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  1. #1
    Zakne's Avatar
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    Unrar Archive Button Visual Basic

    Hello, i need help with Visual Basic
    i am making last login stealer for Minecraft.

    I need create button to unrar archive in .minecraft\versions directory and one text box to change this directory.

    If may be possible anyone give me the code i will be very grateful.

    Thank's for watching my post

  2. #2
    Zakne's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
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    Bump please need help :l

  3. #3
    133spider's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
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    Tough luck, newest minecraft launcher doesn't use Last Login files anymore. But luckily, since we just updated to the new launcher not to long ago, not a lot of people deleted their lastlogin file. So you want a button in your program that will unrar a file?

    I went to google and found this:


    Option Explicit
    ' Title:    UnRAR VB6 BAS Module
    ' Author:   Leigh Bowers (Compulsion Software)
    ' Email:
    ' Version:  1.01
    ' Date:     16th April 1999
    ' Revised:  15th June 1999
    ' Requires: UnRAR.DLL (supplied)
    ' License:  Freely Distributable
    ' Notes:-
    ' Please give me a small mention if you use all or part
    ' of this code in one of your VB programs ;-)
    ' Created utilising information contained within the
    ' UnRARDLL.txt & TechNote.txt files (as supplied with
    ' the full WinRAR package).
    ' Open Mode Constants
    Private Const RAR_OM_LIST As Byte = 0
    Private Const RAR_OM_EXTRACT As Byte = 1
    ' Error Constants
    Private Const ERAR_NO_MEMORY As Byte = 11
    Private Const ERAR_BAD_DATA As Byte = 12
    Private Const ERAR_BAD_ARCHIVE As Byte = 13
    Private Const ERAR_EOPEN As Byte = 15
    Private Const ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT As Byte = 14
    Private Const ERAR_SMALL_BUF As Byte = 20
    Private Const ERAR_ECLOSE As Byte = 17
    Private Const ERAR_END_ARCHIVE As Byte = 10
    Private Const ERAR_ECREATE As Byte = 16
    Private Const ERAR_EREAD As Byte = 18
    Private Const ERAR_EWRITE As Byte = 19
    ' Operation Constants
    Private Const RAR_SKIP As Byte = 0
    Private Const RAR_TEST As Byte = 1
    Private Const RAR_EXTRACT As Byte = 2
    ' Volume Constants
    Private Const RAR_VOL_ASK As Byte = 0
    Private Const RAR_VOL_NOTIFY As Byte = 1
    ' User Defined Types
    Private Type RARHeaderData
        ArcName As String * 260
        FileName As String * 260
        Flags As Long
        PackSize As Long
        UnpSize As Long
        HostOS As Long
        FileCRC As Long
        FileTime As Long
        UnpVer As Long
        Method As Long
        FileAttr As Long
        CmtBuf As String    ' Pointer (char *CmtBuf in C)
        CmtBufSize As Long
        CmtSize As Long
        CmtState As Long
    End Type
    Private Type RAROpenArchiveData
        ArcName As String   ' Pointer (char *ArcName in C)
        OpenMode As Long
        OpenResult As Long
        CmtBuf As String    ' Pointer (char *CmtBuf in C)
        CmtBufSize As Long
        CmtSize As Long
        CmtState As Long
    End Type
    ' RAR DLL Declares
    Public Declare Function RAROpen Lib "UnRAR.dll" Alias "RAROpenArchive" (ByRef RAROpenData As RAROpenArchiveData) As Long
    Public Declare Function RARClose Lib "UnRAR.dll" Alias "RARCloseArchive" (ByVal HandleToArchive As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function RARReadHdr Lib "UnRAR.dll" Alias "RARReadHeader" (ByVal HandleToArcRecord As Long, ByRef ArcHeaderRead As RARHeaderData) As Long
    Public Declare Function RARProcFile Lib "UnRAR.dll" Alias "RARProcessFile" (ByVal HandleToArcHeader As Long, ByVal Operation As Long, ByVal DestPath As String, ByVal DestName As String) As Long
    Public Declare Sub RARSetChangeVolProc Lib "UnRAR.dll" (ByVal HandleToArchive As Long, ByVal Mode As Long)
    Public Declare Sub RARSetPassword Lib "UnRAR.dll" (ByVal HandleToArchive As Long, ByVal Password As String)


    Function RARExtract(ByVal sRARArchive As String, ByVal sDestPath As String, Optional ByVal sPassword As String) As Integer
    ' Description:-
    ' Exrtact file(s) from RAR archive.
    ' Parameters:-
    ' sRARArchive   = RAR Archive filename
    ' sDestPath     = Destination path for extracted file(s)
    ' sPassword     = Password [OPTIONAL]
    ' Returns:-
    ' Integer       = 0  Failed (no files, incorrect PW etc)
    '                 -1 Failed to open RAR archive
    '                 >0 Number of files extracted
    Dim lHandle As Long
    Dim lStatus As Long
    Dim uRAR As RAROpenArchiveData
    Dim uHeader As RARHeaderData
    Dim iFileCount As Integer
        RARExtract = -1
        ' Open the RAR
        uRAR.ArcName = sRARArchive
        uRAR.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT
        lHandle = RAROpen(uRAR)
        ' Failed to open RAR ?
        If uRAR.OpenResult <> 0 Then Exit Function
        ' Password ?
        If sPassword <> "" Then
            RARSetPassword lHandle, sPassword
        End If
        ' Extract file(s)...
        iFileCount = 0
        ' Is there at lease one archived file to extract ?
        lStatus = RARReadHdr(lHandle, uHeader)
        Do Until lStatus <> 0
            ' Process (extract) the current file within the archive
            If RARProcFile(lHandle, RAR_EXTRACT, "", sDestPath + uHeader.FileName) = 0 Then
                iFileCount = iFileCount + 1
            End If
            ' Is there another archived file in this RAR ?
            lStatus = RARReadHdr(lHandle, uHeader)
        ' Close the RAR
        RARClose lHandle
        ' Return
        RARExtract = iFileCount
    End Function

    Good luck OP

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