[Trusted list]⇓
Skill145 : Nice trade, done with OMM.
CFFG. : Trusted guy, Traded with OMM.
Fox. : Awesome guy, Traded with OMM.
]i[Smoke. : Smooth trade, done without OMM.
Dot. : Nicely completed trade, done with OMM.
freeasabird : He went first, done without OMM.
rchayne : I went first, nicely done without OMM.
shoracko (+2) : He went first, done without OMM.
Extreme_XB : Pretty damn fast trade, done without OMM.
accountforsale : Bought an account from his website, trusted guy.
JohnDoe52 : Nice and fast trade, he went first, done without OMM.
USWEST : He went first, pretty damn fast trade, done without OMM.
Poxer (+5) : He went first on first half, then was my turn. Done without OMM, no issues. Trusted guy!
Yovillesociety(+1) :done with OMM.
⇓[Scammers list]⇓
[U]ndetecte[D]. : PermaIpBanned.
ILoveLasagna : PermaIpBanned.
blazingkid51 : PermaIpBanned.