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    MuffinHD's Avatar
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    Post All of League of Legends Terms,Slangs and Phrases,

    [All of League of Legends Terms, Slangs, Phrases, and Abbrev.]

    Ace - When your team or opponents team has been completely killed meaning no one is up on a certain team.
    AD - Attack Damage
    AD Carry - Attack Damage Carry (Ranged ADC)
    AFK - Away from keyboard, sometimes people use this term as if someone is not here or moving or doing anything.
    Aggro - The tower is aiming and attacking you since you're in the opponents turrent range where it can cause damage to you.
    AoE - Area of Effect.
    AP - Ability Power.
    AP Mid - The mage that takes the mid lane or someone who is basically a AP champ.
    ArP - Armor Penentration.
    AS - Attack Speed.
    Assassin - Someone who goes straight to the target they want ignoring incomming damange. Assassins usually do a massive amount of damange and end up dying quickly though.
    Atm - At the moment.
    Atmogs - Warmogs + Atmas Impaler
    B - To retreat or to recall back to the fountain to regain full health and mana and to buy items if possible.
    Bait – Luring an enemy towards your team without them knowing so.
    Ban - In champion selection in Rank/Draft mode, you're giving the ability or the leader is given 3 ban options to ban any champion you like.
    Baron/Baron Nashor - The big red dragon icon near the opponents jungle (if on Blue side)
    BD - Backdoor; To go and push a lane when the opponents are currently distracted.
    BFS - B.F. Sword. An item that you can buy in the shop which can give you plenty of AD.
    BG - Bad game.
    Blue - Blue buff/blue golem
    Blue pilling - Another phrase meaning recalling or B.
    Bot - Bot lane, bottom of the map.
    Brb - Be right back.
    BT - Bloodthirster
    Buff – Refers to blue buff, red buff, baron nashor buff. A buff that gives your champion or team mate more power or regeneration.
    Build – The items that you buy for your champion to fight. (Like boots, ad, defense, etc)
    Burst - Dealing a large amount of damage in a short time, also called nuke.
    Bush/brush - The tall grass on every map in which you can hide.
    Care – To be careful
    Carry/Carried - Another champion in your team that is winning the game for you or you're carrying which means you're winning the game for your team.
    Cba - Can't be arsed.
    CC - Crowd Control
    CD - Cooldown.
    CDR - Cooldown reduction.
    Counter Jungling - Basically invading the opponents jungle to steal buffs and creeps.
    CP – Refers to a capture point in dominion.
    Creep - Another word for minions.
    Crit - Critical strike.
    CS - Stands for creep score, means the amount of minions you've killed.
    CV - Clairvoyance
    DC - Disconnected/disconnection/disconnect
    Debuff – Something that makes a champion weaker in some way. E.g. Slow.
    Def - Defend
    Deny - To deny the enemy something basically means to prevent them from having something.
    Dive - Tank turret to get a kill
    DPS - Damage per Second
    Drag – Dragon
    Duo lane - A lane with two players in it.
    Durable – Having high health, armor and magic resistance and so being hard to kill.
    Elo – Your rating in ranked
    Exchange - An exchange is when you exchange damage with your opponent. Like you killing them and they kill you. A trade off.
    Facecheck – To check a brush for enemies by going in headfirst without using wards, clairvoyance, or any other means.
    Farm – To kill minions and get gold.
    FB – First blood
    Feeder/Feeding - Someone who's constantly dying and giving the opponent kills.
    Fed - Someone who has tons of kills early game and has the power to snowball the entire game without dying. (Meaning someone with a lot of kills)
    FM - Frozen Mallet
    Focus – To attack the same person in a teamfight
    FotM - Flavour of the Month
    Fratmas - Frozen Mallet + Atma's Impaler
    FTW - For the Win.
    FU = Stands for f*** you.
    GA - Guardian Angel
    Gank/Ganking: Basically just "jumping/invading" a lane to kill someone. To surprise the enemy, to face off the enemy without them knowing. This is done mostly by junglers but other lanes do ganks as well.
    GG – Good game.
    GJ – Good job.
    GL – Good luck.
    Golems - Monsters in the jungle.
    GP - Gangplank
    GP5 - Gold per five seconds.
    Harass – To deal significant damage to someone frequently.
    HF – Have fun
    Hold - Holding a lane, turret, or golem buffs.
    HP5 - Health regeneration
    Huehuehuehue = An exaggerated laugh.
    Hug - Stay near the tower and not move from the tower.
    Idd - Indeed
    IE - Infinity Edge
    Inc - Incoming
    Imba - Imbalanced
    Initiate – To be the one to start a fight with the opponent in the field of justice.
    Invade - To go into the opponents jungle and steal any buffs or monsters without getting caught and continuing back to your jungle (if jungler)
    IP – Influence points
    Juke/Juking - Someone who has gotten away without dying by tricking the opponent of them doing something like going into the bush and luring them then running very quick out. (Basically like hide-n-go seek)
    Jungle – Refers to almost everything that is not lane or base. It is where the jungle monsters reside.
    Jungler - The player who mostly stays in the jungle and gains gold from killing the monsters there.
    KS - Killsteal or kill securing
    L2P - Learn to play
    Leash - To hit the golem that they want with only one hit or multiple without killing it.
    Lifesteal - Allows you to regain part of the damage you dealt as health.
    Meta - Short for meta-game.
    Metasheep - Basically following the meta.
    MF - Miss Fortune
    Mia = Missing in action
    Mid – Mid lane
    MP5 - Mana regeneration
    MrP - Magic penetration
    MS - Movement Speed
    MVP - Most valuable player
    N1 - Nice one.
    Nerf – To "debuff" a champion or item. To make it weaker than before or create changes that make it less powerful.
    Noob/Newb/Newbie/Nub/Nab - Someone who sucks and is very bad at the game
    Np - No problem
    Nuke – Dealing a large amount of damage in a short time
    Nuker – Someone who is capable of nuking.
    OMG - Oh my God.
    OMW - On my way.
    OOM – Out of mana.
    OP - Overpowered
    Overextending - Someone who's too far into the enemies territory which signals the opponent to have the oppurt. to trap the over extender and kill him/her.
    Passive – Your "ability" that is activated (on at all times). Some passives have CD.
    PD - Phantom dancer
    Pink - Vision ward
    Poke - Harassing an opponent without taking damage.
    Push – To destroy turrets and get into their base as soon as possible
    Push to win – To push directly without stopping to end the game already.
    QQ – Crybaby
    QSS - Quicksilver Sash
    Ragequitter - Someone who gets mad and ends up leaving the game.
    Re - As in not missing anymore or they're back.
    Red - Red Buff
    River – The area where its filled with "water" going from top to mid to mid to bot.
    Roam - A player who's constantly moving around all the time.
    RP – Riot points
    Shop – The in-game shop in your base where you can buy items for your champion with gold.
    Silence – When you're "muted" for a short period of time which means your skills are disable until the silence is gone. Similar to stun.
    Skillshot - A skill that a champion has that must require perfect/accurate aiming in order to make the skill hit the opponent.
    Snowball - This is a term that not many people use, this just means to gain a lot of power early game to dominate into late game.
    Solo top - Being alone top lane (as in laning alone)
    Spell vamp - To regain health from spells used.
    Split push - When two people push separately (Like top & mid or mid & bot, etc)
    Squishy – Very weak and dies easily when targeted.
    SR – Summoner’s Rift (The 5v5 map)
    Sry/srry - Sorry.
    SS - Missing (Another way for MIA)
    SMD: Suck my d***.
    Stack - Buying or using the same thing over and over (skills or items)
    Steal - Last hitting something to get it without even having to do much damage or work.
    Stun –To prevent them from moving, disabling them and unable to use skills when stunned.
    Supp - Support.
    Sustain - Can hold lane and win it without having to go B much or die.
    TF - Twisted Fate
    TLDR - Too long didn't read.
    Tower hug - To stay near your tower
    TP -Teleport
    tB = Their blue buff
    tR = Their red buff
    Tribunal - A reporting system created by League of Legends to report players.
    TS - Teamspeak.
    TT – Twisted Treeline, a 3v3 map
    U2 - You too.
    Ult – Ultimate.
    Vent - Ventrilo
    Wave - Minion wave.
    Wolves - The minions/monsters in the jungle near blue buff.
    Wota - Will of the ancients - an item in the in-game shop.
    WP - Well played.
    Wraiths - Monsters in the jungle.
    WW - Warwick


