Please note to all forum members, if you disagree with one of the parts of the agreement or want something more than what I currently offer, this can be discussed.
To begin, you must be an established seller on the forums that has a large number of vouches. I prefer that you have an accessible database of keys that you can provide to me or one of my four friends at any given moment through a secure web-service. In return i offer the production of videos for use on YouTube, and other media websites.
What i Provide:
Features of the Videos: Each video will be approximately 2 to 10 minutes long
- Unique intro with Logo & Channel Name
- Voice Over w/ subtle background Music
- Custom Visual Basic Apps
- Explains to the user how to run the application
- Shows off the features of each hack
- Full HD 1920x1080p
- Delivery through Password Protected & Encrypted Archives on File Sharing Websites
- Exact File Name, MD5 and SHA-1 Hashes provided
Videos include: Hack Showcases, Hack Releases, Battle-Eye Bypass, and more!
What you Provide:
- Lifetime Key Warranty for Four (4) Friends and I
- Support for Banned & In-Use Keys 24/7 Through Secure Web Service
- Contact via Skype and Personal Messaging through forums
My Service does not provide the following:
- Views, Thumbs Up, and Positive comments are not included in my service
- Google Account creation & management is not included in my service
Why invest your keys in my service? It is simple, high quality videos are attractive to the new and ignorant people that comb YouTube and other media sites for methods to cheat in games. By creating several channels with attractive and unique videos you will increase the number of keys you receive and in doing so increase your theoretical profit!
If you are interested:
Include a link to your most up to date forum post from which you sell CD-Keys
Contact via Skype: Goon Squad Nature (james turner)
contact via Personal Message
Will Bump Tomorrow at 10:01 PM EST if someone has not contacted me and made an agreement.
(24 Hours from my post or the last on the thread!)
Also Note: this account is new because i did not want to associate my other account with it or
my real Skype. Thanks for understanding.
Last edited by GoonSquadNature; 02-23-2013 at 09:01 PM. Reason: Skype & Details
Please note to all forum members, if you disagree with one of the parts of the agreement or want something more than what I currently offer, this can be discussed.
You want basically non-stolen keys for 5 people... thats about $65 you're running there... For something I could pay on paypal 2-5 dollars for and be done with it.
Not to mention, if said keys gets banned (EVER) You want a replacement, and considering no one can be for sure if you're playing legit on them or lie about them being in use, this is pretty much the shittiest deal i've ever seen.
I don't think you realize what you're asking... You want me to give you a member ship worth $100, assuming Lifetime is $20 each for videos... videos i can download from other people and upload...for free. AND you want a 24/7 service, a secure online website that does this FOR YOU... you're out of your mind bro this is a shitty deal dude