot. If you want any more information, just ask.

If you are interested, leave a reply below or PM me. (PM will get the fastest response, of course. However, I'll check this thread frequently.)