Hi guys.

Something I sort of thought about while derping around in the game lobby. The idea is allowing people to set their room names without the character count limit.

The client seems to limit the name of the room to 15 characters long, but the servers seem to accept the predefined room names that goes over the character limit. From that, I might think it is possible to bypass the limit.

Also, I might think that this can also be seen with character/account creation and choosing your IGN, where they impose a 10 character limit with no special characters. But that's another topic to be/not-to-be discussed sometime later.

Of course you may be wondering, "Why don't you code one up yourself and try?" And I would say, "Because I'm too late learning additional material on VB and other stuff. Also I'm dealing all the exams, papers, and group projects I have going on right now for college."

Would like to ask anyone if this is plausible, or I am just thinking absurdly?