Accatuly I think CF is dying but not because of Egys/BRs it's because Z8 can't take care of the game like SubaGames did
It can be true that Z8 Cf is dying but not the chinese one
Laos its possible that the iDiot egyptians keeps Z8 more than stable enough to run Cf, they are just too Dumbass XD
Accatuly I think CF is dying but not because of Egys/BRs it's because Z8 can't take care of the game like SubaGames did
Z8 is just doing a terrible job
Counter strike should be first
A free to play is higher on the chart than a subscription (WoW) game. That's disturbing.
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Syephro (01-20-2014)
Crossfire is not even Playable right now. Hacker everywhere. Low rank or High rank with dumb Keyboard bashed names. Fuck CF.
Crossfire is just a bad game. There are many better games out there, like Counter Strike Global Offence.
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Cf is shit. End of story.
what?! LoL in 2nd place?!
Anything can PM me. I'm from Malaysia.
Actually for me after playing BF4/3 - Most CODs - CSGO
I can say, crossfire is the best of them all.
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