Looking to buy only cheap cs go skins i do however want to buy a pair of dual beretta hemo's for like 30 cents. thats pretty much around what they go for normally anyway.
Quote me with what skins you have and how much you are selling them for
Also i'm looking to buy cheap skins from the same collection
I'm also fine with buying more then one of the same thing
So also post if some of the skins are from the same collection. Ie if your tec 9 p250 and mp7 are from bravo collection then post that those 3 are from bravo

I'll only go first if you are trusted
If i have to go first you will have to have the guns in the trade window while i pay you
And i will be sending a 1 cent payment first to make sure you don't scam me by telling me i didn't send you money and that the paypal you gave me was the wrong one....