Well this is my Adventure Quest Health Hack Tut

First log on your Char and
Then you can just go to Battle Now or something like that
Then open CE and click on glowing PC in the cornor
When you have done that then you should do like this

Then press Attach To Process

And then it should look like this

After that look at your char's HP And then go back to CE and then write your amount of HP in the Value Box then press New Scan, and it should look like this

Now go back to AQ and then just get hit and lose some HP and then you have to go back to CE and scan your new amount HP... Lets say that you had 280 and then you got hit and now have 275, then you have to Search 275, but you have to press Next Scan.
Then there only should be one Address or wtf its called
Then double click on it so it will come down to the place where you can freeze it,
Now freeze it and then right click on it and go to Change Record and then click on Value, and a little box should appear and you can make it like this
and then click ok... and voila Health Hack done :P

PM me or write a msg in here if you got a question

i will soon make a dmg hack tut (with pic's)