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  1. #1
    thescarface2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    [release] i finally got tnt hack to work for xp

    hey you guys so im here to tell u about the tnt hack working for xp again becus lolz2much beta bypass is working

    hey.. so i cant upload the files as attachments for some reason so ill give u links to the hack and u just download it and ill tell u the steps

    Remember this is for xp so if ur another user just close thepage or whatever but anyways

    heres screenie after patch

    download these stuff down here

    thats the engine.exe itll help

    get only the tnt hack the bypass for xp is patched

    and download that 1 too for the bypass

    okayyy now for the steps

    heres a screenie of the tnt hack: all the files with winrar and then extract it to ur desktop or a folder up perx and in the 'what to inject box' just type in Engine.exe

    3.after ur done with that click the browse button on the perx thingy and put in the dlls in this order d3d9.dll, tnt hack.dll , and the bypass

    4.right click combat arms icon and click compatibilty mode 2000 ca and press start and it should auto inject

    6.have fun!

    ALL THESE HACKS AND STUFF ARE LEECHED so you dont need to thank me thank the plp i gave the links to

    credits to lolz2much
    lolz2much for the bypass
    corndog for leeching it
    mr moggy for doing the old engine.exe thingy
    and me for the useful guide

    u dont need to thank me

    and plz dont say anything just cuz im a choob
    Last edited by thescarface2; 10-04-2009 at 01:45 AM.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to thescarface2 For This Useful Post:

    CrashCrash (10-04-2009),thechipmyster (10-04-2009)

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