The purpose of this guide is to have a uniform system for League of Legends guides. A player should be able to read one guide and go to another guide and see the same system used. This creates nice, professional guides that are useful for any player trying to go through guides. Obviously, if you want to go more advanced, that is totally up to you. But using this guide as a starting point will help get the ball rolling on guides. (Considering I haven't seen many on here at the time).

(Note that parts of this post are stolen from other posts I have read.)

How to start - The first and most important thing is finding a good champion to write about. It's very important that you first think and meditate a lot about what you are going to write and what exactly will be included, what the main concepts are and what your main goal is. Also, it's very important that you actually know what you are talking about; that you play the champion or you know how to juke others, where to place wards, how to counter other champions and line-ups etc. Don't write a guide if you yourself are still in need of learning the champion itself. Play him/her, try to gather information about the champion and talk to others who play that champion exceptionally well. That will help you achieve your goal of mastering the champion.

Main Concepts of Champion Guides - Something to remember, before anything else, is to write the words to the guide and then format it later on. Of course it's not this strict, you can already format some of the headings (especially bolding is really useful), but the information is the most important, not the eye-candy part. After you have a basic that you can shape, start formatting the guide (which I will write more about in a section below). The following should be included in *every* champion guide:

a: At the top of the guide, the purpose of the guide and why it is effective

b: description of all 4 of the champions abilities, their basic statistics per level, their ability power scaling, the champions base HP/MP/Armor/Spell block/attack speed/damage and how well they scale with level, movement speed, etc.

c: Suggested masteries to get with the champion. Make sure you denote which ones are more important than others, as not all the players who use your guide will be summoner level 30. Also, why you chose these specific masteries.

d: Suggested rune make-ups, and why. Offer other alternatives, and also mention runes that are absolutely worthless.

e: Suggested summoner abilities, alternate ones, and why

f: Basic item build, and alternative items if needed based on the opponent (ie, magic resistant item or armor item that is good on the champion in case the other team has a lot of magic damage or physical damage)

g: Basic ability build: when to get which abilities at what levels, and why

h: Why the build works

i: Strategies for laning or going in to the monster forest, based on what your guide is for

Pictures and Illustrations: Pictures and Illustrations add a visual perspective to the player reading the strategy. Showing icons of abilities, the ability in use, etc. can greatly improve the reception of the guide. Make sure you take screenshots at the very highest quality possible.

I Myself, Annie will be posting guides on champions ( Probably on Annie) shortly on the forum if interested. Side Note: I figured I'd just make this post considering I'm new and have not that many.