Hello,Im going to sell my account
Server: EUW
Champs : 80
Skins : 26
Runes : 5 pages
elo : season 2 golden
season 3 soloq = diamond 5
season 3 3vs3 = golden 3
season 5 5vs5 = golden 2
Skins list:-
Unchained alistar
Artic warfare Caitlyn
Hot rod Corki
Mr. Mundoverse
Nottingham Ezreal
Frosted Ezreal
Desert Troper Garen
Hired Gun Graves
Nightblade Irelia
Victorious Jana
Monarch Kogmaw
Imperial Lux
Mafia Miss Fortune
Tribal Ryze
Recon Teemo
Buccaneer Tristana
Riot Tristana
Arclight Varus
Aristocrat Vayne
Ravager Nocturn
Traditional Lee sin
Astronaut Nautilus
Death Blosom Elise
Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
Gangster Twitch
Mafia Graves
Some pics.

Skype: fl4k3.

serious buyers, for scammers { dont waste my time and urs }
We gone use a OMM only or u can go first
no paypal

---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 AM ----------

#Request clsoed.