    X or right click - To attack a target or aim at them
    Q - Uses your first skill
    W - Uses your sec. skill
    E - Your third skill
    R - Your ultimate skill (fourth ability)
    Alt + Ability bind - Upgrades your ability
    D - Activates the spell you have for this key
    F - Activates the second spell you have for this key
    A - Attack move or, in other words, attack everything in your path to your destination.
    S - Pause movement or attack.
    H (hold) - Stops your champion and when you let go your champion will resume movement.
    G - Activates ping cursor.
    Y - Unlocks/Locks the camera on champion. (If unlocked your camera can move around)
    Spacebar - Centers your camera on your champion without it moving the canera
    1 – 6 - Each number is the slot on your inventory. You have the ability to use items that have skills (i.e health pots, mana pots, shields, etc)
    Alt + Left click - Pings a location you're pointing at
    Alt + Right click - This is to control a minion that has been summoned. (i.e Annie's Tibbers)
    Shift + Right click - To attack
    B or 7 - Recall.
    Z - Brings up the entire chat history made in the game
    M - Will show up a expanded mini-map in which you can see a bigger version of the map
    Arrow Keys - Moves the camera.
    Clicking on the minimap - Moves your screen to that location.
    C - Opens up a tab with your champion information containing health, armor, ArP, etc.
    P - This key opens up the shop tab in-game.
    Tab - Shows the entire scoreboard in game (i.e. enemies score and team score)
    L - On/Off Minion health bar
    Shift + L - Turns on/off champion health bar
    Shift + K - Turn off/on Summoners name.
    Crtl + F - Toggle option for the FPS and Latency Indicators.
    F12 - Takes a in-game screenshot
    Esc - Brings up settings, options and such/
    Enter - Opens up in-game chatbox where you can talk to teammates by default or /all for all chat (to chat with enemies)
    /help - To show you helps
    /all or shift + enter - To send message to the opponent for them to see
    /w "namehere" - To send a message to who ever you like in-game
    /r - To reply to the person who last messaged you.
    /mute "namehere" - Basically to not show anymore messages from the player in-game
    /buddylist - Lits all active players on your buddy list to the chat window.
    *English is not my native language so excuse any grammatical mistakes*

    ALWAYS message me on MPGH to verify that you are talking to me when dealing on skype

  2. #2
    Maggie-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    You should also explain turtle.

  3. #3
    Cemenela's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    FYI, ACE = All champions eliminated

  4. #4
    PlainPat's Avatar
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    this made me chuckle

  5. #5
    Raidar's Avatar
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    You missed out BoRK/BoTRK - Blade of the Ruined King

  6. #6
    Derpik's Avatar
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    In your worst nightmares.
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    why you bump old thread?

    Image by thesirexploit. Be sure to check him out.

    Feel free to donate to me.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Derpik For This Useful Post:

    viki69 (05-09-2015)

  8. #7
    paskanaama's Avatar
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    "old" when did this expire?

  9. #8
    Misery Jr.'s Avatar
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    Thank you

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