Love’s First Taste

How could’ve I known that I’d be made a fool
By Cupid’s demand, I had lost mine life’s control
He’d struck me with an arrow in order to love you
If the world’s a stage, then your lover is my role

She seemed so charming, like spring’s first flowers
And just like roses, mine cheeks turned a lovely red
For a kiss I longed- it would draw a smile for hours
I had been starving, but by love and lips- I was fed

I had ne’er had some experience, in love and such
But o’ now I swear, I loved her- perhaps too much
Love’s first taste- it dripped magic from my quill

Yet ne’er was it felt, but just a mere hope in my dream
I was just a man- ne’er against destiny will I win
Love’s first taste- it was so sweet, but ‘twas never real