Here is a list of strides for blackshot garena which I have compiled
20 - Menu
24 - Text
28 - Walls + terrainmodels e.g crates/cars/tanks
32 - Weapon
36 - GFX(smoke effects/explosions)
48 - Dancing Guy (little soldier on bottom of screen)
60 - Hair/Backpack
68 - Head/Face
72 - Body Model
Hope this will help in ur d3ds :P
u faken noob go make your own this is to help im not providing any hacks
Urm what is strides ?? code for dll is it ?? Btw I think u are From Malaysia Isn't it ?
no im not and strides are a certain number in which data for the 3d and 2d models are stored--u need the numbers for chams/wallhack/other d3d stuff and they are different for every game
thanks this helps alot, ive never coded directx in c++ before, can i use az0rbix's starter pack and just change the strides?
yes you can but remember to define your chams codes and otr stuff if not it will not work
heres a little tip to get you going:
Code:m_pD3Ddev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE,false);//sets your player model to be in front of all walls m_pD3Ddev->DrawIndexedPrimitive(Type, BaseVertexIndex, MinVertexIndex, NumVertices, startIndex, primCount); Your simple wallhack code :D rmb to place this under DrawIndexedPrimitive in ur d3d9dev.cpp and dont forget those semicolons
Can i follow this tut here?
yes you can follow any tut but pls bear in mind the d3d version of the game(blackshot is d3d9) and also some of the code may not be adapted for d3d9 so you have to modify it to suit d3d9