>be 16 (19 now)
>not that smooth with the laddies
>always notice the same girl when walking the halls
>figure no way she is into me
>school goes on and I keep seeing this girl
>school year coming to an end
>friend tells me he mentioned me to a girl
>next day get random text
>its my crush
>we start talking
>we start to hang out during school
>douche bag ex boyfriend wont fuck off
>crush still kinda likes ex
>crush is stating to like me
>we go to the beach
>decided to remove my balls from upper stomach and kiss her
>kiss turns into 10 minute makeout session
>things looking good for me
>last do of school I get a text
>its my crush (Still haven't asked her out)
>she says she doesn't want to be in relationship over break and just wants to (ACTUAL QUOTE) "I just wanna do me and party"
>wtf she is a slut
>find out next day she wasn't going to be seen with a kid who doesn't have a car
>i am now okay with girls getting hit

Lets keep this going eh?