First of all I've been seeing a lot of hacks that need specific .dll's so i think i should make a thread explaining what to do.

1: Go to Download your missing .dll files - to get your required file.

2: Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32 Or find System32 in your computer

3: now Open up the file with WinRar

4: Move the dll file to your system32 folder
Alternative If the Dll still does not Work

1: Don't Delete the dll file after you putted it in the system32 folder

2: Take it back out and go bring it to desktop

3: Open up CombatArms Folder

4: Add the Dll into the Folder

Taa Daaa it should work

Now all of you who have problems will go to this thread and use it.

Again Go To Download your missing .dll files -