So I'm currently learning about foreach loops, enums and lists. Now, I have a class called Shoe and an enum called Color:

class Shoe
        public Shoe(Color color, int age)
            this.color = color; this.age = age;
        public Color color;
        public int age;
        public string GetDescription()
            return "This shoe is " + color + " and is " + age + " years old.";
    enum Color
I Also have a class called LaceShoe that inherits from Shoe:

sealed class LaceShoe : Shoe
         public LaceShoe(Color color, int age)
             : base(color, age)

Ok , so here is the test i'm trying to do.

List<Shoe> shoesList2 = new List<Shoe>();
            shoesList2.Add(new LaceShoe(Color.Yellow, 20));
            shoesList2.Add(new Shoe(Color.Blue, 10));
            shoesList2.Add(new LaceShoe(Color.Red, 40));
            shoesList2.Add(new Shoe(Color.White, 80));
            shoesList2.Add(new Shoe(Color.Blue, 30));
            Shoe[] shoesarray = new Shoe[shoesList2.Count];
            int y = 0;
            foreach (Shoe shoe in shoesList2)
                shoesarray[y] = shoe;
            int b = 0;
            foreach (LaceShoe shoe in shoesarray)
                Console.WriteLine("This shoes array has " + " lace shoes");
But this doesn't work. It says unable to cast object of type shoe to type lace shoe. I'm not sure why it gives me that. I made a new list of type shoe and added 3 shoe objects and 2 LaceShoe objects to it. Then I went through all the shoes in the shoe list and populated the shoesarray with the shoes in the shoelist.

Then , All I want to do next is look for the LaceShoes in the shoesarray. Since the shoesarray got populated with all the shoe objects in the shoelist, shouldn't it also have the 2 shoelace objects of shoelist? And then, shouldn't I be able to get the amount of LaceShoes in my shoesarray? Which is 2?

Now keep in mind, I know how to fix this; All i have to do is do this instead:
foreach (Shoe shoe in shoesarray)
                if (shoe is LaceShoe)
                    Console.WriteLine("This shoes array has " + b + " lace shoes");
All I want to know is WHY it gave me the error. Is it because my shoesarray is type Shoe and when I use foreach loops I can only do it of the type my collection is? But if that's the case, since LaceShoe is also a shoe, shouldn't I be able to check for Laceshoes is the foreach loop?